The Returner

The Returner 9 volumes (Coins)

1. Why is it hot? (1)

“Ugh... ”

Lee Hyuk, who came out of the gate, hugged his body and exclaimed.

“Why is it so hot? ”

It was impossible to understand.

You're not in bad shape, either. Why are you suddenly so hot?

“Is something wrong? ”

Lee Hyuk examined his body.

“I think we're good. ”

But it was strange that it was so hot.

It's been a while since I've felt anything like this.

It's like…….

“... Of course not. ”

Lee Hyuk shook his head trembling.

That can't be happening. Never!


Kim Da Hyun frowned.

“Not what? ”

“Knng... ”

Kim Da-hyun, who had regained some reason as he passed through the gate, did not just treat Lee Lee Hyuk as before.

But I still haven't corrected my sarcasm.

Lee Hyuk knows the best way to fix that, but it was bitter for Kim Da-hyun now.

‘It's a little tight. ’

It was Apeldiche who did it, but if you think about who the lizard is here for, you can't escape Lee Hyuk's responsibilities completely.

“Hnng... ”

If I hadn't committed such a sin, I would have smacked that arrogant snot until it turned into a frog...

“Where should I go now? ”

“He's in his office. ”


Kim Da Hyun asked me in a stiff tone.

“If she's hurt, why is she in the office? ”

“It's not that bad. And that's not something you can fix by going to the doctor anyway. ”

“Oh, shit! ”

It was Kim Da-hyun who said very briefly, 'I can't argue, but I don't like’.

Should I just call him? ’

Since when did I get the better of you?

Why don't you just close your eyes and hit me?

Kim Da-hyun walked to the office, leaving Lee Hyuk who was troubled.

“Phew... ”

Lee Hyuk, who had not made a decision, shook his head and followed after him.


Kim Da-hyun saw Kim Da-hyun lying on the bed, running to tears and holding her hand.

Kim Da-som, who was half asleep, opened his eyes and looked at Kim Da-hyun.


“Yes, Dasom! It's me!”

“Ji-hyuk? ”

“ ……. ”

Kim Da-som's eyes turned towards Lee Hyuk who followed behind Kim Da-hyun.

Kim Da-hyun, who became invisible after falling asleep, looked at Lee Hyuk with a pathetic face.

Lee Hyuk nodded his head toward Kim Da Hyun.

Yeah, I get it.

I know your heart. Don't cry.


Lee Hyuk replied absurdly.

It's not that I don't want to be nice to you because I'm sick, but I couldn't be nice to you because the laser from Kim Da-hyun's eyes was really going to burn me.

"How can a human be so poisonous? ’

Lee Hyuk shook his head.

I've had a lot of grudges against a lot of people, but for this reason, it was the first time I've ever seen a human hold such a grudge.


By the time Lee Hyuk who heard this grinding sound of Kim Da-hyun was thinking about what was in that man's head, the Appledrice came into the room.

“What's going on? ”

I heard the situation roughly, but did not hear the details.

She replied as if she did not hear Yi Hyuk's words.

“Mana backflow. ”

“Did you teach her magic? ”


Lee Hyuk tilted his head.

“How can you... in a town without Manawa...? ”

“I have a stallion. ”

“Ah……. ”

By the way, there's a stall.

If we can get the Mana extracted from the stable to spill into the body, even Humans in this area can use magic.

“Since when do you teach? ”

“Not long. ”

“But Mana's reflux? ”


I looked at Appeldrich with a face that Lee Hyuk couldn't understand.

In other words, mana reflux was a kind of occupational disease experienced only by wizards.

Since Mana failed to control it in the flesh, it is called Mana backflow.

The strange thing is that Mana backflow also happens to wizards of some degree who can control large amounts of Mana.

There is a disagreement between the words "I just learned magic" and "Mana reflux".

“What happened?”

“Long story short. ”

“Mmmm... ”

I looked at the Appledrice as if Lee Hyuk didn't like it. Then I asked her again.

“Then why did you teach magic? ”

“You said you wanted to learn. ”


“He wants to be strong. ”

“ ……. ”

Lee Hyuk was hard to understand.

Why should an ordinary person like her become stronger as she learns magic?

“Hmm……. ”

Lee Hyuk, who realized that the cause of the problem was not the appendage, turned to Kim Da-Som.

“Dasom, doesn't it hurt a lot? What did the doctor say? When is he gonna get better? You look pale. Shouldn't we go back and check again now? Or do you want me to go get a doctor now? ”



“Get out of here, it's crazy. ”

“ ……. ”

“Come on.”


Kim Da-hyun, who looked like a dried dog, walked out flattered.

“Ugh……. ”

When I heard the sound of holding back his tears, I looked at his back with the eyes that Lee Hyuk was sorry.

