The Returner

The Returner 13 volumes (25 currency)

5. If you want to say you're crazy, you have to do this (5)

“Let's just say thank you. ”

As Ri Jin-chul turned away, Jung Jung-min approached Lee Hyuk.

“What's he saying? ”

“Well……. ”

Lee Hyuk smiled.

“I don't know. ”

“... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked. ”

Jung Jeong-min shoved an apple cut into Lee Hyuk's mouth without saying a word.

“But when are we coming back? ”

Lee Hyuk became a strange face when Jung Jeong-min asked.

“Yeah. Clock's ticking. ”

If I finished my work around dinner, I could just start by eating and sighing at the hotel. However, I was in a hurry to eat breakfast.

“Don't you think we should just eat and go? ”

“I don't want to be here. The atmosphere is weird. Something's not right. ”

“Isn't that right?"

Lee Hyuk swallowed the cola next to him, then put it down to make a noise.

“I'm uncomfortable feeling weird, too. ”

“Are you uncomfortable too? ”

“There is a notion that it is more uncomfortable. ”

Lee Hyuk looked around.

"I don't like it. ’

The stiffness here reminds me of Beraf. A land where everyone pretends to be bright, but fears when they might die.

The atrocities of that civilization were aggravating Lee Ji-hyuk.

“This place is getting a little dirty. ”

Lee Hyuk turned his head and looked south.

It's called the Helicopter Ship, but it's the world he missed and the country he missed.

‘I never thought I'd feel such affection here in America. ’

Lee Hyuk snorted and pulled the cigarette out of his pocket.


Next to him, someone turned on the old paper lighter and lit up Lee Hyuk's cigarette.

“Thank you.”

“You're welcome. ”

The old man who lit the fire pulled out Lee Hyuk's front seat.

“Cigarettes don't look good, do they? ”


Lee Hyuk looked at his cigarette bag and nodded.

“I guess so. ”

“Those American cigarettes are of poor quality. ”

The man pulls out his cigarette from his pocket and lifts it toward Lee Hyuk.

“Open it up. It's made of tobacco leaf, specially grown in the Republic. ”

“Is that so?"

After rubbing off the cigarette Lee Hyuk was biting, he asked the old man about the cigarette.

“Hmm……. ”

Lee Hyuk, who lit the fire, took a deep smoke and slowly spit it out.

“What do you think?”

“It may be a bit bitter, but it has a strange charm. ”

“Hahaha, nice accent. ”

“So… who are you? ”

“Does that matter? ”

“Not that it matters, but since he's been sitting here, there's been a lot of people looking this way. I think he's in an important position. ”


The old man gets up from his seat and reaches out his hand.

“Nice to meet you. This is Chung Byeong-seo, Senior Chairman of the Chosun Road Party. ”

“It's Lee Hyuk.”

Lee Hyuk shook Lee's hand.

“I haven't forgotten what you've done for the Republic this time. ”

“You're welcome. You have to help. ”

Jung Jeong-min looked at Lee Hyuk with wide eyes.

Does he know how to respect an old man?

In fact, from Lee Hyuk's point of view, it would be the same as being a soldier or a rookie.

“I hear Nam Cho is the best warrior. I got a report that said it wasn't a lie. ”

“My kids are so desperate. ”

“Hahaha, funny guy. ”

The chariot sits back down and quietly takes out the horse.

“Comrade Lizzy Hyuk. ”


“Aren't you going back to Nam Chosun soon? ”

“Of course.”

“Since I've been to the Republics before, don't you have someone to meet? ”


Jung Myung Seo smiled as much as he could.

“Comrade Commander-in-Chief of the Korean People's Armed Forces wants to meet Lizzie Hyuk, a senior member of the Korean Labor Party. ”

“Honey poultry?”

“... What did you say? ”

Jung Hae Min approached at the same speed as the light and shut Lee Hyuk's mouth to say it again.

“Hahaha, I think he's pretending. ”

I was sweating cold on Jeonghae Min's forehead. From afar, Choi Jung-hoon gripped his hands and tightened them. It was a sign to keep your mouth shut, even if you fainted with the headlock.

“Damn, it's so fresh. ”

Fortunately, it didn't sound right in the ears of the Marine.

“Well, we should probably get going. ”

“Speak already? Comrade Supreme Commander said he wanted to see Lizzie Hyuk once... ”

Jung Jeong-hoon ran from there because he didn't know what to do.

“Hahahaha! Nice to meet you, Senior Chairman. ”

“You……. ”

His assistant whispers something to his ear and smiles brightly.

“I see you're the best shot at the tiger collar. ”

“It's an honor to meet you. ”

Choi Jung-hoon felt his back moistened. I realized how dangerous it is to release that madman to North Korea.

“We are eager to join in this glorious position, but in Korea we are missing spaces and the gate is not being properly treated and the civilians are taking damage. If you don't repair it soon, it can cause massive damage. ”

“You know what?”

“Please understand our position as a country mover. ”

“Isn't that what you had to do? The safety of the people is paramount. ”

The lyrics nodded.

“What a pity. If the two heroes met, they would have made a wonderful painting. ”

I'll just take enough photos and turn them around and brag about it.

Cho Jung-hoon seemed to be in good shape, but now he had no choice but to meet the proper standards.

“I'm afraid so. ”

At that time, I heard something behind Choi Jung-hoon's back.

