The Returner

The Returner 10 volumes (13 denominations)

3. What have you summoned? (3)

It was quite grotesque.

Few would like to see the slimy liquid slowly sink to the ground through a giant door that opens in the middle of the air.

Of course, Seo Ah-young was also a person of normal taste, and of course, she could not enjoy seeing the scenery.

“Ugh... ”

It gives me goosebumps all over my body.


Jung Jeong-min approached them one day and asked, looking at the scene.

“What's that? ”

Seo Ah-young looked back at Jeong-min, putting a stain on her face.

“You might not know! ”

“No, that's not it... I don't feel so good seeing her. ”

Lee Hyuk laughed at Seo Ah-young's reaction.

Why do they hate it?

Slime is a very popular character in many games and so on.


I have to...

Lee Hyuk revealed his satisfaction when he saw the slime landing from the air to the ground.

In fact, it was not that pretty even for Lee Hyuk.

Mucinous liquids that were appropriately spanned between subtly transparent and opaque flowed down the tubes.

“Why did you bring that! ”


Lee Hyuk kicked his tongue, watching Seo Ah-young being sticky.

Why does heaven not give man two things at once?

If this woman had a brilliant head, she would have the best talent of all time.


I knew it.

Lee Hyuk nodded at Choi Jung-hoon's voice coming from behind his back.

If you can't get the best of both, you should at least go with them.

Choi Jung-hoon arrives at the scene, nodding as he sees the slime filling the floor.

“If that slimy semi-liquid seeps into the cracked floors or shaky buildings, we can prevent it from collapsing. ”


Lee Hyuk smiled gladly.

I always feel comfortable with someone who recognizes it and explains it when I do something.

You don't have to tell me what to do.

Even as Lee Hyuk was realizing the usefulness of Choi Jeong-hoon, slime poured down like a waterfall at the gate.

Seeing how viscous it is, the speed isn't fast, but the amount flowing out of the gate fills up enormously.

“ ……. ”

How long will it last?

“But is that... coming out all the time? ”


“How much longer? ”

Lee Hyuk tilted his head.

For how long?

“I don't know about that. ”

“... There is no way a man can do anything. ”

I'd love to push the buffer in, but is it okay to keep coming out like that?

Choi Jung-hoon opened his mouth for a while because he felt that it would be difficult to deal with afterwards.

“But that slime... I don't suppose that's going to be a problem, is it? ”

“Yes, it's gentle. ”

“... are you alive? ”

“It's a monster. Strangely, there are images of people as friendly friends and thankful monsters that melt a pretty girl's clothes, but not at all. It's just a regular monster that you swallow, choke, and then melt. ”

Well, I mean...

Suffocation and dissolution...

Choi Jung-hoon's eyes began to twitch.

“You said you were gentle.”

“Be gentle. Slow burst and can't swallow properly. Monsters are that gentle. Did you want a puppy or something? ”

You have a puppy.


Choi Jung-hoon asked with a trembling voice.


Jung-hoon's fingers point to a large building. The slime trickles down and pushes the slime into the building.

“What about the people in there? ”

Lee Hyuk shrugged.

“I'll die. ”

“ ……. ”

Choi Jung-hoon grabbed Lee Hyuk's shoulder tightly.

“No! You summoned me to save lives! What's the difference between dying here and dying there? ”

“I'll die less painful. ”

“Phew……. ”

Lee Hyuk slid off Choi Jung-hoon's arm, holding his shoulder.

“What a joke. Don't worry. I told you to push people away. I'll push him up to the top. And if anyone falls from the top, they'll also act as cushions. ”

“Young trust... …. ”

“Oh, don't believe it! ”

Choi Jung-hoon looked at Lee Hyuk with a fat face.

“I don't trust people, trust people! ”

“When did I not believe you from the beginning! Who do you think did this to me? ”

“Oh, is this my fault? Was I wrong?”

“The more you go through people, the more trust you have to build, because you're blowing up the trust you have! ”

“I didn't do anything! ”

“Phew……. ”

Choi Jung-hoon lost his words.

What did you say?

Do I have to tell you so many stories now?

“Would you like to submit a paper? I can write you a very good paper. ”

“No, thanks. I can't read it because it's annoying. ”


Choi Jung-hoon shakes his head.

‘Anyway, this is huge. ’

Looking at it, it looked great.

Mucus pours from the gate and fills the city. A semi-transparent liquid fills the cracked floor and grabs the shaking building like a flood.

How did you come up with this? ’

Even if Choi Jung-hoon knew the existence of Slime, he could not be sure it could be used in this situation.

To him, monsters were meant to be eradicated, not used as tools.

Because it was Lee Hyuk, it was an idea I could do, and because it was Lee Hyuk, I could do it.


