The School Life of the Most Powerful Adventurer - How I Met Her in School Life Being the Most Powerful Adventurer
Episode 452: "The Crockery of National Destruction"
However, Crockey paused to leave and quickly turned back.
"Oh, I forgot to tell you, but I'm going to have you look at hell now."
For a moment, Kirara and I were one god, but what Crockey said was immediately understandable. Somehow, crockery's minions began to surround their surroundings.
"I didn't expect you to let your men infiltrate this much while we were fighting..."
"By the way, these guys aren't my men." These are the fighters of the Kryminal Academy. In other words, my cute students! "
Kirala, who was listening to the conversation between Ichigo and Crockey beside her, was strangely convinced.
"I see, the rumors that there are many famous criminals and black-ranked adventurers and people from the Crimean Academy are true!" Everyone here looks like they're going to kill somebody! "
Kirala looked at the people surrounding her and made a sarcastic statement.
"Oh my, the rumors are spreading fast!"
Crockey activated the device and suddenly laughed at the sky image on the screen.
--At that time, a large number of people were swallowed up by the vortex of chaos in the Marianes Kingdom.
"Hey, don't push me!"
"Get out of the way!"
People evacuated to the Marianes First Magic Academy, the Second Magic Academy, and even the palace, which seemed to be the safest area.
"Hey, what's all the commotion?"
Takata, who questioned the people who were in a hurry, spoke to the runaway.
"I just showed up!" The crockery of the destruction of the country! "
You think it's crocky!?
Takata was somewhat surprised by the familiar name. Lina, who was next door, had no idea what she was talking about.
No good! You'll be destroyed in an instant like the Duke of Rune!
Leena was worried that people were making unusual noise.
"Takata, I'll go to my father!"
"All right! I'll lead the evacuees here!"
Takata said that to Lena, and she took the accompanying Riorg and ran towards the crowded side.
When Leena entered the royal palace, there was not only King Gilda, but also the great of the country and President Regis.
"Father, it's tough!" The crockery of the destruction of the country is attacking! "
Leena said so with a serious look on her face, but the Gildas were calm.
"Oh, that's already in my ear."
"Crocky ~...... you've heard such a nostalgic name ~"
"... does President Rage know someone named Crockey?"
Leena felt uncomfortable that only Regis had reacted differently to Crockey and asked frankly.
"You don't know anything... I trained with Crockey for a legendary hero a long time ago."
No one in this royal palace could conceal their surprise in his remarks. Rouge, who had been around for several years as his secretary in particular, was the most surprised.
"How could such a big criminal and the president..."
Leena sorted out her confusing head little by little,
"President Raigez! Who the hell is Crockey? Could you tell me everything you know about him?"
Everyone would have thought that about Leena. Leena had heard about Crockey, but her heart was curious about the connection between the legendary heroes and the Ragis. And Rage, sensing the atmosphere of the place, took a deep breath and spoke slowly.
"That was 60 years ago, when I was only 13 years old..."
Rage's unknown past is revealed.