The Returner

[475] 5. Just come back and you're fucked (5)


Tears poured out.

I knew I shouldn't, but I couldn't stop the tears flowing.

His father always told him.

A man reveals his true self at the moment of death.

‘Dad, I can't be a real man. ’

I thought that if the moment of death ever came, I would die with courage. I thought I'd put a bullet in his stomach just as soon as the horses grazed his teeth.

That way death will be worth a little more.

But it was just the wind.


The man is torn in half, and the man who was hit by the swing of his tail splits the floor like a ping-pong ball, and his breath is breathless.

The manipulator grabbed his knee.

“Uh-huh……. ”

Now we know we have to aim our guns and throw grenades harder than ever. But his body didn't move like his mind.

No, I don't.

It may be the mind that doesn't move.

‘It's over. ’

The center is breached.

Although the front is so wide that not all of them have been breached, they've been working on it for almost three months.

One breach and everyone dies.

There was no way to cope once the horses started coming back and forth. Even if it's minority. For extreme defense, they leave the rear defenseless.

If the opposing Pokémon were human, they would have been devastated by sending a small squadron of Special Forces behind their back. It wasn't at first this extreme, but the more time passed and the more battles repeated, the herpes had gradually resolved.

To survive.

But today, the center was finally breached.

The breach was only a few meters, but those few meters changed their fate.

Some of the horses that were pierced through the center started running through the wire, while others began to bite the soldiers that were herded to the left and to the right.

The effects of being attacked on the unprepared side were remarkable. Those who had survived for three months were slaughtered without even using their hands. The slaughter grew wider from center to side with respect to the Han River.

“It's over……. ”

With this, the Han River front collapsed. And now it's time for South Korea to collapse. These monsters will begin to kill all living creatures that survive on the Korean Peninsula. Like North Korea, which has already become the land of the dead.

‘If I had known this, I would have volunteered for the sacrifice. ’

I wouldn't have died so miserably if I had been able to step into the rear of the demons and sacrifice myself. Death would have meant a little more.

Even if they didn't fight as well as they do now and were torn to death, there would still have been a reward for slowing down the violence just as long as I was torn to death.

The fact that my legs are so weak that I can't even run away makes my manipulation even more painful.

“Ahhhh! You bastards! ”

Tutu, tutu!

He grinds his gun.

I don't care who's around and who's on the other side of this gun right now. You don't have to worry. A colleague? It would be more peaceful to die by his gun. Now, compared to those who were dying with their backs torn in half by a demon, it was more dignified to be shot.

“Ugh, ugh…. ”

The manipulator empowers the prodding leg.

“It's over! ”

I know.

It's over now.

No matter what we do now, we can't stop the horses.

Given the horror and cruelty of those witches, hell will spread over the Korean Peninsula for the next few days. After that, no one will survive.

like the rumors that it had already become a giant cemetery.


The manipulator raises himself up with a gun as a cane. Then the front came to my attention.

Bam! Bam! Kuang!

Even at this moment, gunfire was pouring across the river. Bombers continue to fly in the sky, and cannonballs are pouring out at an invisible rate.

But even in that saturation, the march does not stop. Monsters were literally pouring in like a flood.


What's the wisest choice he can make right now?

Put a gun in your mouth and maneuver. Then you can die without pain. It is several times cleaner than peeing your pants, trembling with fear like now.

But I couldn't.

The eye of the manipulator was filled with cloudy moisture.


Why can't I forget the words "man speaks with death"?

Even if one of them is at work here, no one will notice.

Even if there is someone to know, it will soon be the fate of the monsters to tear them apart. But what does anti-war mean?

I know.

This is nothing but a useless riddle.


“Over here, you sons of bitches! ”

Tutu tu tu.

The manipulator begins to sharpen his gun. I can feel the eyes of the Shamans gathering this way.

“Come on, you bastards! ”

The manipulator drools with his mouth, but he doesn't let go.


Yeah, whatever it takes to die.

So... if you're going to die, don't be embarrassed!

“Get up!"

The manipulator cries out for a split throat.

“If you're shaking on your head, will those bastards let you live? I'm embarrassed. Get up and go! Even if you die, buy me one second! One more to get away from! ”

His fate will not be changed.

