The richest man in the magic city

Chapter 570: The war that shocked the world

Middle East, Afomi Army base.

In the command room, Colonel Felton was very disturbed during this time.

It has been half a month since the Afo Agency Army obtained the five fighter jets full of futuristic science fiction and capable of launching lasers.

However, in the past two months, there has been no movement from the Afo Organization Army.

Facing the provocations of the Mi Army and the rebels, the attitude was the same as before, without the slightest change.

But the more so, and the less change, the more upset Colonel Felton became.

The anxiety in his heart originated from the five fighters with unknown combat effectiveness.

"Colonel! No good! The Afo Agency has taken action. Five mysterious fighters took off from their base and flew in the direction of the rebels."

But at this moment, a soldier stumbled in.

Upon hearing this, Colonel Felton's heart sank suddenly.

His face became dignified, a light flashed in his eyes, and he murmured, "Are you ready to shoot?"

The soldier continued, "Colonel, shall we send more troops?"

Colonel Felton pondered for a long time, and finally shook his head, and said: "No. We only need to watch the whole battle."

Before knowing the specific combat effectiveness of the five fighters, Colonel Felton would never take a rush.

The Afo rebels are the best tool to test their combat effectiveness.

There were countless wailing sounds from the Afo rebel base.

The five weird and cool fighters in the air showed their terrifying fangs to the world for the first time.

A series of energy cannons poured down from the air, causing a huge blow to the Afo rebel base.

All kinds of explosions, one after another.

Countless rebels died in the explosion.

The few missiles in the rebel base have all been fired, and they are intended to be used to destroy fighter jets flying in the air.

But without exception, these missiles were intercepted by lasers when they were halfway through.

The five one-world fighters in the air only bombed the Afo rebel base in less than three minutes, but almost destroyed most of the base.

The leader of the rebel army, hiding in the air-raid shelter, looked at the world-generation fighter jets roaring in the sky with a grim look.

Seeing the smoke and explosions in the distance, he roared angrily: "Our fighters, why haven't they taken off yet!"

The chief of staff next to him replied: "Chief, the order has been passed on!"


Suddenly, an energy cannon landed five hundred meters in front of them.

In an instant, that place turned into a piece of scorched earth.

All the buildings inside collapsed, and none of the rebels survived.

The terrible aftermath of the explosion caused a shocking wave of air, blowing the rebel leader hiding in the air-raid shelter to the ground, severely falling into a dog and eating shit.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Suddenly, there was a sound of machine guns in the sky.

The chief of staff pointed in the air with a full face and shouted: "Look at the leader, our fighters are here! Although the opponent's fighters are terrible, we win because of the large number. We will surely wipe them out!"

In the air, thirty planes were surrounded by five one-world fighter jets.

The fighters of the rebels were all purchased from the Batley family.

Although not as good as Citi’s first-class fighters, it’s not bad to be placed in places like the Middle East.

Thirty rebel fighters quickly surrounded the five world-generation fighters, and then various cannons and missiles bombed the past like a rainstorm.


In the horrified gazes of the rebel pilots and the leaders hiding in the air-raid shelter, bright lasers burst out.

Almost in an instant, all the cannons and missiles flying to the world-generation fighter jets all exploded in the middle of the road.

And, a desperate scene happened.

After the lasers destroyed the cannons and missiles in the middle of the road, they did not dissipate, but flew straight to the thirty rebel fighters!





The explosion sounded one after another, and thirty rebel fighters in the air were all destroyed in an instant.

The exploding firelight is just like fireworks that are bright and beautiful at a glance.

But in the eyes of the rebel leaders and staff in the air-raid shelter, it was so deadly.

In the air, the pilots of one-world fighter jets talked over wireless waves to express their excitement.

"Awesome! Our fighter is the strongest in the world!"

"The fighters of the rebels are just like paper in front of us."

"For the first time in so many years, I have fought so smoothly without worrying about my own safety."

"It's utterly devastating."

The performance and combat effectiveness of the fighters of the two sides are too far apart, and the battle situation is almost one-sided.

In mid-air, five oneworld fighter jets destroyed 30 rebel fighters and then began bombing the rebel base again.

This is a carpet bombing!

In the air-raid shelter, the leader of the rebel army looked at the world-generation fighter with a dull face.

"How can there be such a terrible fighter in the world?"

The chief of staff next to him said with a look of trepidation: "Boss, this air-raid shelter may not be able to prevent their energy cannons. Let's run quickly."

"Run?" The rebel leader's face was gray, and he had no desire to survive.


But at this moment, an energy cannon fell from the sky, crashing the air-raid shelter, killing all the people hiding in it.

The leader of the rebel army who had dealt with the Afo Agency Army for nearly ten years died like this.

It was only five minutes from the time when a one-world fighter jet attacked the rebel military base to the end.

But in this short period of five minutes, the huge Afo rebel base was destroyed and turned into ruins.

More than 6,000 rebels in the base were also buried in it, and none of them survived.

It is conceivable that this one-sided massacre, this devastating war will completely shock the world.

And let the world know that the military era belonging to the Universe Group has arrived.