The richest man in the world of cinema and television

140 Chapter New York Mainland Hotel

The next morning, New York Airport, William followed the mouth of Ginni and Amanda, and the charter of the charter was a private plane, William, lived in the plane in the plane, Ginnie And Amanda listened to the sister's instructions, have been waiting on the sofa in the living room of the charter.

I have seen Brine and his predecessor Rainol and several middle-aged men and women stand in the mouth.

Jin Ni and Amanda saw his parents, I was happy to pull the baggage, and a group of people hugged, crying.

William waved in Brian, he didn't meet Bryan friends, Brian also knew that William didn't want to know in this situation, and gave a thumbs up to William.

After the security of the captain's agent, William has undergone the security inspection. Yesterday, Yesterday, I went to the fifth Avenue. He wanted to see Winston first, see what this killer head has to say to him.

When I got off the mainland hotel, I got off the bus, William looked up and saw this continental hotel like an iron, the hotel design is really special, the designer's brain cave is really big, and it is designed to build such a strange shape 100 years ago. Building 87 meters high.

Under the leadership of the hotel service student, walk into the hotel lobby, the furnishing of the hotel lobby is still very backward, about a dozen years and twenty years without renovation.

Looking at the people sitting in the hotel lobby, with the sense of sensory, William knows that there are more than 90% of the people sitting in the lobby, and these guys are definitely killer.

William is a bit surprised, the mainland hotel is really a brightly eye-catching, so many killers are sitting here, aren't it afraid of exposure? It is also said that these people don't care if they will expose their identity.

However, I think that William will understand that the modern social police arrested people to have evidence or have been arrested by the police at the site, and there is no evidence that the police know that these people are killer. There is no way to catch people.

And listening to Bryan said that the mainland hotel has a few hundred years of history, there are several sections in Europe and America, and the forces behind the hotel must be in the European and American fence, must have the secret of their own survival.

Going to the lobby service desk, a middle-aged black smiling in glasses said: "Mr." "Mr., my name is Kaolong, is there anything to help you?"

William said: "Hello Kaolong, I am coming to Wenston, yesterday, someone gave me, said that I would like to see him, you can talk to him is Devon Hill."

Calon didn't ask, smiling, I nodded, "Please wait, Mr., I will notify Winston."

Karlon played a phone, hang up the phone smile and said: "Please come with me, Mr. De Wen Hill, Mr. Winston is waiting for you at the top of the building."

In the leadership of Karon, William walked into the elevator, curiously looked at the old elevator before the past 40s, and now there is no such thing as the old elevator that can be seen in this movie, and I don't know if it is unsafe.

Karon saw William's curious look at the decoration in the elevator, and said carefully: "Mr. De Wen Hill, although this elevator has been 70 years of history, but in addition to the decoration in the elevator, there is a modern transformation in the elevator. There is no problem in safety. "

William holds the mouth, is this a long history with him to show off the mainland hotel? In the 70 years, there is a good show, Devin Hill has the previous year's inheritance, what is good for 70 years.

Up to the top floor, just out of the elevator, let William look bright, did not expect the top floor to plant plants, all kinds of green plants and flowers surrounded by the surroundings of the top floor, only a 4-sitting table and chairs .

A middle-aged man with a point in South America and a white-haired old man said something, there is a opened suitcase on the table, which is full of gold coins, and it is probably 200.

When the two saw a guest, smiled and shocked each other, and the old man took the old man in William and smiled nodded.

The middle-aged person said to Kaolong, "Thank you, Kaolong, you are busy with you, here is gave me"

Karon nodded, "Good Mr."

The middle-aged man reached out finger chair and sighed to sit down. After sitting down, he gave William to the cup of red tea: "My name is Wenston, according to our generation, you should call me uncle, I have forgotten us. There are many teenagers have never seen it.

William, I still remember what you were born. At that time, I still hugged you, black hair, blue eyes, small nose, small mouth, is a bit ugly, I really didn't think that it was 20 years old for 20 years. "

Although William came, he had already prepared it, but heard Wenston said that he was a black tea who was justified to import, he had a few couges, and he was unbelieving. Ston.

After waiting for the cough, William's misery looks at this South American face guy, how to see that they are not like blood relationships.

Winston saw William's eyes and knew that William was in confusion, explained: "My grandmother and Henry mother are the sisters, they marry England, a married to Argentina, so we look less than the same, But one thing we still have the same "Finite finger your own hair haha ​​laughs.

William also laughed, but he didn't think this is so funny. Suddenly there is a person in South America running is his uncle, and he has just born him, which makes Willia to accept it. Can't.

"Well, I know that you don't believe, but someone can prove that I am really true, give you a look," said, "Help me take the password cartridge in the safe."

In a few minutes, a middle-aged woman is handed over with a small password to Wenston, waving the middle-aged woman, and Winston handed the cryptographic to William.

"This is Henry to me, you should understand after you open"

William is confused, watching the password in the hand, there is no password I opened.

Winston saw William to watch him, shrugged "Don't look at me, I don't know the password, Henry didn't tell me when I gave me the password, just let me give you a time"

The cryptographic cylinder William in the hand saw the German Hill family, there is a good luck in the top, there is a mark, and even the words, these words, the words, William, I understand what it means, but he is not anxious. Turn on the password.

But asked Wenston: "Why is it now to give me now.

Wenston said with a smile: "Henry said if you have not inherited him, let you be an ordinary person, my uncle may never recognize you, but I know Not only inherited Henry's wishes and far beyond me and his expectations, I really didn't expect you to grow up.

What you did, I have been in secretly observing you after Henry, I thought you would be peaceful and born in peace, and I have stabilized, I didn't expect you to deceive everyone. It is worthy of Henry's successor, I think Henry will be very comforted in heaven. "

William suddenly became a flash in the brain, busy: "This is because you have your protection, I have lived in a quiet life of no one to live for 10 years?"