The richest man in the world of cinema and television

1110 Who is a very important thing to dominate

Seeing the future of the black leopard, William opens the car window and recruited the other party, and then refers to the parking space not far away, put the car in the other side.

I didn't get off the car yet, and a group of students who found this world-oriented, they shouted William's name.

Fortunately, these students are different from the dog, although watching the lively surrounding nearby, the distance of two or three meters.

William got off the bus and trickled with a few legs, attracted a response and some boy's dissatisfaction,

Laughing Haha's licking on Sunday, "I told people to come over, otherwise I will come, I will definitely come."

After that, William couldn't help but remember the mother's head of Mother La, Pierce - Brucen.

The corner of the mouth is smiling, and the front and rear 007, now doing things under their own, in the military affairs, probably become the most unpopular person.

Responsible for directing the four brussels south of the secrets of Lena and Abby, first arranged people from the University of London.

After the secret security head of the German Hill, he has not been exposed to William's big boss.

Is Bruce South not thinking about this opportunity, come see Willia?

And William's current Bond, the performance of Zhenjin was really very good yesterday, and she couldn't help but think of Brucennan. Then, the way of detecting evil tried him.

If there is no problem, then talk about things, so that the other party has always thought that he did not stay.

And these experiences have experienced too many crises, and they can live to retired agents, and in some respects, there is indeed unique side, close, and the close relationship can be used.

These ideas only think in the mind, William is a student who shouts his name to fight,

On the side of VaCana, in English, you can't get regular security protection, so that Sunday notifies Brucen to come over, responsible for today's security.

Signing a few courageous girls, see the people around you want to try, William is busy, and there is no one to pay with the two bald female guards. Prince VaCana.

During the two or three meters, I took the initial extension, smiled and smiled. "Welcome to London to visit, Wang Zi".

This move immediately got Chicara, and he was a good feeling with the two Wasanda Royal Royal Front.

More than two hours this morning, I was ignored by the English people, let these high arrogant Wasanda elites, and I have a fire in my heart.

Therefore, William only turned some respect, and won the awareness of Charra, "Thank you, thank you for your invitation, Duke.

I am Chicara, Wasanda heirs, I am very happy to meet you. "

"I am also very happy that you can accept my invitation, I am William-German Hill."

After two people shaking hands, after introducing each other, William and two black sister guards hit a greetings, turned and challa standing together, let the people who have a photo taken one by one.

Originally, a small country who had to die in Africa, uncomfortable students, see William actually standing on the side of Charra, uncommitted.

You can immediately have a fast person who has a brain turn, thinking that there is certainly what you don't know, and you will take a group photo with the two.

It didn't take advantage of the water in the sky, two female guards frowned, but they were blocked by Japara.

William is not afraid than the guy who is famous than him is, it is certain that there is enough grasp.

Surrounded by large amounts of security, secret protection and observation, or other protective measures they still don't know.

"Relax, relax, buddy, here is the University of London, I have nothing to do."

William hit the shoulders of the Shoulder, "smiled, buddy, you represent, but closed for decades, Wasanda that did not touch the outside.

Since it has been intended to begin, the people and media are important to Wasanda's first impression. "

This is immediately letting Chiangli thinks that his father said, Wasanda will have a limit to increase exposure, slowly get more links in the outside world, and the face is not coming to expose a smile.

I have been disturbing for ten minutes, and the meeting will begin, and the two people have reminded to the Great Hall to go to the Great Gifts.

"You seem to know us very well, Devin Hill", asked with Chickel Raise.

"", William smiled, "Sorry, after knowing you have Zhenjin, I started to find all the information I can find, and Wasanda.

And you hide your identity, from the prince of Oxford University, the prince of Canta, for me, didn't have much difficulty. "

Charra couldn't help but remember some speculation that Wasanda's agent in England and reported.

From William trapped in Mars, then after being hit by the waswolf, many people think that London, Oxford, and even the entire English is in his monitoring.

And from some headless cases, any person who is secretly playing the German Hill family member, as long as it enters London, it will definitely unclearly.

The Underground World in England has rumored that the number of London's gray society in these years has declined, that is, because some gray society plans to kidnapped the German Hill family member, I have not started to start, I was found to be a clean. net.

Thinking of William's cold and dull attitude towards the enemy, Chara is not frown, "What do you want to get from us?"

"What do I want you know," William haha, "We are facing now, it should be what you need here".

Chicara Wen Wen and Frowning.

William was aggressive, and did not ask VaCanda's attitude that Waitan is willing to trade, so that he is very dissatisfied.

"But if we don't want to trade with anyone?"

William laughs haha ​​looks at the face of serious brother, "It doesn't matter, I am looking for you to buy Zhenjin, but because of relatively, your things are cheaper."

"What do you mean."

This will not only let Chamala immediately stopped, and even the two female guards behind him are surprised to stare at William.

William returned to the big challenge of his face, "means that Zhenjin is not the earth's origin but the meteorite.

Since it is brought by meteorites, it is said that there is also a gourd outside the earth. "

"You have found Zhenjin on the alienarian system?"

Chicara said, then I think that William is a person who can build spaceship. From Mars, the ghost knows that the spacecraft invented is not flying across the star.

