The richest man in the world of cinema and television

1312 If you want to get the soul gem, it is not difficult.

() "Haha, this is showing off", Sor is not concealed, "William is, the least I can determine in his, my mother will not die, the kinemal is not possible to start the Reflect,

My sister died of the goddess sea, and the fire giant of the frost magic restraint Surtel, even if I get the eternal fire, it is also impossible to destroy Asaard.

Not to mention William in his world, you have already got other five gems except the soul gem.

And time gemstones are also the ancient monk, personally pass it to him, and give him the position of the Supreme Master. "

Sol said that this, the laughter of the Mimi is a fascist of the ghost expression, and waited for a while, "I don't believe me, I will always believe in ancient and my father O'Do."

"This", Banner, Stark, the Seven people look at each other, and finally I can nod.

"Wait,", the eagle's eyes suddenly think of to endure the sadness, frown, "If this super magic master, I can answer me a question, then I can confirm him."

"what is the problem?"

The eagle looked at William, and shook his head to question, "You said that people are powerful to be able to describe the magician, in case he is talking about our conversation?"

"This is impossible", the endless Sol, which is also considered to be strong to William, and it is impossible to make a distinguished behavior.

But I don't know if William is not sued, he is not William Devon Hill.

"What is waiting for", Sitak, which is also estimated to be the first to go to the lake, "bring the gem, let's give him the last test."

A group of exciting mood, leaving the factory building in the quantum transmitter, and walked to the lake, but did not notice that the nebula took only a few steps, and fell in the end.

Sitak, they all walked out of the factory, and she turned into the quantum transmitter.

I have always paid attention to William and perceive the movement of the nebula, and I don't plan to remind Stark them at all.

He has experienced him, as long as the infinite gem is in hand, regardless of how to work hard, the final result can only be the same as the last one.

Waiting for eight people to go to the small pavilion by the lake, I feel some squeezed William, and I have an red light.

Realistic gem starts, the lakeside small pavilion suddenly in his imagination,

It turned into a hundred clay meters, with a leather sofa, marble tablet, a few bar-type viewing decks of more than a dozen bottles.

I have seen a barrel, and the Sols, the Asahuma Tibetan wine, and William didn't greet these people.

But directly to the eagle, "said, what do you want to ask me?"

If you don't conceal your behavior without concealing behavior, you can do it, when you look at William,

Suddenly, he was accelerated by his eyes and mental power.

The pharyngiostea water is deeply sucking, and I asked respectfully. "Sol said that you have got five unlimited gems in your plane?"

"Yes", William's infinite gloves, there is a red realistic gem on the glove, then closer [peas] should look at the space gemstone in the world,

After using space gem to find time gems, then after the strength and the soul gem, the infinite gloves have emerged on the four gems.

This makes a few people in Soli, who already knows this intelligence of Stark, or heavier, and even the brain is cold.

Instead, only the eagle eyes, probably remembered the death of the black widow, there is a fearless, no fear, and the soul is staring at William Road.

"Since you can find five gems, tell me, why didn't you go to the soul gem?"

"Hey, special work is specializer", William loudly, then shook his head, "but it is no wonder, you will experience this problem, it is quite normal."

After that, William does not use the realistic gem, the hand waving in the air, the six unlimited gemstone's magic pictures appear in the eyes.

However, after thinking, he smiled and said, "We are still simple".

Under a thought, other five gems are around around the soul gemstone, "Honestly, the soul gem is the gem I don't want to touch.

Not only because it has already gone, it is unable to predict that it will be confused by him, but will affect your mind or mental strength.

Because I want to get it, I have to follow the rules of it. "

"What rule?" Soli said, the heart completely believes that William,

Immediately, I said, "Since you all know this rule, I didn't go to the soul gem, that is, the cost of this rule is very big?"


Think of the black widow Nata, William's smile, rare, is rare, a pity and heartache,

"A soul changed another soul, but also must be the soul of the people who really love, sacrificed to the soul gem to get it."

When I heard William, Womer, who had just been in the soul gem came back, was surprised by various accidents, and William's deeds, and couldn't help but feel sad.

Locke with your head, silent crying.

And the same by William Sustak, then recall it, then look at the eagle,

I don't understand what William's 'a soul is changed to another soul'.

The atmosphere suddenly became helpless and sad from the doubts and vigilance of William.

William sighs, helplessly looked at the eagle, "You just have experienced it, but I have experienced two ignorance of Natasha."

"See the ghost", my heart is full of sad Sore, suddenly standing up grabbing William's arm, there is no brain, "You should not want to get the soul gem, and in our world, with Natasha experiment Once? "

"Shut up, Sol".

In William, the strong electric light is burst, and the arm of Soli is numb. When it is retired, the rocket raccoon violently hit the Soli Road on the marble mini table.

"You can't be smart."

Soli said, listening to the Rockets said to other Agents.

And he doesn't need to use his own love. "

This makes occasionally smart, most of which is Sol, Sol, and I can't ask the arm. "What does this mean?"

"It means that since I will get a gem with Natasha, the other two love people, they can also get the soul gem when there is a reason that cannot be rejected."

The eagle is facing Soli, "There is a revenge in this world, or to save people, researchers, even faith, etc.

And willing to go to William to take the soul gemstone couple, father and son, love people. "