The Rotten Lady Rosa Wants to Watch Over Love from the Shadows

23. Rosa wants to "box push" paganism (1)


Stepping into the royal palace's proud, largest library on the continent, Rosa looked up at a large number of bookshelves leading up to the ceiling and sighed more.

"Nice to see again and again..."

It's a collection of wisdom from all over the continent - from Rosa, a collection of BLs from all over the continent.

She shrugged her tiny nose and sounded, indulging in the smell of paper and the aroma of the rose that was supposed to be hidden there.

(Which neighborhood should we pioneer today? Myths of neighboring countries? No, animal drawings? Or would you prefer a Knights report)

Almost all books published throughout the continent are delivered to this Royal Palace library.

Unfortunately, although novels dealing with romance between men do not exist in the current Kingdom of Berk, if we extend our hand of exploration to books outside the country, we can find something that looks like it unexpectedly.

You can also find and enjoy BL elements from some not-so-slutty book by harnessing your unique brain complement and delusional abilities.

A lot of delusional progress information is often obtained, especially from drawings dealing with the Bible, mythology, and animal ecology, as well as reports spelling out the reality of professional boys, and this library, which houses a large number of such books, was becoming a recent sanctuary for Rosa.

(As much as I got my earlobes cut off a bit...... or am I supposed to be so privileged for what I wanted for preaching myself)

Running his fingers on the back cover inadvertently, but in one corner of his chest, he learns to blame his conscience.

That's right.

It was in the wake of the recent injury that she was allowed to enter the main hall's library.

Rosa, who accidentally explored the main palace too much that day, returned to the outhouse a little late.

Then, the discussion between Chris and Bernardo, and the arena, was completely complete, and it was decided that Chris would be discreet in the outhouse until Rosa's wounds healed, and that the arena would return home to face her parents properly.

Of course, Rosa appealed desperately to the arena, "You don't have to face it, stay in Langheim territory now".

but the arena hardened its will backwards when she heard it and cried more and more, "No, I will face my sins without running away, lest I be ashamed of Master Rosa," etc.

I wanted to at least keep an eye on Chris' pundelet every day, but she also says "discreetly" in a purposeful way.

In the end, Rosa broke into the solidity of their will, half crying.

(I wonder why, all of a sudden, we both turned our opinions around when everything was according to plan until Beltane arrived)

The answer is because Bernardo, who has stirred up his appetite for asylum, has forced the arenas to unveil "Rosa's past" and make a strong alteration.

Listening to a complaint full of lies "How dare you make Rosa, who grew up with abuse, taste the fear of being engraved on her skin," both Arena and Chris forsake their previous sweet thoughts, but Rosa had no reason to know that.

After all, Rosa, who temporarily pardoned the speaker's seat in the name of tranquillity, had also been granted permission by Leon to attend the main palace, and decided to spend time in the library room.

And when I started going through, the world's largest collection of books was, in other words, a treasure trove of roses.

Plus, you can see the First Knights practice landscape through the window, and the infirmary is in the same building.

I don't even have a scribe depending on the time frame, I can immerse myself in it.

And I may encounter Prince Leon from time to time, but in doing so, I don't hesitate to appeal to my brother to imprint Bernardo's presence on him.

In cash, too, Rosa has completely healed her heart and continues to go through the library with Nimanima every day.

By the way, he doesn't know much about it, but as the poor beautiful girl reads with a smile on her face, he was nicknamed "Angel in the Library," and people were gently out of their seats so that she could easily concentrate.

(After sadness there is always joy...... It's also the Rose God's pleasure to be able to go to the library at this time. Then, don't be ashamed of it, do the cancer decay reading. And today - I'm finally attacking Spring Book...!

Rosa glances at the door behind her, pretending to pick a book.

Behind the library, in the dark, there were several small rooms lined up, where highly specialized books were collected.

The scribe always seems to manage only the entry there properly, so I guess it's a book of heresy that doesn't really want people's eyes to be touched, or the kind of curse that's hidden there.

But this is what Rosa told me.

Absolutely, there will be spring books, too.

