The Returner

15 The Returner (11Th)

3. Stop running (1)

“Are you ready? ”


Yoon Young-min, president of South Korea, rubs his eyes at what the minister of defense said.

I haven't been able to sleep well in the last few days. I can't say he has much to do, but the pressure is on him.

‘War... ’

I wanted to avoid it if I could.

North Korea, however, has refused to engage in any communication from this side. I was hanging the door shut and refusing to talk.

“What about the United States? ”

“We leave tomorrow. Once the U.S. and Japan have assembled Korea as their primary base camp, they've decided to cross the truce line. ”

“China and Russia cross borders? ”


“Mmmm... ”

If they turned their backs on Chinatown and Russia, there would be no hope for North Korea.

However, Yoon Young-min couldn't clear one suspicion.


“What are you talking about? ”

“Isn't that strange? So far, I've heard that North Korea is a bad country, but I've always bowed my head when it counts. When the relationship between the United States and North Korea was at its worst, North Korea bowed its head. ”

“When you heard the piggy? ”

“Yes. At that time, North Korea fell flat and waited for the wind to pass. It's not that they don't know the difference in power, it's that they've always proven that they're not willing to go to war when it comes to devastation. But this time it's different. Even if it's war this time, it's coming out the way it is. Precisely, I don't think I'm interested in war or not. ”

“There's definitely a side to it. ”

The minister had no choice but to agree with the president.

North Korea's response was in fact one of the most sensitive problems in the country and one of the most analyzed.

Ordinary people, when North Korea does something crazy, say, "Oh, they're supposed to be so," but I couldn't do it in the eyes of the state.

especially in countries that are facing borders and expressing each other as enemies.

It's the government's job to wrap its head around a picture, a word, and write a paper.

As a result, the corresponding manuals for North Korea's reactions have been drafted, but North Korea has now rendered them completely useless.

as if the head had changed in an instant. ’

The Supreme Commander of North Korea, as he knew him, was not suffering this way. He may not be able to communicate, but his reaction was fairly immediate.

Whether it was the United States, China, or Korea, even if they stabbed each other like this, it was worth a statement, but they did not react.

“It's too late to think now.... ”

It was a prerequisite anyway.

He climbed on the back of a tiger that was completely raging. There was no way I was going to be able to pull my foot out on my own while Michigan was moving. Now I have no choice but to eliminate North Korea's chief, whether I have any doubts or not.

“There must be no mistakes. ”

“Yes, don't worry. They have thick bones. ”

“I'm with the military. I'm not worried. Soldiers may be our soldiers, but officers are recognized in the world. What worries me is not them, but the talents. ”

“I'll be sure to take care of that, too. ”

"It seems the Prelate has recently changed and there may be a problem with her grip, so the Minister of Defense has a lot to help. ”

“Yes, don't worry. ”

‘It shouldn't be a problem. ’

It was a matter of concern that this had happened not long after the ledger had changed, but KSF did not do much in the beginning. Since the branch chiefs are taking matters into their own hands, they need to be confined.

‘It's not like there's too many people in the first place. ’

“What about KSF and NDF? ”

“There's Jung-hoon there, so why don't you take care of him? ”

“Jeong-hoon Choi is reliable. ”

“I insist. To be honest, I'd like to let you take charge right away. ”

“Hahaha, would that be easy? Lee Hyuk must be out of control. ”

“So that's a pity. If it's not just Lee Hyuk, I want to get him out. I love the fact that we're from KSF, and we don't have a bad relationship with the National Guard. ”


Yoon Young-min smiled in a cheerful manner.

It was very enjoyable to see the quantities grow. Especially if you know that the same amount does not threaten your position, you can enjoy growing up without any pressure.

In that sense, Jung-hoon Choi was a delightful talent to watch.

“It's probably crazy right now, isn't it? ”

“But Lee Hyuk is not around for a while, so he might enjoy it. And since you have a walker holic chi, you've met the water, right? ”

“I'm so glad to have him. ”

“I see. Hahaha.”

* * *

“I'm going to die. ”

Choi Jung-hoon unknowingly muttered.

I've already started to see three screens. I was pushing a roofed drink full of tumblers into the stomach with an urgent prescription, but this time I was also pushing incoming drinks as opposed to abuse.

When I saw the dark circles coming down to the end of my chin, I mistook them for black. Or think of it as a Halloween costume.

“Are you all right?”

My direct report asked me about it, but I was not able to answer it.

“Hnng... ”

Waving his hand, Choi Jung-hoon leans against the chair and stares at the monitor dazed.