But here, depending on how he dies, someone's fate can change. Even for a second. If you can stall for even a second, you might have a person living because of that one second.

And if the people in this room had only gained one second, hundreds and thousands of lives would have been spared.

Here comes the humanitarian, motherfuckers. ’

The manipulator smiled.

It was an army I didn't want to go to and the front I didn't want to come to. Monsters flocked to the army at the right age.


There is no such thing.


I'm about to die. What good is patriotism?

Supporting him now was not a great sense of responsibility, but pure coming. The comet of not dying, the miserable one, was moving his body anyway.

And those who were in the trenches began to pull their heads out one by one, whether they were sensible of his misgivings.

“Die! Die anyway! You think you can live with that? If you do, shoot one more bullet and die, you sons of bitches! ”

They are the ones who got tangled up and became devious, but they have been fighting together here for two months. As the manipulator steps forward and starts sharpening his guns, one by one people begin to respond.

“Brotherhood, that's cool. ”

The manipulator giggles.

I wish I could wipe out my enemies by fighting with one mind like this, but unfortunately that didn't happen in reality.


A skilled person charges at the beast with his bare body. He was determined not to approach them.

“Shit, if you can move that fast, you better run, you crazy bastard! ”

What's the point of keeping them alive a little longer? By all accounts, one man with that power will be superior to all of them. But he was diving through the monsters, wanting to save the soldiers.

Knowing they're all going to die eventually.

"Those powered sons of bitches are crazy. ’

I thought I could eat comfortably because of my abilities. After the war, I was doing bulletproof work against monsters with my bare body at the front.

I couldn't hold my breath, so I lived on drugs, and I drank painkillers like water, but I never backed down.

I couldn't understand them at all. He would never have done that if he were capable. How incomprehensible it is to risk your life for your country or for others.

But now I feel like I know a little.

‘If I retreat, everyone dies. ’

The weight is moving them. If they don't stop it, everyone dies. So there is no way to stop it.

“Be born normal in your next life, idiots. ”

If there's a next life. And I don't think you can be born human in your next life. Soon humanity will be extinct. Can I be reborn as a cockroach?

With a fresh thought, the manipulator pulls out a grenade strapped to his belt. In the meantime, monsters have never been this close, so they have no use for it.

This isn't the only thing. Even Cremoa in front of the trench has never blown it up.

“Actually, I wanted to do it. ”

The manipulator laughs and approaches Cremoa.

The magazine has been empty for a long time. Once they blow up the remaining Cremoas, there's no way they can resist.

Approaching the Kremoa switch, the manipulator sits on the floor.

The man blocking the front was scratching at a flying claw somewhere and his limbs were disassembling.

“…… idiot. ”

This place is full of idiots.

You should be able to escape reasonably. If the situation were this bad, you wouldn't have to look back and run.

There are those who sit and curse and cry, but none of them run away. I don't know if this is the result of ROK Army weather or repeated brainwashing orders.

“I don't care. ”

Run away or die.

But it's not unfair. We're all gonna die together.

The manipulator laughs and screams.

“Over here! Over here, you bastards! ”

The horses who heard the shouting gathered their gaze toward him.

“Come this way! ”

When the beasts see this fragile creature screaming with its body completely exposed, they leap towards it. He smiled as he watched the scene.

“I don't think I've ever been more popular in my life. ”

The manipulator who laughed for a long time closed his eyes quietly. Then you press the Cremoa switch.

Hip again.


But nothing happened.


Well, I am.

This is what happens when it matters.

The thought of giving him one last punch ended unexpectedly. Thanks to this, the manipulator had to greet the oncoming monsters without any defenses.

Now they're gonna tear you apart. Or the whole thing gets sucked into the belly of a demon.

Either way, death is certain.

“Fuck! Blow it up! ”

The cockroach howls and flips the switch. Hit it and hit it again! Again!


And there was a huge explosion in front of him.

“… Huh? ”

Too big an explosion to be called Cremoa.

He looks at the huge explosion and opens his mouth.

Bang, bang.

At that moment, someone grabbed his head.

“Awesome balls. It was cool.”

Lower voice.

The man who grabbed the cockroach's head and waved it once, stepped forward and shouted like crazy.

“The dawn of counterinsurgency! You bastards!”