The richest man in the world of cinema and television

395 Chapter Into the Share Affairs Office and Accident

I didn't buy a 19 acre before and after half an hour, and the estate worth 150 million US dollars, William, probably created the fastest luxury homes to buy records.

The manor is bought, Abby Gar is happy with William to go to the entire manor, in addition to the modernization, other decorations, pattern, and historical sense make William very satisfied, the only unique is to have no business.

With William, you want to find a housekeeper that can make him feel relieved. The castle is still a mother. Now Lira is in the team, but the household is necessary.

I looked at Abby Galle, William was thinking about it for this chick?

This makes it hugged the orthodor of William's arms, and suddenly feels bad, I want to ask, the private lawyer Anthony, see William's mood, "BOSS, from Switzerland National Bank Turning to the 200 million US dollars of the Bank of England have arrived, this money is, you look at the owed $ 300 million tax first. "

"Well, I will have to pay now?" I was happy with William stopped to see Anthony. "I remember not the last time in April in April?"

Anthony shakes his head, "Boss, you are talking about the tax law of the old beauty, the British side is necessary to pay within half a year, you are not there so much in May this year, the expiration may face the lawsuit and penalty."

"Dear, you don't forget the Male of Kabare and Devin's ancient public money", the Abby Garli reminded, "There is also the people who have a Royal Furniture company to customize furniture and daily necessities with Lada. You don't forget to pay. "

"Sunday, turn 10 million US dollars to the account of Abiegier", William lie on the left.

"Understand, SIR, transfer has been completed."

"There is this $ 10 million enough to buy it."

"It should be enough, if there are other needs of Lun Na, then I will find you again", I noddi.

"If you are enough, you will go to work. I have to live in the evening." I have finished my relatives in Abiega, I took Antoni to the garden.

After a few minutes, Willia sat on the roadside bench and asked Anthony asked, "Is there a result of acquiring your business?"

Anthony Dao Xie sat down, "$ 150 million 35% of the shares have no problem, BOSS, my teacher let me tell you, in fact, you don't have to hold our firm, more than 20 big lawyers, more than a dozen accountant partnership People, the equity is very scattered, 35%, plus the people who follow you, you have already fully controlled the firm.

Moreover, the full holding is not all good things, and it is possible to cause the resolution, and the resolution of the resolution is also caused by the enthusiasm of the partner.

Anthony just finished, on Sunday, in William's ear, heard that there was this possibility, William nodded, "the contract brought?"

"Of course, BOSS, everyone is still very excited to have you to join the firm", Anthony ran out a thick document from the briefcase, handed over to William, "You are the true boss in the future."

"Haha, I didn't expect my company yet no formal employee, but there were hundreds of lawyers and accountants." William smiled and shook his head, took out the mobile phone to scan the contract, and there was no problem in Sunday after a few minutes. The pen of the Antoni hand is directly owed by the name, then press the handprint.

Leave your contract, "Okay, call your teacher and other partners, I invite them to Gu" at night. "

"Ok, BOSS", Anthony Gong.

"Sunday", William lie, "Help me ask Devin Dagong, Garis and Kabare, Mark Tomorrow meet in the manor tomorrow morning, since they give face, some things should give them a manner."

"Understand, SIR, message is issued".

In the evening, Willia Province invited all partners in the manor to get dinner, one intentional, tribute to the golden main, so the chat is very pleasant, and the Law of William and individuals will be given to the moonfinder in the future. Reach.

Of course, the financial review of William will find other accounting companies, he will not be handed over to a company.

At 10 o'clock in the morning of the next day, '' over the Human Square, which is William Expressing sincerely staring at the two helicopters to German Dagong and Kabare,

As for Garis, this old brother did not drive to the manor for breakfast at 9 o'clock.

The first arrived is the relatively close German Dagong, the helicopter stops, after turning off the engine, Devin Dagong walked down the helicopter, but let William unexpectedly, one looks better than De Wen Dagong The situation is good, and a man with a three or more people followed the helicopter.

"Good morning, Big Du", William, and Devin Dagong hug, "Sorry, the old and far, please ask you to London, but you look good."

"Good morning, William", Devin Dagong holds William, touched it slightly on his face, "My child, you always forget what to call me, is our ancestor is not the same person?"

William has a white eye, this old guy always wants to remind himself of the law, everyone is the same ancestor, and he has to call his grandfather according to the life.

Helpless hold the big public arm, pretending to be happy, "Okay, I am very happy, grandfather."

Dagong was put on William's eyes did not see, smiled haha, "I am also very happy to see you, children, come to introduce you".

The old man who turned his hand to the body, "William, this is the chairman of Malco, the Cans Group, my cousin, Marco, this is the pride of Williams Hill, German family."

"Hello, Mr. Cans, I am very happy to see", William laughs and exits.

Malco Cans holds William's hands, "Hello, William, I am very happy to see you."

Del Wen Dagong pointed the three or more men introduced the road, "William, this is Charles-Covendi Xu Luo, my brother's only child, my dinner, at the same time, the child of Malco, Charles this It is William.

"Ha", William reached out to grabbed Charles - Covendi's hand, lower your body in Charles Ear, "You dare to call me the nephew, I will throw you out of the manor", finished Hand a force.

Charles immediately felt a painful pain came, and the red face photographed William's shoulders, "OK, OK, my surname Ca Wendi, your surname Devin Hill, rest assured, we have made friends."

See Charles very well, William, laugh, "Thank you, I am very happy, Charles".

Intonded the pain in my hand, Charles helplessly laughed, "I am very happy to meet you, William." 8)