“No, why did I do it once.... ”

Choi Jung-hoon threw something behind his back first.




Choi Jung-hoon raised his hands above his head, and the NDF members who were eating everywhere rushed over, pressed Lee Hyuk, tightly tied him up, and carried him out.

“Town, town……. ”

Lee Hyuk seemed to want to say something, but Seo Ah-young silently shoved the food in his mouth.

“Wow, that's pretty harsh. ”

“Hahaha, if Lee Ji-hyuk really likes it, it would be that oppressive. Think of it as a loving prank. ”

“... He could have died like that..." ”

“People don't die that much. ”

Choi Jung-hoon insisted.

“Then we'll be on our way. If you have any other issues, please communicate them in unison. ”

“Too bad. Take care. ”

“Farewell. ”

Choi Jung-hoon lowered his lower back and turned around.

Choi Jung-hoon ordered Lee Hyuk to get on the bus quickly with his hands and eyes, and wiped the sweat off his forehead.

“... I'm going to die. ”

“What are you doing? Stir-fried beans in lightning? I need to pack up some leftovers and pick up some specialties. ”

Choi Jung-hoon trembled.

“Who is this all about?! ”


“It's because of Lee Hyuk! Oh, my God, what were you thinking, bringing up the word" honey "from North Korea? ”

“That's what everyone calls it. ”

“Would the North Koreans call it that? ”

“Oh, that's right. But cute. Honey Curious. ”


Choi Jung-hoon shook his head. There were usually more processes left, but it was a vague situation to say thank you for being simplified by Lee Ji-hyuk, or whether he was crazy.

‘Let's think this through. ’

However, it is good to leave this land early even if it is an hour. It's uncomfortable.

“What will you do when you get home? ”

“I'm going to order pizza. ”

“I'm going to play a game. I'll put up with anything else, but without a computer, it's killing me. ”

“What a day. ”

Everyone else seemed to feel the same way.

“Let's go home, home. ”

Choi Jung-hoon smiled bitterly at the singing crew. I think he'd rather have an office with nothing else than here.

“Then stop……. ”

“Wait a minute.”


At that time, Jung In Soo caught hold of Jung-hoon Choi.

Park Yong-hui approached them from there, looking at where Jung In Soo pointed by hand.

“Open the door. ”

The front door of the bus opened and Park Yong-hui boarded the bus.

“What's the matter? ”

“I just dropped by to give you something. ”

Park Yong-hui opened his eyes and the deputy behind his back pushed a small box forward.

“What is this? ”

“Comrade Commander, Comrade Lizzy Hyuk, this is the award. ”

“Ah……. ”

Should I open it?

I didn't know exactly which way was polite.

“Lee Ji-hyuk, take this. ”

“What is it?”

“A prize?”

Seeing Lee Hyuk's curiosity, Park Yong-hui smiled beautifully and opened her mouth.

“Mount Baekdushan Sanam. ”


Lee Hyuk opened the lid of the box.

Then something fresh and slightly bitter filled the bus.


“I heard it's wild.”

Lee Hyuk closed his lid and nodded.

“I'll eat well. ”

“Yes, you did. Sure."

Park Yong-hui got off the bus and turned around.

“Ah, Comrade Lizzy Hyuk. ”


Park Yong-hui waved her hand after looking at Lee Hyuk's face for a long time.

“Take a look. ”

“ ……. ”

The bus closes and the Special Forces agents take their places, and the bus slowly begins to move.

“Hmm…. ”

Lee Hyuk leaned against the chair seat.

‘I don't like it.’

I know there's something there, but I keep thinking it's not something I should be doing.

“Did you confirm the bus check? ”


Jung Myung Soo has been nagging her subordinates for some time now, whether she felt any anxiety.

“Something went wrong? ”

Lee Hyuk closed his eyes after drawing attention. What happens now is the responsibility of the rest.

The bus ran for a long time.

I had some trouble getting here, but I was free-passing all the checkpoints on my way.

What do you want me to say?

Do we feel the will to expel them from this land soon?

What is it?

Choi Jung-hoon looked out the window of the bus heading to Panmun Point, feeling a strange feeling of hypocrisy.

No matter what happens, you can escape straight to the gate. Before that, it would be a problem if there was a madman to attack the bus with Lee Hyuk.

Even the North Korean leadership would not dare to play idle games if they heard about the human ability of Lee Hyuk. Failure will lead to the destruction of North Korea, not their deaths.

“Then why is it so awkward? ”

Choi Jung-hoon eventually reached Panmun Point without finding an answer.

The atmosphere of Panmun Point that was pulled tightly was new. After filling out some paperwork and crossing the border, the sharp air that was filling the bus strangely began to sink.

“Phew... ”

“You're home. ”

Everyone sighed. Even if I didn't say it, I wouldn't be so nervous.


At that moment, Jung-hoon Choi and Jung-soo's phone started ringing at the same time.

“What is it?”

Choi Jung-hoon answered the phone.

“Yes, this is Jung-hoon Choi. ”

- Hey, Jung-hoon Choi. Have you seen or felt anything else out there?

“What are you talking about……. ”

There's a commotion. There's a coup in North Korea!


Choi Jung-hoon was frightened and looked at Lee Hyuk.

Lee Hyuk opened the box and looked at the ginseng inside, sighing and closing the lid.

“I knew it. ”

The situation was escalating to extremes.