The richest man in the world of cinema and television

642 chapter Dakes and baits for saving

"" ".

A wolf snoring than ordinary wolf is coming, from far and near.

When the Wolf, who is surrounded by Laura, after hearing this wolf, stopped a moment, actually turned around.

I don't know the three people who haven't chased it. If I heard Sunday in the ear, "Igi, Laura, Wesley, the second batch of air-proof drugs, spare batteries and rapid reactors after ten seconds will arrive.

The task of you is to support the death team and kill any people who have encountered. "

It is because of the fast 40 wolf, and the excitement of Eges is not much to answer, "no problem".

Laura thought for a while, and understood that the three people were definitely bait. They attracted most of the wolf, and they dared to attack the leaders of Wolf.

I have a few words in my heart, but I am looking at William and Sunday, I have not let myself encounter danger.

Laura didn't have more hesitant times, I went back to the sentence 'understand.

The Westley is not too much, just nod, from the three layers of underground buildings, jumping to the bottom of the ruined square, quiet waiting for the aircraft.

Aggi jumped to Wesley, excited, "Dang, after today, we have to make a fortune, how many bonus do you guess Boss?"

"Probably," Wesley just finished, he heard Merlin's voice came from the communication channel.

"Look at you with nearly 100 wolf, good performance, I will suggest to BOSS, give you a reward for 100,000 pounds, plus a wolf to give a thousand pounds."

"Jess, I love you Merlin".

Forget it, you can get nearly 1.40,000 pounds, Egeri and Wesley are not excited.


Laura is very uncomfortable to look at Eger and Wesley two, and she doesn't care at all. It cares about the bottom of my own grade, lost the face.

Crawford family is a veritable consortium, how much is specific, and there is no inheritance of Laura, but don't know, but dozens of millions of dollars should have no problem.

After twenty seconds, the three people put their batteries and some broken plug-in armor, hung on the aircraft and looked at the aircraft.

Only the new battery, the reaction armor was put on the armor, and the tip of good ammunition was in accordance with Sunday tips, and the direction of the death team will go.


Three people left, Seorna walked out of hidden places, silently looked around, the wolf of the whole body is speaking for a long time.

She is very clear that this kind of Mechanic warrior encountered today, once they have been formed, how long they don't have,

It is necessary to completely hide in the dark, and even rush to a place where there is no smoke, live in the lives of the savage.

Remembering the behind-the-scenes boss mentioned by Eges, who didn't help but want to see the scenes of the scene.

This figured out, Selenna took out the mobile phone, took more than a dozen a dozen arser's body, and quickly chased the three people in Eig.

After a minute, just turned out of an corner, a giant force took her on the wall, then saw a light transformation,

Laura's sneak armor released the light invisible function, grabbed the neck of Selena, and the dagger went on her neck.

"I found you before, but I didn't think that you didn't hinder our share, I didn't expect you to follow us."

"If you don't have to kill her", Eges walked over from the buns not far away, "lepon hindering our tasks".

"Then you do your hand", from the other side of the Westley, see Egryi directly, there is no airway, "Don't have a lot, Merlin said today's goal is the iswolf,

And vampire and wolf are world hatred.

This reminded Egcy and Laura, and the two couldn't help but guess William. It would like to be combined with vampire to clear the wolf, and then deal with blood ghosts.

However, although people do not adjust, the mind is very much Agiese, in the communication channel and Wesley, Laura said,

"BOSS is not afraid that the vampire is prepared, it is more difficult to deal with it? Or look at this sucking".

"Shut up, Egerse", Jely Lin, who is sitting in the truck, "You I don't even take us yourself."

Laurah is like a beautiful severn, loose hands, passing by Eger West, silently patted his shoulders, and ran in the direction of the death team.

Looking at the same shot in my shoulders, I took the helmet with Wesley after Laura, Eigdi was annoyed, shouting, "see ghosts, you have to give me a confidentiality".

After three people left, she took the neck and picked up the m416 on the ground.

She is now convinced that the BOSS after Egersea is temporarily lost to her, or the Laura three will not let go of itself twice.

I ran for dozens of seconds, I heard the gunshots came in front, and Selena knew the faster to the destination.

Along the bodies of the wolf, drilled into a high-ventilated pipeline, squatting in the body tens of meters, turning a bend, an empty underground building reflected in the eye.

"Damn", look at the buildings in front of you, Jerene doesn't make a curse, I didn't want tors that were from hiding in the underground air cave in the Eastern London.

Squatting on the ventilation pipeline, looking at more than ten meters, huge air defense holes, nine tattooles with blue rays are fighting with hundreds of wolves fiercely fight.

Just look at the moment, Srinena quickly found the goals of the wolf, is a long-haired man who is guarded by three battles, locked in the corner of the wall.

Look at the face of the man, Selenna shocked, "Lucie?"

"Damn", no thinking in a few seconds, she raised the M416 in the hand, turning to Lucyan fierce.

" , ".

Several silver bombs hit the coma of Lucyan.

Looking at Lucie, Lucy, who was awakened by silver, on the road of air cavity, William in the truck looked at Changlena laugh,

"Waiting for you to find everything is how you choose?"

For the Sunday ordered, "sent a combat robot, let Wesley shot from Seorna, if you don't listen, you will hurt her."

"Understand, SIR".

After the voice falls, the truck in William, the bottom of the car of another truck automatically opens a door,

A burst of ", " came from the carriage, and then, a combat robot lifted on the carriage and reached out the sewer hole cover on the pavement of the truck.

A combat robot has jumped into the sewer in the middle of the carriage.

The leader was attacked, and the waswolf immediately divided many people from the wall along the wall.

The Wesley who received the prompt on Sunday also lifted the gun, "" a few shots playing in the pipe wall of Sithina.

Looking at Lucie behind a Moracored Warrior, there is a bore hole that appears outside the wall and the wall.

Looking at the wolf people who kept killed, Srinena just understood it in a second.

These machine warriors are the bait in Lucusie, I want to clean up all the wolf people who come to save Lucy.