The Returner

The Returner 16 volumes (7 denominations)

2. Bring Lee Hyuk! Right Now! (2)

Lee Hyuk's face was frozen solid.


The weight of the name was pressing even Lee Hyuk.

‘When the door opens, it's over. ’

The world will reconcile to hell.

“Opening the gate between the barrier and Earth shouldn't be so easy. There's no way we can get the energy we need in there. ”



“It would be difficult to open the door between this earth and the barrier if it were the way it was. But right now, we don't have to force a dimensional wall open. The world is already cracked. It's not that hard to open the gold. ”

“... That makes sense. ”

Lee Hyuk turned his head and looked at the others.

“After you. ”

“Lee Ji-hyuk. ”

“I'll catch up with you soon, so go ahead. ”

Jung-soo nodded his head, understanding what it meant to ask him to leave.

“We don't have a lot of time. ”

“I know. ”

“Of course.”

Lee Hyuk looked back at the two of them when Jung In-su took them to Jeong-min and Kim Da-som inside the gate.

“What were you doing? ”

“I tried to stop him. It just wasn't possible. ”

“... without telling me? ”

The appendage opens its mouth with a frozen face.

“You don't know what Lee Hyuk's body looks like right now, do you? ”

“ ……. ”

“If you spoke, you would have overdone it again. We're trying to close the door with people in the United States right now. But they're too strong. I wonder who's doing this. ”

“Mmmm... ”

At that moment, there was a person who came to mind Lee Hyuk.

"So strong"? ’

That can't be right.

“I tried my best once, but I couldn't stop the gaps from happening any longer. It's time to make a decision. ”


Aphedrice nods.

“The world is over. It would be a colony of horsepower. We have to abandon this world and escape. ”

“Leave the world and go where? ”

“Beraf, of course. You're not asking because you don't know, are you? ”

Lee Hyuk smiled.

“What's the difference between that and a machete? I think the horse system is more comfortable for me. ”

“I'm not joking. ”

The face of the appendage was no less serious.

“It's not just this world. You know, your body is already at a critical point. If you put in any more effort, you will become a demon. ”

“ ……. ”

“It's good to fight back. But if you fight back, the true Demon King will come to this world. Then the world will perish at the hands of the Mage, or perish at your hands, or face the end of one of the two. ”

In the face of the Earth, there may be a greater threat to the people who must stop it in the event of the Horsemen invading. Feeling the irony, Lee Hyuk smiled.

“So what do you want to say? ”

“You can take everyone you know. ”

“ ……. ”

Lee Hyuk had no answer to what Aphedrice said.

“Isn't it because you love this world that you can't stop fooling around? because I can't abandon the people on Earth who are connected to you. ”

Lee Hyuk stared at the appendage without saying anything.

“So you can take them all with you. With your power, you should be able to take your place within Beraf. You can build your own kingdom that no one else can invade. There are endless possibilities if you stay alive. ”

Lee Hyuk shakes his head.

“That's possible because you're a dragon. ”

“What's different? ”

“Let's say we gather everyone who is related to me. What are we gonna do about their families? ”

“ ……. ”

“Will they live a normal life if I cut them off and let them go? That's impossible. Then we need to get everyone they're involved with. But are there any other people involved? ”

The appendage does not answer.

I didn't really understand what Lee Hyuk meant, rather than saying nothing.

“Hey, lizard. ”

Lee Hyuk started to die.

“That's why you and I have to stay on the parallel line forever. A dragon's mind cannot understand man. We are not alone. If you have a relationship with someone, from that moment on we are influenced by each other. You can't just cut it off. ”

“A colony? ”

“Different and similar. Anyway, if you want to move people who are related to me and keep my world going, you're going to have to move the whole of Korea. You can't do that, can you? ”

Herkana sighs.

“Darling, now is not the time to argue. Things are already getting worse, and we don't have a choice. Even if it's hard, there's no other way. ”

“There are always alternatives. ”

Lee Hyuk smiled.

“That's what I always thought. ”


“Would it be unfair to say that there are no meteorites in the world and they are doomed? ”

“ ……. ”

“Or would it be unfair if there was an epidemic that turned around and left all the people to die? ”

Herkana does not answer.

“There's nothing wrong with dying together. ”

“You want to join the world and destiny? I didn't know you were such a romantic. ”

“It's not like that. ”

Lee Hyuk took out a cigarette and asked.

