The Returner

The Returner 11 volumes (Currency 11)

3. Didn't you miss me? (1)


Rumfield whistles as he looks at the woman across the scope.

“I'm not kidding. ”


“You look great. ”

“Crazy bastard.”

His aide Bradley raises his middle finger.

“Oh, don't cover for me, Scope. ”

“No tension, no tension. ”

“There's no tension. ”

Rumfield was overconfident.

The heavy sniper rifle in his hand lifts his chest.

This specially custom-made sniper rifle is not as powerful as the sniper rifle he's used so far.

I was surprised when I took the test shot.

I was dumbfounded by the destructive power of this little gun.

“It has to be successful. ”


That's how nervous Rumfield was to make fun of his mouth without rest.

I've known from experience that it doesn't make me feel better to keep your mouth shut and stay calm.

I was able to come here because I was Rumfield, one of the most proud and respected snipers in the United States. But I can't help feeling nervous.

“It's a little weird that she's the first person to use something this awesome. ”

“He's a gifted man.”

“Can't a powered man even get a bullet in him? I just wanted to see if I could use one of these. It's not that far. ”

― Lack of explanation?

“I'm sorry."

Rumfield froze and replied.

Once he entered the operation, it was not uncomfortable for him to radio directly with Army Chief of Staff Hana that he was given judgment about the situation.

My back muscles pulled tightly.

― Relaxing is good, but don't be too relaxed as it must be successful.

“I'll keep that in mind.”

- This is very important. 'Cause I need to screw those dickheads and Christopher. You have to prove that we haven't been playing games. Let's give them the alarm. Do you understand what I'm saying?

“Of course.”

- Yes, then get ready.

Rumfield grabs the sniper rifle without a word.

"How does this work? ’

A sniper's understanding of firearms is essential. The problem is that the gun cannot be disassembled, and he has only been paid for the gun for three hours.

I didn't have enough time to understand the firearms. It was a good time just to get used to the gun by holding the zero point.

Fortunately, it fits your hand so well that you can get used to it in no time.

Stick a needle in your fingertips and stand in the air before pushing your eyes into the scope.

“It's outdated. Did you leave the monitor as a form? ”

“Leave it. It fits better. ”

Measurers and monitors to measure the wind and wind speeds to the target in real time were installed right next to him, but Rumfield believed more in the way he had done.

Machines are convenient, but there's more to miss if you rely on them.

The evidence was that those who believed that way could not be here.

Rumfield licks his lip a little and brings an eye to the scope.

“The angle will bend as it passes through the glass. ”

“Bradley, leave it alone. I'm not in kindergarten. You've already simulated and rehearsed the same situation so many times. I'll be a hundred million pieces of broken glass in an hour. ”

“Oh, not even a hundred. ”

I know that it is intended to check things I can forget and relax. But I was irritated when it kept repeating.

‘Let's stay calm.'

This constant irritation was proof that he was that nervous now.

Tension causes the heart to beat and the blood flow rate to accelerate.

Tension is not good for a sniper who needs to stay steady as a stone and not shake a bit.

After a light breath, Rumfield shuts his eyes and opens.

As I concentrate on the scope, I see a woman lying on the couch over the glass.

“Damn, do I have to kill that woman? ”

This is a human loss.

“That's a monster. Don't be deceived.”

“I know, but I know... ”

Bradley thought that a monster like that wouldn't be so bad.

- Are you ready?


― Christopher is on the move. Mine's over. We don't have time to wait.

“This side is always ready. ”

- All right, we're on. Finish without fail.


Rumfield takes a deep breath.

I can feel Bradley slipping away from him. At the same time, my senses were pulled tightly.

‘Go to heaven. ’

I don't know how it works, but he's got one hell of a sniper rifle in his hand.

They say he uses electromagnetic devices, not gunpowder. Not that he needs to know.

All he needs to know is that this sniper rifle is powerful enough to pierce through high-performance bulletproof glass installed in every window of the White House.

“Bye-bye, baby. ”

Rumfield stops breathing.

I wait for the body to react and feel the direction of the wind with my body.



One clean shot.

The bullet that Rumfield fired pierced the President's office's bulletproof window and put it on the woman's head lying on the couch.

“On target. Repeat, target hit. ”

An elephant can't survive as long as it's hit in the head.

Rumfield takes his eyes off the scope and sighs deeply.

Given that his hands were wet and wet, he seemed to be very nervous.

“You did it. You did it! ”

“This is nothing. ”

Rumfield pulls his sniper rifle out of his shoulder as he makes a move.

While the sweat dripped from his forehead, Bradley did not point out that.

Anyway, I think we got it done.