(Think of it, 80% of your father's books were spring books collected in secret... I confirm that there are at least five Spring Book labels in this kingdom. in this library, which recognizes itself as "collecting books from all over the continent," without which there can be no)

The Kingdom of Berk is not officially allowed to distribute books in its hands because of religious views that respect chastity and purity.

That's all the more so between men.

But if it is the Royal Palace Library, which boasts the largest collection of books on the continent.

No, you don't have to be in Berk right now.

If it's a novel by countries that are more sexually liberated, or.

(Come on, Spring Book......!

Rosa put her hands together with a strange face and prayed for rotten.

The Book of Divergence, so to speak, is not the first to be seen within Berk.

But undoubtedly it must exist in the world. To meet it, Rosa has worn every possible language.

I can speak the five main languages of the neighborhood first.

It holds down the language system, so even minor languages, if you have a dictionary in one hand, you can mostly read it.

Encourage language to read erotic books, and you won't have to lick the guts of the corrupt.

Here, and a glimpse near the entrance.

There is no scribe.

Keep looking indoors.

There are no shadows near the small room.

Then, he also sends his gaze to the window to ascertain the training landscape of the Knights.

No one cares about the interior of the library, and Bell Tan in training is still itchy today.

Rosa nodded one thing.

No enemy shadow.

Now is the time to march.

(Come on, take as many words as you want!

Don't let Rosa giggle - from the side, a merciful smile - and put her hand on the door of the small room, that's when.

Suddenly the door was pulled inside, and one young man came out of it.

"- Ooh."

Brown skin in long clothes "Kaftan", not found in Berk.

He is a smooth person with impressive prank-like eyes.

The appearance, the whining in the unfamiliar language he spoke, and the proximity of the infirmary prompted Rosa to guess who he was.

A healer.

Meanwhile, when the young man also looked at Rosa, he blinked as surprised, and then, with a nostalgic grin.

"Hello, even interested in the book of Apt? Rosa."

Unexpectedly fluent in Berk.

When he was unexpectedly upset that he had met a person and that he was suddenly called a name, he laughed and named him.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Radu Al Aptan. They brought me here from Apt, I'm a stubborn doctor. Get to know me, young lady Sama."

Glowing, but not smiling with amber eyes.

Rather, I peek at the colors that make me worthy of this one.

That, lurked behind the nostalgia, poison.

(Ko...... eh, this is... eh)

At first glance seemingly casual, Rosa held her chest tight when she saw him drifting with that tangible sharpness.

He's a handsome guy from an exotic country, he's a doctor, he's colorful, and he has a little s-like peek, this young man.

(Exotic rep, Kitteroo!

In her brain, Rosa accidentally pushed her face against both hands and glanced hard.

The sudden appearance of the right person for the "offensive" personnel of the "Bernardo General Acceptance Plan" did not dampen the excitement.

With his addition, this makes the "offensive" personnel surrounding Bernardo all at once diverse in character "character" and colour.


The other person seemed suspicious about her being too excited and silent for a moment.

Tilt your neck,

"Oh man. Are you saying that it's filthy to be spoken to by the people of Apt, too?

and so on, Rosa snapped.

Weirdly misunderstood here, we must not be distanced.

Instead, we have to rub it all together and somehow connect Bernardo to the edge.

'Yes...... no! No, it is. Me, apt, like. I know, I want to, I do!

Hence she screamed desperately, scratching the apt language that came to mind.

I'm not familiar with Apt, but it should have been the kind of language that made my neighbor Kushmar speak in a unique system of Dazoo pronunciation in the south.

If it's just a simple verb or Jesus No, there's a lot to share with Kushmar.

And the language of her sexually relentless neighbor, Rosa studied hard for a time, so Kushmar is stained to the bone marrow.

I mean, if we summon all these...

(Apt-like words, I can't even speak......!

I'm sure from the natives, the pronunciation and grammar would be messed up, but it would convey about the will you're trying to speak Apt.

That's fine first.

Rub all you can.

Upon hearing Rosa's reply, Radu glances at her as if surprised.

"You... you understand Apt?

At least the hearing seemed ready.