() Knicks makes Agas City believes that the way is simple, and then release some diseases, disasters, and

In those mortals praying to the gods, they did not receive the gods to respond, and the pastor who used the deeds to create a herb and gave us a disease.

Or simply encouraging the teacher of the city, use the human to overcome those, deliberately charged the size of small droughts, disasters.

In a few months, many people who were gured in the city of Agas began to surrounded by the Nicks' s integrity. Listening to her gods, human beings were the owner's, for humanity. Truth. The former gods is the confusion of digging the tomb.

After such a speech began to have a market, Zeus began to frown, but when he intended to intervene, Hades didn't have a big event, there was no right to go to the Olympus Mountain guy, and suddenly found Zeus. I saw him as a disgusting God.

Looking at the expressions of the gods, the same did not like Hades, but also understood that Hades had something to tell their own things, and they would endure the awkward situations of the Olympus. .

"Hades, my brother, what do you come to do?"

And if it is a gold armor, if it is not the godda's Olympus, a dark war armor, the body, even the shoulders, a high, one, a low, Hadis,

When a face, a happy to speak, after he asked, he said respectfully on the high platform, looking down his Zeus,

"Dear king of the gods, I am coming to you."

Zeiss's eyebrows, I asked in my heart, "What is it?"

Hades bowed hesitated for a few seconds, he said in the eyes of the gods, "The spatial crack between the meditation and the abyss has a signs of unstable, I want to ask you to send people to the abyss, see, look ,, ".

Hadis did not say the name you want, but Zeus understood that Hades thought that the father of the three brothers did not jointly knead, the remains of the abyss, whether there is a sign of recovery .

The last generation of King Kerolos, not only the taboo he didn't want to mention, but also a child who was born, and Clonos would swallow the child in his stomach.

Therefore, Zeus heard the spatial gap between the meditation and the abyss, the first idea is where the crowd Clonos may have changed, and the idea of ​​the heart must not let Clonos resurrect.

"Leave this", Zeus waved around the gods around, "let me talk to Hades alone."

A Olympus, doubt, worried, looked at Zeus, then disgusted, and uneasy looked at Hades who smashed his waist. When Zeus's eyes, he wanted to leave the Temple. .

Just like the most likely, and the most excarious Athena is also driven away by him.

After the people were all in all, Zeus stared at Hades, "Do you determine this relationship with our father Clonos?"

In Hadis's eyes, the fear looks, "Zeus, my king, you think that I am in the town, recently from our father, you must die first than you and Poseidon, will take this Have a joke? "

"Okay", Zeus nodded, and Crononos really rushed out from the death, in order to attack the alliance and Olympus mountains.

Before combined, it took place to be suppressed in the abyss, and there was no reason to appear in the middle.

Then escape into the whole servings, release those who are suppressed in the Olympus world, and the strength is low, but the quantity is much lower.

Although Titan was suppressed, this also made Zeus at this time, and the abyss did something unexpected.

And after getting magic nectar in William, he and Poseidin not only no longer worry for life, but also made him a good venture.

However, I understand that Hades hate their own Zeus, I don't plan to go alone and Hades to go abyss.

Recruitment, a huge white-headed sea carving tweet, rushing down from the clouds in the sky, then turning from tens of meters into three meters, stopped on Zeus shoulders height of more than ten meters.

"Go tell Poseidong immediately rush to the entrance".

The white sea carvings nodded, gently jumped, leaving Zeus's shoulders to incite wings, and disappeared in the eyes of Hades.

Zeus is laughing, this variant sea carving from William, is fed in the god of the gods, which is full of magic food for a few years, not only a few times, not only to break through the living. Limit to become a magical organism.

"Let's go, Hades".

Zeus took the lead in the temple, but did not find the color of the resentment of Hades.

If Zeus has a variant sea carving from William, when it comes to show off from time to time, Hades is really not a union of abnormalities.

It is impossible to have doubts in the heart, through a few years of observation, it seems that Zeus not only increases the weakness, but there is a strong trend.

Then, since I spailed that I was abnormal, Hades was observed, and I would like to see that the actual situation of Poseidon is not difficult.

If there is a problem with the Anessor, Hades may not be so shocked. Under the fear of Zeus all the yearner, it is just what treasure is in the hazel.

Can be added to Poseidon, Hadis will understand the two brothers as long as they are not stupid, but they have got a big treasure but they did not show him.

Hey, resentment is like a wild grass in Hades heart, crazy grows.

I am your parent, still have been dirty, tired, deeply involved in the world, responsible for resisting the father of the father Cleanos in the first line.

Thinking of this, Hades is a brother in his heart, and suddenly it is treated by hatred.

When the words, the language is more respectful to follow the inner entrance to the Zeus.

It can be followed by Mades that Hades can't accept the Poseidon in the inlet, Poseidong actually even did not do it, like the gods of the Olympus, see his eyes. It is disgusting and taunt.

Hey, Hadis anger, revealing a splendid smile and Poseid Winter nodded, "We haven't seen it, my brother, Poseidon."

This Poseidon is not good, and there is a disgusting look, looked at Zeus, endured to the darkness, and Hades holding hands.

Only to Zeus, "What did you have, need us to solve it together?"

Puba could not be the Winter and Hades, and even the anti-eye Zeus, holding a lightning laughing of lightning, "The spatial gap between the meditation and the abyss has a signs of loose, we have to go to the abyss to see our What is the father is now? "

Damn, Poseid Hall listened to this, and the heart suddenly remembered the years of the father, Klonos into the belly, and the eyes could not help but fear the eyes.