To solve the end of Sunday, William Shu comfortably hid in the castle a few days, in the morning, accompanying the rider and red rabbit to cultivate the old man in the old man in the old man, looking at the rider and red rabbit training ,

After training, William will take one of the red rabbit to walk in the venue, and the natural magic of the mane is brusked to the body and improve the body quality of the rabbit.

By starting training, Red Rabbit has just just passed through the 3-year-old birthday, this time the quality and speed increase is normal, 3-year-old horse is like a 16-year-old man's teenager is on the rise, no one will put red rabbit Lifting and William contact.

In this way, the speed of red rabbit is nearly 67 seconds, and it is possible to break the world record of 67 seconds at any time. From La Nilkou, I learned that this grade is still more bloody horses from England.

However, the total schedule of the Holy Cechanical Championship to participate is the 2800 short-distance, and the middle latter is the beginning of the rabbit. The sweaty horse is a good endurance, and the endurance of the red rabbit is definitely There is a number of sweat in the blood.

Lao Nier has a very confident in the competition. After participating in this Holy Lieji Championship, the first stop of the Sanchaki, the first stop of the oldest, and the first stop of the first stop of the United States will wait until the beginning of May, and the middle is seven or eight months. Some is the opportunity to participate in the first-class events, enhance experience and strength to impact the old American three crown.

It is still very expected to become a championship, Master William, and the money is more than a certain degree, and is it not to achieve, awareness, honor and social influence?

The champion Master is absolutely a honor of the rich, and the old three-crown prince has been in 30 years since the Secretariat of the 70 years, it has not been a hand, and the impression of William is 15 years later. The horse ran out of the three crowns.

Next year, the three-crowns will be able to get, once the red rabbit gains the oldest horse three crown, then the price of red rabbits will definitely burst, and the price of the horses in his manor will also rise, although not There are too many,

But William is a person who hangs. As long as a champion horse, the German Hill horse will definitely become the leader in the Horses in the world, and this can make money and improve the reputation of the German Hill family. William is absolutely not let go.

The red rabbit is released naturally, William passes the horse to La Nier, watching the rabbit of the people who are returned by Lao Nier, William is sigh, this horse can give the benefits. It is the uncle.

After eating dinner back to the castle and mother, Willia is alone in the living room sofa and watching the news of the TV station. The host is a vinegar, the English special service is executed. Video.

When I saw this William, I had to go to the time, and the daytime Garris gave him a few calls, forced William to return to London to help him, William used an excuse to act in action. Lis

However, on the way back to the castle, he received a phone call in Garis. In the call, Marsh's breakfast and William said some words, he couldn't catch up, because there is already a highly exposed special service that is killed.

The worst thing is that the dagger is also filled with video mail to the TV, and some shameless TVs in England will not let this big event that can sensational allocate. They will not cause confusion or disclosure of England society or leaks. Direct the video to play the video to all England.

William's three-to-Garis guaranteed this leaks, grabbed the following prourse to put Garis spare.

William has not active, is waiting for the return of Creger, there is a 007 charge, why do you have to do it?

It is not ready to say that William is not prepared, the death team is sent to the Lion City to stand, waiting for the return to him to be a helper, two armed helicopters and other weapons and equipment are looking for arsenal, Yuriolov placed on a lion City neighbor Malaya.

Can I wait for about more than ten days of Querag, and I still haven't returned to England, and I will not hang it. William is worried about thinking.

The earphones said on the air on the air: "Sunday, establish a mission, target Daniel Craig, the current 007, these months, he should be in Morocco, pay attention to the remote zone bar, he is seriously injured, I can't get a big hospital, I can only rely on drinking a paralysis. "

"Understand, the task has been established, in execution, please wait, SIR".

After a few minutes, the sound of Sunday in the earphones, "SIR, I found suspicion of Mr. Craig's video in Moroccan Port, Tangier, by comparing 90% of Mr. Croag."

"What is he doing?" William is rest assured, while the Kroggue, now it is needed, since he doesn't return to English.

"SIR, Mr. Cregg just finished drinking, now it seems to go to a ladies in the same day."

Is this going to find a woman? "Can you transfer your video to your eyes?"

"No problem, SIR, I can enter the cable of the cable TV to transmit video, but the underlying command does not allow me to do this, this requires your authorization."

"Oh, very good, pass it", "William is very satisfied, he needs to be a smart system that is not threatened, and it will become a videody of videos in front of William in a few seconds.

This should be the camera of the street, I saw that the person who was imagined with Kraig 9 was knocked on a seaside cabin door, then saw a blurry woman shadow and hugged with Craig. Enthusiastic house.

This bastard This is a living in a holiday? That is half-point, the uncle, I will wait for you to work, you still have a fitness with the beauty.

William is angry and Sunday said: "Do you have a phone in the wood house? Some words help me all."

"Understand, SIR".

Sunday just finished, William's mobile phone automatically Unicom a number, 'beep, beep, beep'.

Quick Bluetooth headphones came to spending some gasping French, "who is looking for".

"See the ghost" I heard that the gas will know what the two are doing, "call your people around you".

After a few seconds in the headphones, the voice of the woman came up, "Alex is looking for you."


Krag does not talk, William understands his concerns, says that it is hurting on the injury, saying that it is difficult to listen, he is when he fleeted, and he caught it directly to die.

William didn't say goodness: "Alex? When did you have this name.

Cragluma heard the sound of William, and silenced to sweat on the brain in a few seconds. The nervous trophy went to the window to take a look.

It is not that the Harring of the Speech Bureau should take the gas. He knew what the William family did, and for his highly hidden highly, it was the most unwilling to face it like a German Hill family. Specially dedicated to the two ghosts.

Observing the surprises on the street, the Kraig looks decadently: "The coming is still coming."

"What" William is confused. 8)