The Returner

[498] 5. A Monster vs. Monster Battle (3)

“Go for it!"

Jung In Soo shouted, "My neck is bursting."

He knew very well that raising his voice wasn't the fastest way out. He hated fundamentalism.

The teachings of the elders to overcome obsolete equipment and systems with mental strength is a graduate. It is a person who has lived with the belief that such two-eight-year-old mindset calls for theft.

But she was screaming with her eyes wide open. The commander couldn't have happened to him, who always thought he had to be calm and cool.

It's just...

So what? ’

If I could remain calm in the same situation, it would be great for him, and I couldn't say it was wrong for someone who was excited. The fate of humanity is decided.How can we not be excited?



The gate stretches endlessly. And the horses coming out of the gate are being pushed out like ants protruding from the anthill towards the enemy.

"Damn, how many horses are there in the barn? ’

The bombing was ongoing, but it was not enough to stop all the horses.

Not just bombing, but dropping it to the middle tactical core. There were so many people coming through the gate that they couldn't handle all the many of them. They're firing at the horses coming out of the bombing zone, but there are limits to that, too.



Jung In-soo's eyes turned forward.

The KSFs who hit the barricade on the front line were heavily burdened.

‘Goddamn it, it's not like they use it as a tank. ’

In the past, only monsters were allowed to attack, and ordinary soldiers in body bunkers struck the barricades. The flesh of the powerful is not as strong as that of the common man.

But now the role has been reversed. Ordinary people had no choice but to push their abilities forward, because they could not prevent the attack by the demons for even a second.

‘I feel like I'm catching a thief on the run. ’

But we can't arrest the Wizard, so we have no choice. However, I did not have an idea. There are huge armored cars in front of you.

The armored car could not pierce the sorcerer's upper, so it was deemed of no use at all, so it left the line, but the owner used the armored car as a barricade. Since it weighs more than 25 tons, it is moderately durable.

The plan was to reduce the burden of exposure to the wire by allowing talents to come and go between the armored cars that were placed lightly. although, of course, 25 tons of armored cars are going to blow through the air like a tarmac when the horses actually start pushing in.

However, it was Jung's judgment that the paper shield was better than no paper shield.

Kuaang! Kuaang!

An anti-tank mine in front of the barricade explodes. The beasts that were caught in the explosion fell with blood on them, but the darker their faces became.

A landmine is a disposable weapon.

Once the horses hit all the mines, no further trafficking will be possible after that. From that moment on, the violence will intensify. Jung In-su was very aware of that.

“I'm going up in smoke! ”

“We're low on ammo! ”

“Jung-min is flying you to die, so just go! I told you, it's coming from the factory. It's hitting the Pacific. ”

“Yes! I understand! ”


But there was hope.

It's working! ’

It was a relief that M-3, which was supported by the United States, was exercising appropriate effectiveness against the horses. The former ground troops were able to defend against the horses, but were unable to inflict direct damage.

One generation needed to focus their firepower on one place before they could catch even one. I didn't think it would be so powerful to have a weapon that could catch every shot.

‘Course it is. ’

Wars in the past were important to aim bullets at. There are no gloves that perfectly defend against all attacks. The existence value of M-3 was not simply in the firepower. It was crucial that there were mediators who could use tactics.


Armored vehicles in front of you fly into the air.

“I know, you bastards! ”

It's natural to be pushed. I had to get pushed in the first place.

“Place two rows of armored cars in the rear and push them behind the KSF kids just in case! What the hell is a sniper doing? ”

“I'm fishing.... ”

Even an elephant with a big-ass sniper rifle couldn't do much good for the horses.

“Hang in there! If we don't make it out of here, it's over! ”


Jung In Soo looked forward with nervousness.

‘Everyone knows it's hard. ’

But there is no other way. Giving up is not something someone can do for you. It is a situation that everyone must endure for the sake of their lives.

“Just one day……. ”

Red blood flows from Jiggy's bitter lips.


A massive explosion has occurred overhead. The planes that set out to catch the flying monsters exploded like a toy. The gap in the sky was several times more severe than the gap on earth.

It's firepower. The fighters were overwhelmed. However, the fighters have not been able to capture the monstrous movements of the demons. And even if the horses were attacked to some extent, they weren't completely retarded, but the fighters didn't have any defense whatsoever.

There is no way that an evasive maneuver can work on the runners. Neither Flair nor Dodge meant anything. It was just a matter of how much time it took to fall when I caught it.

