William has an unlimited gemstone, which is not a secret in the entire hell and the abyss.

Look at the inorihood of Murphysto, you know that once you are inserted by William, don't say invading the main material world, maybe invading the Olympic domain's plan is not available.

The only thing that makes the devil cannot be sure, there are several unlimited gems fall in William.

This can't confirm the guess, and the fear of the lord will think about the motivation to enter the Olympus domain.

When there is a space gem, William is already able, and there is also courage to set off the battle between Murphi and Dark Hell.

For so many years, many devils and lords have not believed that William is not collecting other infinite gems.

What the most fascinating the devil is that ancient times will pass the position of the Supreme Master to William, let him have a bastard of the space, while holding a gem.

Space and time, the power to the devil is absolutely least up to the power.

If you give William enough time, once all unlimited gems are collected, the devil is in addition to hiding in the abyss, waiting for the fall of the soul to enter the abyss,

I really don't have the magic to go to the birds to provoke William, which is no pity for the devil. Once the chance is caught, it will not be in the guy.

But if the devil is really reluctant, it is not a devil.

Therefore, since the road to the main material world is temporarily unreasonable, there is a consideration Zeus and the Olympus god domain, and this main material is derived from the perspective.

A Clonos was detained in the lowest level of the abyss, and he resurrected his king who was caught in the table by his son. It can easily get the promise.

If the speed of action is fast enough, before William hiest, let this king throne will compete for the dust, and the William is not reason to intervene.

Two, Clenos recovered the rule of Olympus, and the fear of the lords can collect the fear of Olympus, while accumulating power, waiting for the opportunity to enter the main material world.

The third point is also the most important point, the fear is different from other demon, they are fear, not soul.

For them, human-scale death is actually the least cost-effective.

Want to make human life in fear, just need to put a vampire, zombie, and even the beasts of people in a cityplace.

In addition, under the rapid, intentional propaganda and guidance, the death of death is less, it is easy to make people all the city states fear.

If necessary, fear lords are willing to let the mortals of the Olympus gods, have a little better.

More people means that there will be more space sources.

Even the future of Clonos dare to die, maybe there is no action, will be shredded by the fear of the powerfulness.

As long as the human society has everything in the well, William's Supreme Master can take the lead in launch a war, set off a face of a place, so that countless mortals are homeless, lose relatives and friends?

And the most fascinating lord is proud of that the mortals in the Olympus gods are dissatisfied with the gods, but they can really disappear once the gods.

I don't have to do what the lords are doing, and it is estimated that the Olympus martial arts will live in the fear of losing rely.

But I want to harvest fear, so you must return everything in front of William.

Therefore, watching tens of thousands of high devils, more exclusive to kill the fruit of the cannon, and Knicks still feel too slow.

When I stared at the face, I didn't stop the extracted Hades. "I swear with the abyss will. As long as you join us, I promise that after the war, I will continue to be touched by you."

"", Has been cheated once, Hades, will be a ghost, but he is very wondering, Knicks how to escape the original vows.

After all, I am Pluto, I don't know if I know the demon, but when signing the contract, I have checked for more than a dozen times, but I didn't expect to finally mediate the calculation.

However, if you don't agree, the result is that it is not waiting until Zeus and Poseidon came.

No matter whether it is a dead proud friend, or delayed, Hadis has to do something.

"Why have you not vowed?"

"Hahaha", Knicks laughed a few times, the face showed silky expression, "in the Olympus gods, my little duty is the goddess of the night,

And although I am the birth of the abyss, the fear can not represent my true identity, just a means of trying strength, understand? "

Understand, of course, it is understood that Hadis's heart hated tooth itching in Knicks.

As the second generation of Kings, which is the second generation of Kings, and the generation of Titan, this world probably except for the mother of the earth, there is no second person who knows the full name of Knicks.

I think I think about Zeus, I will help overtholize the Bloom Troll and the first generation of alien giants, the two Gatenari monster son is detained.

Hades, I will understand that Gaia is very large, not only will not be hosted, but maybe I am willing to see Clonos reordbound the Olympic domain.

And Clonos is overthrowing his father to become the second generation of Shenwang, Zeus is also overthrowing his old Klonos a third-generation king,

Nowaday Ares is like the first generation and the second generation of Shenwang, the curse is the same as the road to overthrowing his father, so that Hades is instantaneous. This is the pessimistic pessimistic. mood.

In addition, Arcean, in the magic image, ventilation reported, Hades understood that even if he did not surrendered, Nicks did certainly, and even if necessary, did it directly dried down. Polyis and Poseidon in the past.

"Forgive me, my brothers".

Hades decided in my heart, giving up resistance, directly putting the four layers of the body, giving a brain to the Clonos.

And the Kronos that absorbed the throne, I felt that Hades had only half of the power, soon she sat from the crater.

I am happy to make a guarantee to Mades, put him.

After Hadis left, Knicks and other nine fear lord showed a ridicule expression.

Ordered the big devil, ordered the higher demons to start, and the previous mid demon of the scorpion was killed together with the low originth demon, let Clonos recovered faster.

Devil, the devil, the synonym of the lie, it is impossible to just a few words, several moves believe in Hades really surrender.

Instead, I will do a good morning to surrender, or prepare for fake surrendering.

Waving the Demon Demon Demon Directive, is the Knicks of the Olympus Di Night Goddess, it is easy to pass the bloody magic array, secretly go to the Olympus domain.