The Returner

The Returner 9 volumes (19 currency)

4. I just decided to go out once (4)

“If there's another way, do it. ”

“This……. ”

I stared at Lee Hyuk with an annoyed young face.

“Can I buy you some time? ”

As Lee Hyuk gestured, the horses who were waiting started rushing back to Del Karan.

“Seo Ah Young!”


Seo Ah-young answered Lee Hyuk's call resolutely.

I know what Lee Hyuk is saying.

All she has to do is buy Lee Hyuk time to recover, filling the gap between the spell and the spell.

As soon as Seo Ah-young opened her eyes, Kim Da-hyun walked forward with a shiny look.

“Do you have to die twice? ”

Kim Da-hyun's eyes, which had been released without suppressing the boiling blood to his head, began to turn red.

The impulse for destruction flows through the body towards Del Karan.


Seo Ah-young lit a fire after Kim Da-hyun stepped forward.


“I know! ”

Yoon Hyuk-kyu also gathered his hands in front of him and focused his firepower.



The flames gathered in Yoon Hyuk-gyu's hands erupt fiercely and follow behind Kim Da-hyun's back.

Del Karan watches the actions of these trivial creatures with his own eyes.

However, his touch was not far from Lee Hyuk preparing something back there.

“I don't want to be beaten twice. ”

You can ignore their attacks. The important thing is to stop Lee Hyuk from using magic anymore.

Giving Castor some space is a problem, but if you let him attack you, even Del Karan will have to take the risk.

Delkaran brings his hands together and extends them forward.

The heads of the serpents in the whole body open their mouths as if they were resonant.

The sharp snake's teeth flash dangerously.


I could see that Lee Hyuk was serious.

But Aphedrice could not help but heal him.

“But Ji-hyuk.... ”

The appendage swallowed a murmur as it looked at Lee Hyuk's body.


Not a single place was fine from head to toe. All the capillaries of the eyes burst and were red, so the dark-bitten eyes were not terrifying, and the bones of the arms and legs were rarely broken and could not stand properly.

The muscles are all bursting out, and the skin is cracked, so the blood on the floor is strong.

The human body is overcompensating for its excessive use of black magic.

‘It's a good thing my mind is holding on.... ’

Lee Hyuk's body was so serious that it could not be comforted.

But can this body withstand the resistance to white horsepower?

Lee Hyuk opens his mouth to see if he knew how the appendage felt.

“If we stay like this, we're all going to die. ”

“ ……. ”

“And I think he's still dying. Leaving him alone isn't going to solve it, is it? ”

The appendage bites your lips.

“I can't do this alone. ”

“I know. But it doesn't matter, it's sacred. Auxiliary.”

Lee Hyuk's gaze turned to Roabel.

If there was an appendage, we couldn't even try. Magical healing and divine healing were fundamentally different. However, if there is Roavelle, treatment is possible.

“Then……. ”

“Do you have time to hang out? ”

At Lee Hyuk's words, the appendage closed its mouth.

There is a final method.

But I couldn't tell Lee Hyuk how to do it.

Lee Hyuk doesn't want to end up here because he doesn't know that either.

“Suit yourself. ”

In the end, Appeldrich admitted that he could not change the mind of Lee Hyuk.

“What are you going to do? ”

Roavelle asked me to listen to you two talk.

“… I'm going to use magic to heal Ji Hyuk's body. I need your help."

“You want to heal the Black Wizard with divine power and magic? There will be physical collapse. ”


A body that is this steeped in black magic will collapse with a repulsion of its magical power. Knowing that, the other day, Apeldrich was unable to cure Lee Hyuk.

But things are different now.

“You don't have to think about curing people, you just have to pour out all the sacred power you have. ”

“No way…. ”

“You need to heal faster than the rate of collapse. ”

“Can your body do that, and your mind endure? I've never done this before... ”

“Usually they go crazy or bite their tongues. But……. ”

It's him.

He's more familiar with pain and death than anyone else in the world, so he might be able to endure it.

“That's a lot to say. ”

Lee Hyuk grumbled and stared at Roebel.

“Don't you want to kill me? ”

“ ……. ”

“So spit it out. Do you know if you'll die? ”

“Don't be sorry for what you said. ”

Roavelle exclaims loudly.

“Go ahead. We don't have time to talk anymore. ”

“Mmmm... ”

The appendage grabbed hold of Lee Hyuk's shoulders without a word.

“I will. ”

“Hurry up!"

Lee Hyuk exclaims urgently.

Even if I try not to, the longer I drag it, the more I think NDFs are dangerous.

Appeldrich looks down at Lee Hyuk quietly, then closes his eyes and shouts.


“Bless your lamb, Bzgoth! ”

The flesh of Lee Hyuk begins to pour out white horsepower and divine power simultaneously.

“Huh……. ”

Lee Hyuk screamed without enduring the pain that poured into his body.

In front of more pain than I could have imagined, I opened my mouth and screamed in tears.

But the sound doesn't leak out.

The moment the sacred power and white horsepower poured in, the vocal chords and throats that burst out did not even make a sound.