The floor twists and shakes freely, but no buildings collapse fortunately, either because the slime was shocked.


Seo Ah-young looked at the scene and was amazed.

That human, anyway....

It seems useless, but it helps when it's decisive.

“First of all, I solved it. ”

“Well done.”


Lee Hyuk scratched his head.

"Well done", how long has it been since I received a compliment?

All this time, I've been running around sweating my feet, and I've always been scolded and complained about it, but I'm smiling without knowing it.

That's why they say ogres dance.

Lee Hyuk turned his head and looked at Cyclops.


Cyclops whips a slime around him with a mace.

“Hmm……. ”

The height of the cyclops is so large that the slime piles up so thick, it only rises to its knees. Seeing the slime coming up to that knee smacking you around with a mace, it felt ridiculous somehow.

“I almost fucked up. ”

Lee Hyuk took a deep breath.

Cyclops is not a monster that can bring about the destruction of humanity. Even without Lee Hyuk, it was a monster that could capture the abilities if they were united.

But when I fell into this position, I literally became the worst monster.

If Lee Hyuk hadn't thought that he should take advantage of Slime for a moment, the city would have been destroyed.


At that moment, Lee Hyuk tilted his head and nodded alone.



“No, I was talking to that slime. ”

“ ……. ”

What are they saying?

You're telling me you can relate to that squishy-looking creature?

More than an Animal Communicator.

To put it bluntly, this human talks like a human being.

But missy's kind of a dog.

It's not an insult, it's a dog.

No, it's just like a dog. Puppy!

“Is the horse integrated? ”

Lee Hyuk stared at Choi Jung-hoon with a blank face.

“Where would he say? ”

... Don't look at me like that.

That's how you want to kill yourself.

You're not the only one who can look at me like that.

Choi Jung-hoon wept.

What is it, this shitty feeling?

“Oh, yeah? ”

“Will works. ”

That's it…….

Even if I say it like hell, it's better if I understand it.

“With that monster? ”

“It's kind of cute. ”

“I don't want to argue about unconsciousness. So what are we collecting? ”

“Ah……. ”

Lee Hyuk smiled.

“What could it be, a person. Did you know you collected coins? ”

Lee Hyuk laughed and Choi Jung-hoon's face rotted.

* * *

“Aaaah! What the hell! ”

Chang Ceremony was always unlucky.

Just for today.

Chang Chang Dynasty, a neighborhood drinking parlor in Bangkok, has never been able to get around the streets.

When you look for a dive bar where others can break through, you tend to look for a convenience store. Of course, there were no adult items that couldn't be bought by a decorator with a face equipped with an ID pre-pass feature.

Even though my friends begged me to go to the bar once, I was annoyed and didn't go well.

It's been a long time since I've been in a street like that.

What his clothes are.

Just buy it roughly over the Internet!

However, his sister and mother thoroughly punished the chanting of the ceremony, and eventually the ceremony had to go out to the street to buy clothes.

“You just need to buy some! ”

The reason was simple.

The flesh that had expanded to the limits of man did not allow him to wear the clothes of the weak common man. The size of the big one suddenly turned into a tighty, and the ready-to-wear outfit couldn't cover the body of the creator.

I wonder if the uniform was also custom-made.

So, all he could buy on the Internet was a big size-only product, and strangely enough, a big mall clothing often boasted crazy designs.

So put it on, Sarah.


Very reasonable

But the reason it didn't make sense is that among the many clothes that were bandited in this vast street, finding clothes that could be worn by a decorator was really like finding a needle in the desert.

Chang's ceremony was very sad, but after the allowance and every morning, he ended up on the rice table.

But then you can either come with me or you can spend some time alone with all kinds of excuses.

What was sadder was that there were no more clothes than usual today.

‘Sir, I think you can wear it.’ When I put on clothes, the magic of turning hip-hop hoods into span training clothes unfolded.

How many times do I have to force myself to wear it and go right before it breaks?

“I won't buy it! I'm not buying!”

It was when Chang Ceremony finally gave up buying clothes and was out smoking a cigarette.


Suddenly, I started shaking on the floor.

“Ugh! What the hell! ”

Earthquake in Seoul!

This isn't Tokyo!

Earthquake blah blah blah, Korea is not a safe zone, blah blah blah blah, was that true?

What do you do when an earthquake strikes?

Are we going inside the building?

But if you go in there and the building collapses, you're going to die.

While Choi Chang was wandering around not knowing how to react, the earthquake subsided a little.

“Hey, is it over? ”

No way.

Something strange appeared in the eyes of the most ceremonial swirling around.

Soft and soggy...

And something grotesque begins to drift towards him.


It was a difficult day.