‘Idiot. ’

At first, I had a feeling that I had a violent brother with me, but I had to be more right about him.

I felt sorry for Kim Da-Som who had a brother like that.

Lee Hyuk looked at Kim Da-som and opened his mouth.

“Why are you talking nonsense? ”

Kim Da-som slightly avoided Lee Hyuk's gaze without answering.

“Why? You have all the abilities around you, and you feel left out because you're a normal person? ”


“Then what's the matter? ”

“ ……. ”

Lee Hyuk sighed and said.

“A wizard with his powers, who do you think is good enough for that? ”


“People are best when they're confident. You don't look so good now that there's a bunch of talented people on TV. ”

“ ……. ”

“Normal is good, ordinary is good. ”

Lee Hyuk did not open his mouth anymore.

Kim Da-som reached out and grabbed Lee Hyuk's hand, looking a little bitter.


“… I'm sorry. ”


“I'm worried. ”



Why would I worry about you?

I can't even worry about my life. I can't worry about other people's work.

Lee Hyuk snorted.

However, I did not sprinkle Kim Da-som's hands.

He's a patient.

I'm sick now, so you should treat me a little kindly.

“Don't overdo it. ”


“Will you continue to learn his magic? ”

“I'll be careful from now on. ”

“... It's your life, so you're on your own. ”

In fact, it had nothing to do with him.

Since it was between Apeldice and Gimdasome, it was not something you could interfere with.

I'm just sad.

Learning magic is like living on the battlefield.

You may feel sad that you don't have abilities right now, but if you see blood and flesh splashing in front of your eyes, that idea will go away.

Who fights because they like it?

“Suit yourself. ”

Lee Hyuk got up and walked out.

Afeldrice enchants Gimdasom to sleep and follows Lee Hyuk outside.

“What are you doing? ”

Appeldrich replied with an unchanging look on his face.

“I just taught her that I wanted to learn magic. ”

“But you went all the way back to Mana? ”

“... I'm talented. ”


Appeldrich looks inside the door and says,

“I'm talented. When people in this world learn magic, they become exponentially better at this. ”

“Hmm……. ”

“I might be better than Ji-hyuk if I had the talent. So I went a little bit further, and I crossed the line. ”

“You're a dragon, and you can't even make a rational decision like that? Is that really because you're crazy? ”

“It wasn't enough for Mana to reverse its flow. Specifically, it's not Mana reflux, it's excessively stretched Mana's body. ”

“What's the conclusion? ”

“He's a natural wizard. It's worth teaching. ”


Lee Hyuk glanced directly at the appendage.

“Listen up, lizard. ”

“ ……. ”

“So have you thought about how long it would take that natural wizard to power us now? ”

“It might take a while. ”

“My only talent? It took me another thousand years to get here. It takes ten more years for a genius to get into the field. It seems like the concept of a dragon makes ten years seem like a short time, but objectively, we can't be sure that the world can last ten more years. What are you gonna do now that you're teaching me? ”

“That makes sense. ”

“Ha……. ”

Lee Hyuk grunted, revealing his teeth.

“Don't do anything useless. No more shaking around me. I might not be able to stand it if I keep coming out like this. ”

I looked at Lee Hyuk with a surprising eye.

“That's strange.”


“Did you have a notion of being around? ”

“ ……. ”

“You're the one who separated the world by me and not me. Do you have feelings for that little girl? ”

“No way. ”

Lee Hyuk snorted.

“Then it doesn't matter. ”

“Hey, lizard. ”


“Humans are a group life. Just because I don't have affection doesn't mean I don't care about my surroundings. Do you understand me? ”

“Human social concepts, perhaps I understand them better than you do. Isn't it Ji Hyeok who got away from such a social concept? ”

“I'm not out. ”

I was separated.

You fucking lizard.

Because the humans in Beraf were not my people.

I wasn't even human in there.

“There are some things no matter how smart you are, you just don't understand. ”

Aphedrice shakes his head as if he didn't know any better.

“I've felt it before, but I get confused when I talk to you. ”

“Good. I thought I was the only one. ”


Lee Hyuk was also speaking and feeling a contradiction within him.

Even though Gimdassom wanted to learn magic, what Apeldrich taught her had nothing to do with her.

Even if you get a little hurt in the meantime, Kim Da-Som is only responsible.

So why is it annoying?

I know it's not annoying with my head, but I keep getting annoyed.

‘I'm not feeling well today.... ’

I am not clear-headed enough to say whether I am annoyed because I am not in a good mood or not because I am annoyed.

When I tried to clean up the situation in a frustrated mood, the smartwatch rang.


― Lee Hyuk, this is Jung-hoon Choi.

“I have eyes, too. Tell me.”

― Talents have arrived from the United States.

“… that's great. ”

I needed a job to do.

The annoyance disappeared from Lee Hyuk's face and the playfulness began to rise.