The richest man in the world of cinema and television

828 chapter is forced to come to Skru people

"Nine snake?" The black widow asked panic, "Do you know what you are? Devin Hill,".

William shrugged, "Sorry, this is probably the fact, because I not only have to turn over the hand, but I still have to have traded with them.

But now the nine snake is also some guys who bullied and afraid of hard. After I will kill them so many people, I still don't have to talk to me.

Unfortunately, there are too many people who have killed, so I don't think the madness of the nine snake, I will really pay.

When you get the technique of getting the spacecraft from my hand, it is the beginning of the thrill.

In this case, I am very happy to see Nickfurry in front, help me share the firepower, and the two sides jointly stop the penetration of the nine-head snakes to the world, so that this world is really madman rule, destroying me. life".

Unfortunately, like William, like Willia, the black widow does not believe in these ghosts that William.

Good news in the nine-head snake, too horror and important, plus William's identity, even if you don't believe, you have to pay attention to it.

"Why tell us these, I don't believe what you have a nine snake will destroy your life," staring at William's eyes and expressions, suddenly,

"Don't you have the idea of ​​the world, so, let's fight the nine snake designed to rule all humanity?"

"See the ghost, why there is a self-satisfied person in this world," William nuji, "You have worked in the Devew Hill Group for a few months,

It should be very clear, I have no interest in managing your company, do you think I will have that interest to manage all humanity? "

"Moreover, you have heard it", William patted Natasha's shoulders, "Whether it is a nine snake, or Nickfurry, anyone who hits my spaceship is my enemy."

I can't see William in a time is really not interested in power, or the disguised Natasha, can only face the expression, "We will stare at you, goodbye, German Hill".

No matter what William, if you turn around, you will leave, while walking, you are looking at the earphone channel. "You all have heard, we must find Nickrei as soon as possible."

In a car outside the palace, you are checking your own bow, "Frei is not, this important, urgent intelligence, we can't report it to others?"

The black widow has not answered yet, and the Colosteo, which is sitting in the car, "no, absolutely no, what do you forget William Dew Hill?"

"What?" What? "

"His transaction with the nine snake is not allowed, and kills many people", Collson finished, the expression of the unusual is uncein,

"The forefront of the front, Nick made me secretly went to the Antarctic, and investigated a secret mission of the Shenmun Bureau. It finally determined that someone in the Office hit Nick in many things.

Plus, don't forget the time ago, the bureau made people speaking, we cooperated with William Devin Hill to develop super energy and breakthrough,

But so many past, William Dewheire's spacecraft has been used, but who have heard it, as a partner of the partner, have some new energy news?

It is the most fear that this time, William Dewhell only kills the wolf, this is Dewen Hill has not lied, do you know what this means?

This means that the nine-head snakes are not only resurrected, but also put their hands into the exotic, even if they die, they can die for the technology, and they don't hesitate to give up retaliation. "

"You, don't scare me Collson, how can you be infiltrated by people.

The eagle's hand is holding a strong bow. "You know if you speculate is true, but stop us from going to the newspaper, what does it mean?"

What he didn't expect is that Collson wants to have the same way as he moved all. "I certainly know this means that I have a suspicion that I have a trust in the news.

But I do this, because I can determine that someone hit Nick in the God Shield, but did not submit any action records and post-reported reports.

So, as long as there is a skeptical suspicion, I tend to tell Nick, waiting for him to make a decision.

So all the people have a nine snake, and the status is very high, then we are not only in the surrounder, then waiting for the world to wanted and chasing it. "

After listening to these guess, the eagle is silent, the headphones have passed the sound of the black widow, "Clint, I think I still listen to Collson, Nickfurry is not in the case, we really don't have to take it unnecessary risks of".

Two more, plus your own heart, I also started to suspect the eagle eye, only a few more obedience, "How do we contact Nickfrey, can't you wait?"

Of course, don't have to wait, from William discovering that there is a communication device in Skru, but it is deliberately asked to start, the Skrui supported by the London will be arrested by their companions, and someone in England can see them to transform them. Message, emergency back to space.

People were caught, Mskruan's integrity is about to fail, even worse, this way is that it is killed by the enemy, and Waiting Skrun will be the disaster of the top.

At this moment, a unknown planet in space is notified after receiving the notice, and the feelings of William will be more heavy.

He hid here, although it is a holiday, by the way, in the case of Scholu people, avoid the search and chasing, but in the dark, not afraid of the sorrow of William.

Fortunately, in 1995, I learned a Skror's leader named Taros, and Nickrery had been eight years in more than eight years, and even participated in Skru people's penetration, assassinated Kril's action.

Therefore, this Skruore led by Taros, and the vision of Nickfrey is very deep, in order to be chased by Kri, it also sent people to the Earth to help Nickfrey.

Before the spacecraft, Nickfrey and Taros whispered, "Contact to Carol-Danfurt, let her have to go a special ball, or, I am afraid that I don't know when, I will be illegally Is people done? "

Taros smiled and said, "That is called William Devon Hill, it is so powerful, let you be afraid of such a two hand?"

"You still have a laughter, before you hear that the wizards in England can make you transform, it is different from the Sku people in the Blue Star?"

Nixffrui laughed haha ​​looked at the Black Taros, "Next, Man".

"No, my friend, I change my mind", Taros helplessly, "I have to see the wizard is not really able to see our transformation, if it is true, then,".