Lee Hyuk vomited as he vomited only the sound of the wind.

“Just a little more! ”

Appeldrich cried out, seeing Lee Ji-hyuk like that.

The divine power of the waters poured out by Roabel seeps into the flesh of Lee Hyuk.

My body explodes.

My body melts.

However, the exploded flesh was restored in an instant, and the melted flesh rose quickly.

“Shhhhh... ”

While Lee Yi Hyuk's body was sagging, the appendage did not let go of the hand that held Lee Hyuk's shoulder. If we stop here, the body of Lee Ji-hyuk will collapse in no time. That means the complete death of Lee Ji-hyuk.

“More! More! ”

Roavelle lets out a cold sweat on the appendage and pours divine power over Lee Hyuk's body.

The heart of the appendage begins to ache as she sees Lee Hyuk crouching and convulsing like an animal.

What is it?

Without much time to figure out what that murmur was, the appendage pierced into Lee Hyuk's body as long as Manat was there.


Kim Da-hyun's eyes sparkle.

“You little pricks! ”

Del Karan casts his magic towards Kim Da-hyun with a face full of annoyance.

However, Kim Da-hyun managed to avoid those magical forces while messing up.

One arm was left with only a red cross-section of where it disappeared, and it was bleeding iron from the head, but Kim Da-hyun did not stop.

He knows.

As soon as he stops, everyone who supports him dies.

The only part of humanity that could be superior to Del Karan today was Gimda Hyun's speed.

It was Kim Da-hyun's role to make her run like a bug so that she wouldn't pay attention to Lee Hyuk.

And supporting Kim Da-hyun was the role of others.

‘This is it.’

Kim Da-hyun flew into the air and avoided the flying magic bullets. Then I laughed.

In a way, at this moment, it was not Lee Hyuk, Seo Ah-young, but Kim Da-hyun who was carrying the fate of mankind on his shoulders.

It is Kim Da Hyun who has been committed to saving the world in this position since he was Awakened as a Capable.

The half-broken commitment of Lee Hyuk was being revived at this moment.

Although the head was scrambled due to excessive bleeding and the crushing pressure of the magic grenade seemed to fracture the bones, Kim Da-hyun felt more loyal than ever.

I'm a pass drifter! ’

So don't look at people with those eyes.

I'm doing better than anyone. Can't you see the devil's got a fever and he doesn't know what to do?

“Dae-hyun! ”

Seo Ah-young's urgent voice pierced Kim Da-hyun's ear.

Oh, yeah?

What's the matter with you?

At that moment, Kim Da Hyun turned his head, feeling something approaching from behind his back.

The Magic Ammo, which you thought you had already dodged, turns and flies towards you.

‘Ah……. ’


That's inevitable.

And Kim Da-hyun's body will never be strong enough to withstand that magic bullet.

Then there's only one thing left.


Kim Da Hyun, who realized that death was coming, shook his hand.

Even though death was inevitable, it was his role to buy him a thousandth of a second more time.

Kim Da-hyun threw himself backwards with all his might.

If I could postpone the moment the magic grenade killed him for as long as I could, I could make even more time for Lee Hyuk to recover.


Kim Da Hyun opened his eyes, looking at the magic bullet that was about to hit his body.

Closing his eyes at the moment of death did not fit with his philosophy.

Be brave until the very last moment!


However, Kim Da-hyun's wish did not come true.

Park Seong-chan, who jumped in front of him, grabbed a bunch of ether and struck the flying magic bullet.


With a heavy blow, the Magic Ammo bends overhead and flies away.

“You fool! ”


Park Seong-chan turned around in the air, kicking Kim Da-hyun straight away.


Kim Da-hyun's body flew sideways like a bullet in Park Sung-chan's fierce kick.


Park Seong-Chan, who saved Kim Da Hyun, had no choice but to take the baptism of flying magic bombs with his whole body.

Boom! Kuaang!

A single shot creates a massive explosion that appears to have exploded.

“Park Seong-cha-an!”

Kim Da-hyun, who barely held his head to the ground, cried out while watching Park Sung-hyun who was caught in the explosion.

“Ugh... ”

Kim Da-hyun stood up with his trembling legs.

Seeing that I didn't have an arm, I couldn't balance it well, and I couldn't slow down, but I didn't have time to lie here comfortably.

Park Sung-chan may be dead.

But I don't even want to grieve.

I don't even have time to say thank you for saving my life.

Again! Again!

I run again.


Delkaran sees Kim Da-hyun rushing towards him, speeding up, and he gets tired of it a little.

“Weak things... ”

Don't humans have any survival instincts?

Did the humans he knew get rid of him?

Del Karan senses that his notion of being human is shaken.

Humans here are not like Beraf's Humans.


“What's different? ”

Kim Da-hyun rushes toward the red-eyed eye, and Del Karan reaches out with shouts and releases his magic.


A magical snake created by Del Karan flew out of his mouth toward Kim Da-hyun.

“Dae-hyun! ”

Kim Da-hyun's body was so easily struck by the black snake that the sound of Seo Ah-young's shout was so colorless.