“It's not a sense of justice or consciousness. From your point of view, it might be closer to terrorism. I've lived too long. So now I don't want to go to the choice of cutting off my parts just to survive. There's no great sense in living. ”

“ ……. ”

“I think it's a little cheesy to wrap it up like I'd rather die bravely than live miserably, but whatever. I think everyone's going to be gone soon to evaluate my inferiority, so that's okay, right? ”


“That's it.”

Lee Hyuk shakes his head.

“I know what you're going to say. And I know why you would say that. I'm grateful to all of you for thinking of me until the end. This is serious.”

Lee Hyuk's face was not as serious as usual.

“But I want you to remember one thing. I came back to Earth to die a human. You don't understand me very well because now you think I'm going to abandon this world and go back to Beraf in order to live as a non-human being. ”

I didn't want them to understand.

Even when he went through all that trouble to get back to Earth from Beraf, they never understood why Lee Hyuk had to do it.

‘Maybe what's wrong is on my side. ’

Compared to them, humans are uncomfortable creatures. Compared to a horse or dragon who can only live for one person, humans cannot be satisfied unless they establish themselves and maintain relationships with others at the same time.

It was no different from the death sentence for Lee Hyuk, who had been remembering his relationship with others for 2,000 years, to come now and consume his relationship and go back to his life.

“If I choose between a cool death and a shitty life, I'll die a cool death. It may seem like a pointless suicide to you, of course. ”

Lee Hyuk scratched his cheek.

“If you were born human and lived dozens of lives and ended up suicidal, that would be a good death. Isn't that right?"

“I don't know, Darling. What are you talking about? ”

“... Yes, it won't be easy. ”

Lee Hyuk chuckled.

Even though we are trying to save humans on the horse theme, we do not understand that human Lee Hyuk is trying to maintain relationships with others. In that sense, Hercanada was truly unsatisfied, but also unsatisfied.

“Let's get rid of the complications. There's only one thing I want to say. The conclusion is the same whether the Horsemen invade Earth or the gods invade this world. Earth is my turf. If anyone wants to trample it with dirt feet, they need my permission. ”

Lee Hyuk laughed.

“Then maybe there's a way, right? You're wasting your time. I'm going.”


“Lee Hyuk! ”

Lee Hyuk smiled at them once.

“Let's not be squeamish. That doesn't suit us. ”

Leaving that behind, Lee Hyuk walked into the gate.

Neither Ercanado nor Apeldiche could catch such an Lee Hyuk.


After Lee Hyuk's gate disappeared, the two of them gazed silently at the lost space for a while.

“… It turned out as expected. ”

“Yes. I knew Darling was stubborn, but I didn't expect her to be stubborn in this situation. ”

“That's the kind of man he is. ”

“Yes, he is. ”

People who cannot be understood by their mindset. But that's why they were drawn to Lee Hyuk.

“Ah, this is hard to get into. I'm the Demon King after all. If Darling and I were to fight against them when they invaded from the castle, we would still hear the sound of traitors. ”

“Were you the type to care about that? ”

“Of course I don't care. ”

Herkana smiles seductively.

“I don't know what you're talking about. I've actually been with him for a long time, but I often don't understand what I'm thinking. But what can I do? If Darling does, we follow him. What are you gonna do? ”

“I……. ”

The eyes of the appendage sink quietly.

“There's still something I need to do. ”

Her face snapped open.

* * *

“What the hell is this? ”

Choi Jung-hoon had no choice but to scream.

The entire Palace of the Sun was made up as if it were a giant gate. Monsters are constantly pushing out of there.

I've never seen anything like it. ’

It was different from the monsters they had usually seen. The monsters of the terrible brother are pushed out and pushed out again. It was an endless wave that would be pushed back without hesitation, even though the elite of each country were blocking it.

“Have you heard from Lee Ji-hyuk? ”

Seo Ah-young, who was shooting a flame in front of her, cried out in a seizure.

“Soon! Coming soon! ”

“Dammit! I've only heard that a few times! ”

Seo Ah-young's anger was understandable enough. He also has a stubborn feeling.What about the people who are dealing with those monsters?

Why is this happening? ’

Choi Jung-hoon couldn't understand the situation.

Is the gate finally open in the Palace of the Sun of the Beast Mountain, or is it open in there like Park Yong-hui said?


The chaos is weighed down, but there is no one to answer. Protecting the five million people who lost Izzie in the back while keeping the monsters from coming. It was the best they could do now.


At that time, a man slowly walked out of the fallen Palace of the Sun.