"Master Noah, it seems that the Gilanka sent us to the" Forest of Magic "."
"Oh, yeah, I'll see you."
Phew, you exhale loudly.
Today, I am conducting combat training for monsters.This is because the cooperation between monsters in group combat is obviously not good at depending on the species.
Monsters that originally operated in groups - monsters that operated in groups like Goblins, Augurs, and Wild Dogs - were able to fight in a fairly unified manner in a mixed army of monsters.However, monsters who originally acted alone, rather than in a herd, could not get used to group warfare.
Like King Hydra's King, if it was violence that already exceeded the army alone, I would have knocked the monster into cooperation in battle.Mostly in the form of defeating me as a group.
"But Lilkara was right.I didn't expect you to be able to fight so much without teaching me how to collaborate. "
"Yeah, well, monsters instinctively learn how to fight."
The monsters rolling in front of me - Golems, Minotaurs, Cat Breath, Griffons and all sorts of things, but all they have in common is that they don't act alone and flock.
So, at first, Drake taught me how to collaborate and said that it would be good to gradually put it into practice, but it was Lilkara, the demon king, who waited here.Because it seems that monsters do not learn how to fight from anyone, but instinctively find them themselves.
So, for now, I gathered the people who were moving on their own and made it into a mock fight with me.
At first, it was terrible.
As usual, this guy came to me first, and was struck and obstructed by another monster. Sometimes he obstructed another monster, and fell with my fist without any cooperation.
But gradually, they also grabbed the trick, because Kato Breath blocked his vision and the griffon attacked him from his shadow - that's how he started showing collaboration.Honestly, most of these guys here are Level 90, so it was a little late.
Even with me, when we got tired, it was perfect for a break. [M]
"So, who came?"
"Yes, Sir Rex, head of the Elite Goblin Rebellion squad is here."
"... um"
It's basically an Elite Goblin team that Gilanka leaves to me, but honestly, I don't know the whole story.
At Gilanka's request, the newly arrived Goblins were given a "monster fusion" relatively early to give them intelligence.As a result, it seems that the inflated Goblin squad - only the chosen ones among them - can enter the Elite Goblin squad.
The promotion from this Goblin team to the Elite Goblin team, the demotion from the Elite Goblin team to the Goblin team - it's all in Gilanka's hands, so I don't know who the Elite is or isn't.
And finally, Goblin has a name from the beginning, so I honestly don't remember the names of all of them.
"He seems to be a promising young man these days."
"I don't know how many goblins you've heard from Gilanka in those words."
"Certainly. For the time being, I will keep you waiting in the throne room."
"Interface is fine. I'm one of them."
"No, I still want to see you there as a king."
Ha, and a small sigh.
There are many reports coming to me from monsters.And every time I hear from the Throne,
I've told Drake many times to listen in the reception room, but he won't give up.
I don't want to go out of my way to talk to my friends from a high position.
"For now, let's go...."
But there's nothing we can do about it, and he's already in the Throne Room.
I had no choice but to take a heavy step towards the Throne Room. [M]
"It's been a long time, my king."
A goblin bows his head respectfully against me sitting on the throne.
By the way, there's Drake on my right and Lilkara on my left.Jessica's not here right now.
"Oh, yeah. Thank you, Rex."
"I have come to Lex Grandisiah Whitefield Gilanka for my report and advice."
As always, Goblins have a long name.
This is basically also the name of all of Gilanka's men.Anything, it seems natural for Goblin's name to be "my name," "tribal name," "family name," and "father's name."
Gilanka, originally named Gilanka Dran Elbate Griffitham, is said to translate directly to mean "Gilanka, son of Griffitham, Elbate clan of Dran."But he's renaming now.
Its name is Gilanka Grandisiah Whitefield Noah.
He gave me reason, so he named me Whitefield after my father - my family name.And the big unit, the tribe, is the Grandisiah, the country name.
Incidentally, it is a thorough change of name even in the "Analysis".
"The humans who were approaching the" Magic Forest "were chased away for a while.There are rumors in the surrounding villages that monsters are still alive in the "Magic Forest", turning into powerful individuals. "
That's good.
"We have infiltrated the neighboring village by" human change (metamorphic human) ", and we are seeing similar rumors flowing.But... now the humans have asked the adventurers to fight monsters. "
"I guess..."
I have a headache.
When I heard that a monster appeared in the "Forest of Magic", I thought that the adventurers would probably come out.After all, it seems that the adventurers are idle birds because the monsters are gathering in my country now.
Drake read that if the monster appeared in that state, it would probably be ordered even in S-rank.
So, as instructed?
"Yes. We don't do anything to ordinary people, we just keep them out.Several adventurers have already visited, and only those who attack with clear hostility are being held captive. "
"Yeah, that's fine for now. Now it's easier to attack people badly."
"But Captain Gilanka has advised us to advise you."
From the beginning, I told Gilanka to give me a message if it seemed difficult at my own discretion.
That's why I thought you'd come to ask me about Gilanka's troubles this time.Apparently, the prediction was correct.
"I told the general public not to do anything."
"What if the public attacked us?If you escape, there may be rumors that the Demon Forest monsters do not attack people.In that state, adventurers may come into the woods dressed as ordinary people. "
Sure, I didn't think about it.
The difference between ordinary people and adventurers is difficult for me to distinguish from monsters. [M]So basically, I told Gilanka to distinguish between "armed men are adventurers, otherwise ordinary people."
However, there is no doubt that it is possible to dress up as ordinary people and carry out ambushes.
"Hmm... but I can't hurt people..."
It was Lilkara who called out to me like that. [M]
Look at me like you're staring at me.
"For the kid, who's up there, man or monster?"
Lilkara is like...
That's what he asked me to try.