
I heard the old lovers who have not seen more than 20 years. The first sentence actually asked himself how to come in, Charles is awkward, helpless and smile,

"I have five levels, ladies, and your C1a must know that I have been working with the Government of the year to deal with the trouble that ordinary people cannot handle."

Mora listened, in the heart, no doubt, did not dare to call the two variant people of Charles and Yarry, or asked them directly.

Of course, Mola is more than 20 years ago, although it was removed from Charles to X-war, there were memories between Charle,

However, when I saw Charles, I couldn't say that I couldn't say that I can't say it. I'm unknown, happy to reach out and Charles, Yarrick, "Please sit, gentle".

Then looked at Charles sitting on a wheelchair, Mora was somewhat embarrassed to the coffee machine, "Sorry, I have only coffee here".

"It doesn't matter, coffee wine", Charles shakes his head, and the eyes are gentle looking at Morat coffee.

After drinking coffee, Charles did not feel that he said nonsense, but the Subilks helplessly reminded, "said the professor, is it?"

When I heard this, Mora's eyes were bright, and my heart suddenly made a breath.

And Charles helplessly smashed Yariks, "Okay, Ok, let's speak."

Going back, looking at Mora, "I have an accident to visit today, what happened to Egypt yesterday?"

"This," This highly confidential make Mora can't help but hesitate, and she just returned to Ranli this morning, and I haven't been half an hour this morning, and the Charles's variant leader directly finds the door.

The fool does not believe there is no problem in this.

"Mora, Egyptian? Is the confidential level exceeded five levels?"?

Mora, then listen to Charles to say? "And? This supernatural event, only we have the ability to have super power to deal with it? It is safer and more secure.


No one will have a thick stack of files, appear on the desk, Mola picks a lot of photos and put it on the table?

"From ten years ago, it has known the country since the country, and there are a lot of people around the world. People with a variety of purposes, relying on the mythology of their respective countries, looking for the mutual gods are evidence of the vicinity of the ancient times. .

And I am responsible to the area? Is there a secret organization? I have been looking for the old man who is called Sabah Jil.

They believe that the law of this tens of thousands of years is the first variant on the earth. "

"Wait,", Yaliks interrupted, "" Is the variant of nearly a few centuries? "

"I don't know", Mora shrug? "If the mythical story, the book that records the monster is not fabricated? The variant of the text is dating back to the pyramid.

And? Tell the ability to professor Charles, put in ancient times? He is a god. "

"Okay, okay"? Yalikhes Lima closed.

Mora smiled? After picking out a photo and printing, the zoom in color map is placed on the table. "The Egyptian organization I investigated believes that the first variant of the world is the world's first variant.

He also believes that he has a non-multiplayer, which can transfer consciousness to young variants when they are on the verge of death.

Moreover, with the number of reincarnations, the more superior abilities, and finally become a variety of variants without disadvantages. "

"Wait, this is not right", Yarrix open mouth, "Since that faith is so powerful, why will he disappear?"

Mora helplessness, "No one knows, maybe the law is too old, tired of countless reincarnation.

Or he is too powerful, running into the universe with your ability. "

After laughing, Mora once again took out five or six color challenges on the table, and a stone carved in the four horse riding warriors, let Charles have a sinking, "Tianqi four knights?"

"Yes", Mora frowned said, "We found four riding knights in many years, and the four knights should be the four knights of Tianqi in accordance with the translation of ancient language experts."

"How is this possible?" Yaliks smiled, "If it is true, that is, the ancient Egyptian plagiarized the legend of the Bible?"

"Maybe", Mora faces seriously, "people who write the Bible, learn from the legend of the ancient Egyptians."

This suddenly made Charles and Yaliks frown.

If all this is true, the guy named Tianqi is definitely a super powerful existence. In case he wants to restore the rule of the old old, it really doesn't know how many people will die.

And yesterday's earthquake, plus the nightmare of the piano and the loss of power, let Charles quickly realized the seriousness of the problem.

I just want to go back to X school, use my own cerebeloid enhancer, and carefully check the day. It is not true.

But he wants to go, Mora is not going to let him go.

Finally, I also want Charles, who I want to be with Mora, my self-suggestion, since there is a crisis, That Mora will be safe than safe than the outside.

After all, although the name is that there is nothing to know, William is a new sergeant who is practical.

Have William, plus this soul induce, and ten years ago, William, will destroy the world of the world in the future.

Charles believes in this world, no problem is that they can't solve them.

Charles can think of a collection of strong, Tianqi, this rule, the ancient Egypt, I don't know how many years of law, I don't know how to force the situation.

Not to mention that the legend has been prompted, he will always find four guards during the rule.

After escaping from the buryled pyramid, Tianqi wandered in the city of Egypt.

Variant people have found a lot, but in the end, the storm woman who can control the weather, release lightning, and tornado.

Then under the young storm girls, find the mutackens who provide identity to the variants in the underground world, and encounter the release of the soul butterfly that can be released into the sword.

And through the introduction of the spirit butterfly, find a wing male with a pair of angel wings on the back.

And get three strength, good helper, and help the super power of the storm, the spirit butterfly and the angel, and the sky can't see ordinary variants.

One of the few people, was detained in the 20,000-year-old magnetic king, appeared in the gaze.

A purple portal, suddenly appeared on the empty space in the middle of the Miko Caracian building.

Tianshen reached out on the cement floor, clearly felt the underground hundred meters, there is a full-scale completion of transparent resin.

It was a thousands of magnetic kings who were turned over for more than 20 years. If Charles saw it, he can see that he has too much too much.

Moreover, in the heart of the wanner, it is hidden with an unpressed anger and hatred.