He asked unbelievable, "Or you have been in harmony with the outside life to get Zhenjin?"

"Different", William semi-half vacation, "I found the legendary ethnic group, helping me create the long sword, the sword is done by Zhenjin, so I really want to study, why can I study Zhenjin why? Absorption kinetic energy.

Unfortunately, the raw materials that are wasting for research are not general.

The guys who help me create a weapon is too expensive, gold, jewelry, money this kind of thing is useless, this makes me to think other ways, start looking for Zhenjin Mine.

But I didn't expect to have Zhenjin on the earth, and I have been exploited by a country for hundreds of years. I said that I haven't honest.

"I, I", I suddenly heard that Zhenjin is no longer Washana, and the Chicara is a little bit of god. "I have to see the sword sheath you said, we can talk about other" .

"No problem", William laughed and took the shoulders of Shira, I thought I was still in my hand, Julesk Co, "You just want to see the original Zhenjin in my hand.

Although there are not many remainings after various experiments, there are still some ".

This suddenly chaos this next time, this thought that he was in the dominant position, did not expect William, but it was too expensive from alien to sell too much, and founded Wasanda.

Since Zhenjin is no longer Wasanda's alone, then they still pay attention to Zhenjin, what is the meaning of closing Wasana?


I heard the reminder of the female guard, Chicara went back to God, and took a chaotic mood, helplessly walked into the arched conference hall of the big auditorium with William, seeing her father and some afternoon in London University Students chat.

"Who is coming".

Seeing William and Chicara walked in, the king of Chica, very enthusiastic reached and Wilmonia.

After a self-introduction, I said that I took the right to take William's arm, and William didn't show it impatiently, and everyone really thought that the two were as seen.

William didn't say that the old king wanted to borrow his reputation, and opened the visibility of Wasanda.

Anyway, after this time, Wasanda will definitely be reported out by the England media, and now the two shows that the relationship is close, but it is only to let more people pay attention to this.

The mutual passenger will be paid for ten minutes, the Chickek is a kind, kindly, and his son Chicara hugs.

Remind it to the eye of the eye on a face, "No matter what you and William Devin Hill, steady my child."

Charrai, immediately patted his father, said that he is nothing,

At 10 o'clock, the meeting will be delayed by the king of William and Chicchaka, and the latency is delayed for half an hour.

Sitting in the first row of William, trying to show a goddess of the gods, watching the Chickens standing on the schedule, as for those content, on the left, right.

Anyway, he only cares about those who have useful black buddy, and other things are listening.

As the prince's Chica, did not sit with William, but his hands on the front of the stomach, standing on the side of the sponsorse station, personally acting as the security of the king of the Chekka.

After the speech started for five or six minutes, Brucen, who was arrived at ten minutes, was low, and deliberately sat in the first row of Williaon.

Half of the body in William Ear, "BOSS, has been arranged in the goddess hall, there is a restaurant, do you have other instructions?"

In the heart, I understand that Brucen is a William who is intentional and looking for himself. It is said that the smile is taken with the back of Brucen. "We are old, the uncle, Bruce, called me William,

I haven't seen it for a long time, waiting for today's things, let's find your family together. "

"This, is this suitable?"

"What is not suitable, you are doing things outside the German Hill family, we are still the relationship between the world, calling those elders together, we go to ride, hunt, and picnic, it is a family-style party."

I heard William called her uncle, and said that the family gathering, Brucen immediately showed a smile, "Then I have said and wait for your notice."

William nodded, since it was laid down, of course, he had enough gesture, "No problem, after three days, we went to the castle."

Brucen is happy to stand up and have nodded and have been watching his head, and then watching everything in the auditorium like security.

The mind feels in the Bruce South spirit, and the William's mouth is smiling, it seems that it is a bit more than enough.

And these people attached to the German Hill family, there is no reason to be in the same period in the family, and they have never been a reason to betray themselves.

The people in the auditorium saw the walkie-talkie in the hand in Brucen, and thought that he was a matter of security to William.

And it should be not a bad thing, otherwise, William's identity will be dangerous will be taken away by security.

William handle is in the chest, hidden to the Chekka and Chicara shake, indicating that there is no problem, the two are really loose.

Although it will be delayed due to William, the Chickek is very wisdom, and the speech that originally takes more than forty-five minutes is compressed to half an hour.

At eleven o'clock, laughing and talking to a watch, the phone, "because of the reason, there is a problem to ask my classmates,

After five minutes of revenge, wait for those planned itinerary, the classmates who have time to leave, let's talk about it. "

This approach to delaying time, the moment you have got a good sense of people, and I have left some people who have really hurried, or people who don't want to listen, and they still leave nearly nine layers.

William lie on Sunday, "Tell Gordon Restaurant, we should be late."

At 12 o'clock in the afternoon, the last question was paid, and all the people who wanted to take a photo were complete, William and Chic Chickens were only free, leaving the University of London to Godden restaurant.

As for the school who wants to take the opportunity to take the opportunity, William is just a few words, and there is no reason.

He would rather donate to the Women's Children's Foundation, or Oxford University School of Literature, and do not want to donate to England engineering colleges.

People who have made literature have more results, and they will not accelerate the progress of England.