The School Life of the Most Powerful Adventurer - How I Met Her in School Life Being the Most Powerful Adventurer
186 Tales: The Old Man with Strong Habits
"Hey! Where the hell are you taking me! Now put it down!"
The panda-coloured car carried the Tai Tai into the center of the city and into the giant laboratory. The car handed the Tai Tai back to the robot that came out of the laboratory.
The robot who was handed the Tai ran out in a basket trolley.
"Hey! Now what did you do! Come on, or I'll smash this lab!
When Tai threatens the robots with an intimidating attitude,
"Kagekina hatsugen kakunin, oshioki kaisisul"
The robot answered that with a mechanical sound and flushed high output electricity from the basket trolley.
"Gah, gah, gah, gah."
Kouta was electrocuted and freaked out.
"Kono otoko haya iuchini master notokoro heha kovicoma night kono daisha moha kaishikanena"
When one robot said that to the other, the robot nodded cocklessly as well, increasing the speed of running.
(... Master?
He continued to pretend to have passed out, questioning what the robot had said.
For a while, the robot was transported to the robot, but all of a sudden the robots stopped moving. Then I heard the old man.
The old man had a white coat, a long white beard with white hair, and an old man like a scientist.
"Hey you guys... you've had a hard time so far"
"Hi...... aligataxiawase"
When the robots said so, they withdrew, sounding a metal noise with Gashangashan.
As the old man rattled his pussy and fingers at the basket trolley carrying the tai, the basket trolley opened as shown in the deployment drawing and the laser-shaped wire that had tied the tai also disappeared.
"Nice to see you... Yuta-kun Amamiya"
"You've come a long way! What a way to welcome them!
Against the old man laughing at Nico, Tachita put in a scratch in a way that was like a chimp.
For a while, Takata was staring at the old man, but calming his mind,
"You're the guild master of this city, ‶jesus silicon?
"... I am not ‶ Jeez Silicon... ‶ Genius Jeez Silicon. Don't worry if you don't put on a proper genius."
"Either way! Don't try to get that far and make yourself look good!
Laotai disturbed his mind again after being irritated by the words of the old man, Jesus Silicon.
"Then why did you do this absurd way of welcoming me? There would have been a more normal way of welcoming you, though?
"You don't understand the standard of saying normal ~. Normal is different even between nations, as normal is different for you and for me. That's why it creates strife. You have your own normality for each person, and everyone has to understand their own normality!
He respected him only a little bit because he felt the weight in the words of Jesus Silicon. But...
"But you didn't know that, and you were complaining to me? What, you got nothing in your head but a flower garden?
"I'm gonna stake you out, you piece of shit!
Ji Tai was about to explode in anger with his angry muscles emerging from the twisted remarks of Jesus Silicon.
(Assuming this is the best demonic prop development guild in the world, you can't turn these guys against the enemy...)
That's what I thought. Kuta put up with the grief and anger.
"So? You didn't come here for a social tour, did you? Say the requirements."
"Oh, I came here because I wanted this knife fixed. This knife isn't just a knife, I asked you to think it's impossible to fix it in a blacksmith or something."
Kota explained by showing Jess Silicon the black knife broken from the sheath.
Geese Silicon stared closely at the knife and started nodding yeah.
"Surely this knife is a substitute that can't be fixed to the extent of a blacksmith. I can't fix it, either."
"Ha! You can't do it either!?
Ji Tai was stunned by the shocking remarks made by Jesus Silicon.
"But if there's a clue to fix it, I know."
"... clues?
"A clue to fix this knife... it exists in the Holy Spirit world"
"Holy Spirit... Realm!?
When he heard the words, he was wary.