‘I can't.... ’

Jung In-su looked at the scene in desperation.

When the sky is breached, all that remains is the slaughter. The network they're constructing won't stop the warheads attacking in the air.

If you're in a situation where you have to deal with an attacking horse on your head, you stare at the fire and see what happens next. Soon, progress will be compromised.

If it is drawn in a situation that is being pushed, it is too hard to know what the outcome will be.

“Damn it, back up! ”

“There's no way. ”

“Get the C.O. on the horn and send a helicopter! Prepare the Heavenly Palace!”

“… not integrating. You know that.”

“Damn it.”

I thought it was going to be a difficult road, but I didn't expect variables like this to happen.

How do we stop it?

“What the hell am I supposed to do! ”

The fighters were crashing while Jung In-su was shouting. The aerial warfare of the fighter aircraft was a definite ability to capture each other and bombard defenseless places, but was merely a lump of incapacitated steel in front of the armed flying horses with equivalent capability and forward defense.

Seeing the crash of the last fighter, Jung Myung Soo's eyes turn desperate.

It was the annihilation of the ROKAF, which could reasonably stand in the way of any nation in the world.

“... Damn it. ”

We know we have to stop them, but there's nothing we can do. The moment I realized that, Jung In-soo's face was filled with despair.

Now if those horses turn and rush towards them or enter the city through them, hell will literally open up in reality.

“Oh, this sucks. ”

At that time, I heard a familiar voice behind Jung In-soo's back.

“Lee, Lee Hyuk! ”

Even if the deceased father comes back alive, he will not be happy like this. Jung In-su was frightened and rushed to Lee Hyuk.

“Oh, do something! ”

“I'm not a scarecrow bat, and if I get into trouble, what can I do?" ”

“... Because there's no way! ”

“Oh, really. ”

Lee Hyuk kicked his tongue.

The original Lee Hyuk would have thrown out his tongue at this moment, but this time he had to stop. A man rides in a fallen fighter, and they die trying their best.

You cannot insult them.

“I shouldn't have tried.... ”

Lee Hyuk tasted it.

Even a sorcerer that size can deal with this alone, but when you think about what will happen in the future, you should save Mana as much as you can. Even if you can replenish the Mana you just used, you will not be able to replenish your mental strength.

Unless you can't lie down here and sleep.

But you can't keep your hands off her.

“I can't help it. ”

Lee Hyuk slowly opened his hands.

At the same time, the Dragon Heart in his hands began to glow.

What is it? ’

Jung In Soo was startled by the strange feeling.

Everything around me felt drawn to Lee Hyuk. It was not a gust of wind, nor any of that common dirt. Nevertheless, the world was being sucked into Lee Hyuk.

Is this Manawa? ’

Lee Hyuk's hair soared into the air and shook in a windless place.

Lee Hyuk's eyes wanted to vomit a white flash, and Lee Hyuk lifted his hands up into the air.

* * *

“It's gone.”

“… damn it. ”

Song Jung-soo sharpened his teeth.

We have to maintain the situation somehow, but the Air Force will be annihilated. It was not a situation for the Air Force to be incompetent. If the Army had fought monsters without the support of their abilities, it would be like the Air Force now.

It was a duty to bravely march out and praise those who have oxidized into the flames of the battlefield without further assistance.

But emotions are emotions, and rationally, the worst crisis was happening.

“Well, we have to stop him! What happened to the SDF? The Self-Defense Force has agreed to support the Air Force! ”

“You're already on the move! However, the appearance of flying horses is completely unexpected… It takes time to leave. It takes about five minutes to get through the East Sea. ”

“Damn it, that time, the ground will be torn apart! ”

Song Jung-soo screams.


“You can't leave! Engaging the Demon King! ”

“Is there no way? ”

Song Jung-soo sat down. The power was already running. I didn't have enough manpower to handle the situation in the air.

I heard a desperate voice in Song's ears as she was about to speak out in despair.

“Hey, there! ”


There was a change on the screen.

A dazzling glow emanates from the center of the army.

“Close up!”

The screen was sucked straight in front and saw Lee Hyuk emitting light.

Lee Ji-hyuk!

“Lee Hyuk! ”

Lee Hyuk, who was looking at the air, lifted his hands toward the air. Lee Hyuk who was with the dazzling light looked so different until now.

Lee Hyuk, who used magic to look like the devil, now looks like the guardian god of light.

Song Jung-soo gripped his hands with a nervous face.