- What's the situation?

“We did it perfectly. ”

- Did you check?

“Of course. I saw a bullet in her forehead.

- Did you check if she collapsed?

“Of course……. ”

Rumfield blurs.

Even if I did, I don't think there will be a problem, but reporting should always be accurate.

- Check it now! Do it now!

"What the hell are you doing? ’

No matter how powerful she is, even a 1m concrete sniper can get away with a clean shot to the head.

This is pre-common sense.


- Now!

Rumfield tilts his head and raises his gun again, hearing an urgent voice coming from across the radio.

There's so much distance, you have to look at the scope to see the inside.

Rumfield's eyes tremble with eyes on the scope.

“Eh……. ”

Office of the President.

A giant spear just behind the President's desk.

A woman stands in that window, staring at him.


It couldn't have happened.

I saw the bullet in her head with my own eyes…….

“Ugh... ”

What scares me more is…….

She was looking right at him.

From there, Rumfield will look smaller than an ant!

“What the hell! ”

At that moment.


Suddenly, the black smoke started kicking into the window.

Christopher picks up the phone and presses the phone. As soon as the phone is connected, an angry voice pops out.

“Hey, you bastard! I told you to keep those bastards out of trouble, didn't I? ”

- Boo, it's definitely been delivered.

“Delivery? Delivery ends here! Find out which son of a bitch did this and bring him to me! If you don't want to pick on me, too! ”

- I'm on my way.

“Damn it!”

Christopher throws his phone to the ground.

“... It looks expensive...... ”

Christopher tries to ignore Lee Hyuk's words, even though he hears a shrill sound next to him.

When I heard Yi Hyuk's razorblade dam in the same mood, my insides burst, causing a fissure.

“Find out what's going on! Right now! Turn on your vision and set up the Situation Room right this way! ”


Those who felt the serious atmosphere of Christopher began to move urgently.

The monitors flew in and the tent slammed into place.

“Oh, it's fast. Is this all you've got?”

“ ……. ”

Why doesn't he have a mute in his mouth?

And why his brain doesn't have atmospheric recognition?

People have to look at things and feel like shit!

Keeping my identity that way was admirable on the one hand.


The monitor turned on and the view was revealed inside the office of the president, which was taken from the outside.

“Hnng... ”

But I couldn't figure out what was going on inside because it was full of black Margaery.

“Hopefully we can confirm the president's survival. ”

Christopher lowers his head with desperate eyes.

“Who are you? Who are you?" ”

Roughly a guess.

Probably an overplay from the Pentagon that he tried to build up before he moved on. I thought it was time for those bastards to do something, so I told them to arrest me that much....

“Defense Secretary, you bastard! ”

Christopher wasn't always in charge of abilities. There was a time when he was one of them.

How can you hit your back like this?

Teeth grind, but now is not the time to indulge them.

If we can figure this out, we'll have plenty of time!

“Lee Hyuk! ”

“… This is a different story……. ”

Lee Hyuk looked at the White House with a fat face.

There was nothing unusual about Magi coming out of there.

I don't think he's the Demon King. ’

Once you enter this world, you'll have to deal with it, but Mana's density is no joke.

Even though it's almost pure, my eyes frown at the sight of black magic gushing out.

“Sir, the president is in danger. ”

“To……. ”

Lee Hyuk scratched his head.

“Can we come in in 10 minutes? ”

“Why is that?”

“At that rate, a normal person would melt clean to the bone after roughly 10 minutes of exposure without any threat, then dispose of the disappearance.... ”

“Ahhhhhh! Lee Hyuk! ”

“Oh, okay. Come on, I'm coming. Don't cry. Tell me! ”

Lee Hyuk grumbled and walked forward.

“Are you going? ”


“Are you coming? ”

“Mmmm... ”

Lee Hyuk stared at Jung-min with puffy eyes and shook his head.

“No. It looks dangerous, so I'll just do it myself. ”

“But wouldn't it be better if we went together? If it's ambiguous, we can get out through the teleport. ”

“Yes, I'll go with you. ”

“I think so, too. ”

Lee Hyuk nodded slightly with a fat face, coordinating with Seo Ah-young and Choi Jung-hoon.

“Then what……. ”

When Lee Hyuk is not stopped, people follow him.

"What are they doing with their lives? ’

You've seen what the Demon King looks like, but what does he believe in?

Lee Hyuk sighed and began walking towards the White House.


Why am I... so anxious?

Yeah? Yeah.

I keep getting chills.

Lee Hyuk stared at the White House with a shivering face.

There must be something in there...

“Whatever it is, it doesn't matter! ”

Lee Hyuk resolutely moved his feet.