The richest man in the world of cinema and television

654 chapter divided into and unexpectedly

Seeing Tenina is honest, William laughs, "this is right."

Loosing her, turned to the side of the wine cabinet, and gave himself to the wine, while saying,

"I don't know if you haven't heard, Vik is most fear is your blood-fashioned ancestor Mucus-Kevinnes death."

Thorinden thought about it, "It seems to have heard of Marcus, which is the beginning of the ancestors, once died, we will die together."

"Yes", William smiled and drunk whiskey, "This is probably thousands of young, power Seli, Mussen,

Because the real situation is, even if Marcus is dead, there will be no influence on you, but Victor can't take this insurance.

Always avoid Marcus and his unused brothers, the wolf, the Waly Lower-Kevinnes contact.

Refers to the copper products in the virtual image, William is watching, "This is part of a key,

I can open the key to Waly Lian-Ke Wen Nas prison, and that prison is your father. "

"So", William looked at the big change of the face, no pity, "After the prison is built, not only your home is attacked, and any other people related to prisons are all dead.

More interesting is that the other half of the key has been in your bloody father Victor's chest,

Also, who wants to know that Lucie has these half a key? Who is its owner? "

"Who", Selenna asked.

"Sonya, Victor's biological daughter, the wife of Lucie, but because of the mixed-blood children of the isnas and vampires,

It is dead by Victor to death.

When Victor quietly sneaked into your home, when he was unscrupulous, he accidentally discovered that you were still small, and it was very similar to Sonya.

Naturally becomes Sonya's alternative, New Pets of Victor.

After that, William sat on the sofa and looked at the sorrowful thinking.

After a long time, it is probably what she thinks in her own memory fragments. Thinna actually shed tears.

This makes William not comes from curious, according to the legend, the vampire should not cry, even if it is necessary to stream, it is also buddy.

Curiously put in the wine glass, walk to the front of Selena, hand on her face, thumb, wiper tears,

I didn't expect him that the curious movement, but let Chirinden misunderstood, thinking that he is coming over to care about her.

The righteous Sherinena is not hugging hands tightly, in her look, unlike William, looking for a moment of comfort and security.

After a long time, I asked, "Where is the prison?"

"I do not know".

The William of this time has been aware of spiritual perception, did not find the hostility of Serena, and the eyes were turned, holding her shoulders in one hand.

The other hand is gently pressed in her backbrain in her chest, and then the girl suddenly violently biting the threat.

Only said, "The prison probably only knows you and Victor."

Seorina looked up and looked at William. "I only remember some blurred fragments. When I was young, I did have to go to the prison with my father.

But where is it, I can't remember. "

"NO, those memories have been in your blood, so once Marcus knows this,

He will definitely catch you directly ", once again gently put the head of Penna on the bulletproof in the chest.

Severna asked curiously, "Why? Why Marcus knows that the ancestors of the wolf are neither rationality, and those who are biting by him are also unused.

But still look for him. "

"Probably wants to be god, the people of Kevinas family can actually have the strength of the blood and the isnas.

Once Marcus gets the blood of his brother, it is true that he is really got. "

Thinking of this, William is secretly decided, how can you get Muscus? After a while, I'm sighing.

"In this clan, it is probably only Amilia and you have no hatred, you have to revenge, you can find her cooperation."

Sereenna immediately negated the road, "It is impossible, Amilia is not only one of the three elders, but also the wife of Victor, how can she have the idea of ​​doing Victor."

William, who is just wanting to answer, wait, why do you speak with Amilia?

One thinking, a memory does not help but appear in the mind, William is not happy, if this suddenly comes out, the memory has not been wrong,

As the wife of Victor, Amilia did he had already betrayed him.

Not only betrayed, but also stolen a son with a member of a blood group committee.

I thought about it immediately, I thought of a handsome face. What is this little bloody ghost?


This thought, immediately remembered, is the member of the committee not a Thomas Old Ghost in the living room?

I didn't think how long I didn't think how long I didn't think how long I didn't want to die as the Milly East Ethnic Part.

But I have to think about the power of differentiation of the differentiation, and things will be simple.

Although I want to kill Amilia is equally simple, William is clearly clear, and he is impossible to clean the blood circulation throughout the world.

From these days to clean up the results of the waswolf, Barney can easily kill the waswolf found.

But it is not trouble, forced, and even the wolf crazy biting in front of them.

This lesson is not careful, but some people care.

Not only Bunny, they invited him to him, but Philip is rare to send him fire.

Fortunately, in Barney, they bite the people secretly cleaned up, but if there is a large-scale social shock,

Unless William wanted to take the whole hand, allies and human society, it can only be step by step.

Perhaps the wolf and vampires have been driven out of England, and he wants to swallow off the assets belonging to Victor.

What's more, Eastern Europe is just not in the land, Guang England, France, Western European countries, and Miki to toss it.

As long as you don't grab Amilia's things and sites, I believe that the fear of Victor know that he has betrayed Amilia

Will be very willing to rely on the big mountain Vikedo on her head, always exhibited Markus that is sleeping.

Things are to be a result, she is the most expensive person of the blood group, I can feel at the east.

Maybe you can also cooperate to clean up the overcoming of Victor's forces, as for the future, it is better than the game with all the blood people.

And William is actually quietly truly dried Muskus, but it is fake that he hides him.

This will not only make Amilia, and even the people of the entire blood family will be afraid of Marcus thinking about themselves.

Once he died, his blood-fashioned ghosts and the same scruples.

Yes, it's so dry. Anyway, Marcus died in actually no impact on the blood family.

Treatment of dropped Victor's Western blood group, if it is true that the East's blood family will be simple in the future.

If you want to finish these, William is excited to be a pro, whispered, "Tell me, you don't want to revenge".

This makes Selenna never met with the opposite sex, actually feels blood to boil, immediately push him, and then sit on the sofa.

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