The richest man in the magic city

Chapter 496 Anti-gravity equipment

Quiet, deadly quiet.

In the satellite monitoring rooms of various countries, they all fell into absolute silence, and even the sound of breathing was held.

Whether it is an Oriental, a Citizen, a F country or a Goose feather country, they all stared at the satellite images in astonishment.

Citi Security Agency.

With a shout of "God", the entire monitoring room completely exploded.

"WTF, he actually took Aros away!"

"By what means did Fang Xiaoru create a water dragon, and why can that water dragon shoot all the missiles?"

"Obviously, it must be the latest technology of the Universe Group. They have always been known for innovation, and this time they must have developed a terrible weapon."

"God, what kind of product the World Group has developed, it is so terrifying."

"Dr. Ronald, can you explain how all the superpowers that crushed the Hollywood blockbuster just now?"

In the monitoring room, there is a doctor who studies weapon manufacturing, who is very authoritative in this respect.

Dr. Ronald is an old man in his sixties.Most people choose to retire at this age.After he retired, because he was really bored, he entered the Security Bureau.

He frowned and thought for a long time before he began to analyze: "His pair of shoes can support people to run fast on the water. They can also provide powerful motivation to push people onto the 14-meter-high deck of a battleship.

In addition, he was also wearing a bulletproof clothing with amazing defensive power. When attacked, he would release energy to form a golden coat, covering the surface of the human body."

After listening to Dr. Ronald's explanation, everyone present also nodded in agreement.

"This Universe Group is really amazing. It always has such innovations."

"Unfortunately, it is not our Citigroup company."

"Then he was above the sea and suddenly created a water dragon that flies missiles. What is it?"

Ronald pondered for a long time, and finally said with a heavy face: "This is the most critical and terrifying place. If I am not mistaken, the World Group should have mastered the anti-gravity equipment.

He moved his hands on the sea, using strong gravity to bring the sea water together to form a water dragon.

But why this water dragon has such a powerful force, it can shoot missiles flying, I have not explained yet."

Ronald said that the logic was clear, and his analysis was the best.

If Fang Xiaoru heard it, he would definitely be tempted to give him 32 likes.

The rest of the Citi Security Bureau executives in the satellite monitoring room were convinced by Ronald's analysis.

At this time, a young guy asked, "Dr. Ronald, what kind of equipment was Fang Xiaoru who sucked the commander of Aros on the deck."

Ronald looked solemn and said in a deep voice: "This is also an anti-gravity equipment, just like his shoes, it can float on the water due to anti-gravity.

In the same way, he can also use this principle to suck distant objects into his hands.The level of technology of the Universe Group seems to be far ahead of Citigroup."

After that, everyone was silent.

Citi is the world's largest country, relying on their technological innovation and leadership.

Unexpectedly, today, technological innovation has completely lagging behind the Universe Group.

Many people feel very uncomfortable in their hearts, and have a feeling of pride being knocked down.

After everyone was silent for a while, an official from the Citi Security Agency asked a question:

"If the team in the East wears such a piece of equipment, wouldn't everyone be able to become a superman? Wouldn't there be no chance of winning if you met them in future wars."

As soon as this statement was made, the scene was in an uproar.

Except for Dr. Ronald, everyone must have a solemn expression and worry in their eyes.

"It's impossible." Dr. Ronald shook his head and said confidently: "Aside from such a piece of equipment, the energy consumed is a huge problem.

The cost of this equipment alone is destined to not be mass-produced.Even Citigroup cannot afford such a huge investment.

Therefore, it is impossible for everyone in the Eastern team to become Superman.However, they can be equipped with special forces to make it the sharpest knives."

Dr. Ronald's analysis immediately gave the security bureau officials present a sigh of relief.

They think about it, too, such horrible and terrifying equipment must be extremely expensive, and it is impossible to mass produce it.

These people are equipped with the indispensable "anti-gravity equipment". If there is an analysis of the incident, it will take more than half an hour to analyze.

If Fang Xiaoru knew about this, I was afraid that he would give them 666.

Suddenly, a high-ranking officer said, "By the way, what about the chief commander Aros? And what should I do with the current situation in the pirate base camp."

After hearing the words, everyone suddenly realized.

Only now did they discover that they had deviated from the subject.

The most important thing right now is how to deal with the situation in the pirate base camp and the capture of the commander of Aros.

The security chief said in a deep voice: "The California battle fleet has returned to the Atlantic Ocean team base. Aros must be rescued. The Citigroup is commanding the commander. How can anyone be taken prisoner.

In addition, the current situation in the pirate base camp is not a matter for our security bureau. I will go to WHITEHOUSE in person later and report these two things to Mr. Chief.

And you are waiting for news in place, monitoring Fang Xiaoru's every move."

After that, he turned around and walked out of the satellite monitoring room and headed towards WHITEHOUSE.

An hour later, WHITEHOUSE called an urgent high-level meeting.

Participants included the chief, deputy chief, secretary of state and military affairs, security chief, and commander of the three seas, land and air teams.

This meeting lasted more than three hours.

After the meeting, all the people who walked out of the meeting room were full of somber dignity on their faces.