‘There is no end to the work. ’

To be precise, the work itself is endless, but he is not ending it.

Is this really the end?

Is this okay?

Is this all you have to do?

His constant doubts about whether or not there was a doubt maker in his head.

“Jung-hoon Choi. ”

“…… Yes? ”

Seo Ah-young said.

“I think we're done here. Go home and get some rest. ”

“I'm fine.”

“Do you know how long it's been? ”

“I know.”

“And then you can't do anything when you're in the field. You know that, right?”


Choi Jung-hoon nodded. Anyone would know that his condition is not normal now.

“That's an order as a deputy director. Finish in an hour and get some rest. ”

“An hour? We don't have enough time. ”

“You're not lacking, you're making it lacking. That document you're looking at, aren't you looking at it in the morning? ”

Choi Jung-hoon closed the paperwork without answering.

“What are you so anxious about? Someone might think you're the first high school student to go on a picnic. ”

“These days, high schools love to go on picnics and they don't. ”

“Stop talking nonsense and get it over with. ”


Choi Jung-hoon sighed.

When he woke up from his seat, he went out.

Seo Ah-young looked at Choi Jung-hoon with a disgruntled face, but did not stop him because she knew what he was going to do.

Choi Jung-hoon came out and put a cigarette in his mouth and lit a fire.

‘It's annoying.'

I knew why I was so anxious and restless. I just don't want to admit it.

Agents are anxious that there is no Lee Hyuk?

It's true.

The problem was that the person who was most anxious was Choi Jung-hoon himself.

‘I don't know what I did without Lee Hyuk. ’

He, who was a perfectionist of the past, encountered too many things that couldn't be planned in advance while meeting Lee Hyuk.

Seeing that the situation was resolved through Lee Ji-hyuk, the perception of what would happen if Lee Hyuk did not have a perfect plan.

So this is it.

Let's take a look at the plan, assuming Lee Hyuk doesn't help, there were too many holes and too many risks.

I could clearly see how much he had been relying on Lee Hyuk.

You have control? ’

Choi Jung-hoon smiled bitterly.

It was easy to come by the name and strength of Lee Hyuk, not by control. As we already know, it was a completely different matter for us to feel with our bodies.

I didn't think Lee Hyuk would take care of him forever. In fact, I don't know if Lee Hyuk really cares about himself, but it was true that he was working as his candidate whether he intended to or not.

Choi Jung-hoon smoked deeply.

“You've got to stop running. ”

I know that his anxiety is spreading to others. That's why Seo Ah-young is trying to send him home.

In the past, it means that the person who didn't care about his work or not comes out like that is not his own motto.

“Let's go home. ”

It was not a conclusion that I was holding on to it, and it was time to let it all go. I really didn't think I would fall so hard on the day of the deadline.


At that time, the phone vibrated briefly.

“Is that a tock?”

There's no one to talk to at this hour.

Cho Jung-hoon had to tilt his head when looking at his cell phone.

“Yi, what is this? ”

A picture of Jung Jeong-min dressed up beautifully wearing Lee Hyuk next to her, with a V-letter, appeared on the NDF Dantokbang.


Choi Jung-hoon looked at his cell phone and jumped into the building.

Inside was already rumbling.

“Where are we going? ”

“Beyond that... look at this! ”

Park Seong-chan shouted with a picture full of smartphones.

“Chu, it's not speculative! ”

“What? Really? ”

“Isn't that skin? ”

“A costume that never changes even when the seasons change, and you take it off? ”

The people who looked at the picture were astonished as well.

Those who first saw Lee Hyuk in NDF had never seen Lee Hyuk wearing anything other than training clothes.

“Hey, you look handsome here? ”

“Right? Clothes are wings, and I think I know why you're saying that. Should I change? ”

“My coat hangers are cheap.... ”

“What, man? ”

The quarrel stands between them, and Seo Ah-young reaches out her head and opens her mouth.

“But really, what's going on? Where are you going dressed like this? ”

“What kind of outfit is that? ”



Then, the door closed roughly.

People's eyes focused on the door.

“Da, Dasom. ”

“ ……. ”

Kim Da-som handed out the lunch box to Kim Da-hyun.

Kim Da-hyun received the lunch box with trembling hands.



Kim Da-hyun turned on the photo from his phone and presented it to Kim Da-som.


Kim Da-som nodded, handing over his phone and went out.


Choi Jung-hoon slowly muttered as he looked at the door that was closing like it was falling.

“Am I allowed to go home? ”

“… just wait. ”


What's with all the commuting?

Choi Jung-hoon sighed low.