The richest man in the world of cinema and television

939 chapter Ross is touched by William

"Even Mr. De Wen Hill has no technology that can make me stronger, and I will definitely have a way to mitigate my weakness."

The Brownski expression looks gloomy looks Rose. "Since Devon Hill can foresee my situation, it will illustrate that he is absolutely authoritative in the world in the world of super soldiers."

Hold your fists, Bronski think of herself who was slammed by the tiger rhinoceros, a collision.

At the same time, the heart is small and humiliation, "Although it has been restored, I am very clear, when I encounter the head of Tang Tiger Rhino, the ending will end with my serious injury or death.

So I need stronger strength, faster speed, or, stronger defense. "

"More stronger defense?"

Ross instantly understands Bronsky's meaning, "Do you want to get Dewen Hill's battle?"

"This is impossible", Ross sighs in the leather chair, "starting from the Devin Hill War, we have been looking for opportunities to get it,

The idiots that can be domestic, William has been replaced to the four generations of space warfare, but they have been eliminated, and the second-generation A, which is handed over to Jintan.

Now, how long, people have eliminated the four-generation battle armor, wearing the five generations that can fly, and can easily kill the transforming the transforming the millennium super blends,

I don't know where the waste under my hand, when I have the war armor comparable to the German Hill binary, William's tattoo is directly destroyed. "

"Cough, cough, this, this".

I heard the words of Rose, as the Bunski, the English, although it sounded very cool, but still rushed to cough a few reminded Ross to speak back.

Know the Rose that you want to run, sit straight straight, "Devon Hill branch warfare is not much used by you."

In the past few days, in the battle of Egypt, I saw Jintan members who wore binalistist armor, which would be killed by the super large weapon of the heelovers.

Blankski nod is waiting to speak Rose.

Rose thought about it, "If we know, there is a qualified application to use the three-style warfare, only Jinsman's three groups, and a mercenary team called the Death team,

However, this mercenary team is now basically retired, and the armor will be issued when there is a task.

There is only the four-person bodyguards of Lirina Devish.

As for the Fourth Tailor, only William's two women who don't know what race is used, so I advise you still don't fight. "

"It is very normal to use the woman", and Brons I asked, "But I don't know what the race means?"

Rose hesitated, "I said that you have a vampire in this world, can you accept it?"

Brownski is directly asked, but I have to have an alien, I have become super humans. Now I have a vampire, and the waswolf is not accepting things.

Since Ross will say, it will definitely be, as for the information from that, Blankers is not concerned.

I nodded with Ross, I listened to Rose, "We guess that two women are vampires, from some secret information, they are indeed a vampire.

But not bloodthirsty, not afraid of silver, and even the bright and big appearance appear under the sun, we don't know how to summarize their races. "

"Vacuum", the vampire of the weakness, the low voice of Brownski, I feel that William is found to change the weakness of the sustain.

Thinking of this is not lit by your eyes, but didn't wait for him to ask, Rose reminded, "Things didn't think so simple, once you became a vampire, the wolf and the like,

Then pray that you will not be taken by William, because he will directly destroy you. "

Rose knocked knock on his computer, taking out of the last few days before it was obtained, about William's confidential information, opened the information related to the vampire, wherewolf, to Brownski.

"From the years, the information collected in these years, William not only sick the vampire, but also treats the isnas to take the practice of killing.

Two years ago, he did the least four thousand sorrows in Europe. After the European, the European could never have a large scale of the Wolf.

And after large-scale hunting, I don't let go, continue to the underground world, release the wolf's employment task, and there is no landing of the wherewolf to kill.

Getting many rice country's hunters run to Europe, earn the fifty Bak's German Hill Gold Coin.

In London and Oxford, there have been no traces of vampires and wolves in two years. "

"This is really, this is really."

After reading the limited information provided by Luo, Brownski, who is engaged in England, is proud of William.

I don't understand, "Since the vampire and the wolf are really exist, then they don't know how many years of ethnic groups, why not find William Revenge?"

"Revenge? Ha, there is also this matter."

Ross gently snorted, "The isnas will have the present, because they are trapped by William,

The retalian attack spaceship manufacturing plant can be exchanged, but these wolf can't live in Europe, most of them can only hide in the country. "

Speaking of this, Ross couldn't help but think of the colleague with his own, but he didn't get whatever, but he was killed by a large group of wolf.

Wait, it seems that his family reunited. Think of this, Rose did not help but hit a chilly, and the William of the mouth may control a wolf ethnic group.

Suddenly I feel that the brunt is said that William's past, is completely ambiguous, and destroyed himself.

Does Ros not have any results, do not say completely uncontrolled, and the most powerful Bruce - Banner, the Brownski in front of it is not the same as their own results?

The only thing that needs to be found now is to find Banner, once you get his blood sample, maybe you can copy the green giant on the Brownski.

So, in order to get the trust of Bronski, Ross once again knocked on his computer, and transferred the green giant to escape the laboratory's video to Brownski.

Looking at the green guy on the screen, the strong and unlocked green guy, Brownski asked, "Long, Chief Executive, don't tell me, this guy is also your masterpiece."

Ross satisfied with Brownski, which has become bigger, Mei Xiaoyu, nodded, "You are not the only result of Milinan so many years,

In addition to you, there is also the American captain and "Rose stopped, and the expression is gloomy pointing at the screen," Green Giant ".