The Sole Monster Tamer in the World ~I was Mistaken as the Demon King When I Changed My Job~
Messenger to the Kingdom of Orvance
King's Palace, Kingdom of Orvance.
There came a messenger two days ago.He said, "I have a messenger from Grandisiah."To that end, I told Queen Feliana to make time and left.
Therefore, Feliana welcomed the Grandisiac messenger among the thrones.
"I didn't expect you, Jessica."
"It seems to be magnificent, my queen."
Mother and daughter.
However, the Queen of the Kingdom of Orvance and the Grandisiac messenger face to face.
Watched by several ministers, this place is not a face-to-face meeting between mother and daughter.The Queen of the Kingdom of Orvance will only hear about the messengers from the Grandisiah.
But first Feliana put a smile on her face.
"You don't have to be so hard, Jessica.For you, this is home.You don't have to come as an envoy, can you take me home sometimes? "
"Thank you for your concern."
But Jessica kept her head down and didn't try to raise it.
Instead, I shook my neck and fixed it.
"This time I have been sent from the Grandisiah.Orvance is certainly home, but he is officially dispatched like this and cannot behave like that.I hope to speak with Her Majesty in private. "
"... yeah, I got it."
Feliana smiles at the wise Jessica's words.
Of course, Jessica knows that this is restraint.No matter how many mothers and daughters they are, they are only messengers from other countries now.Having a personal relationship there could jeopardize future national traffic.
So now Jessica has to act completely as a Grandisiac messenger.
"I see. You have been sent, not just a messenger.I mean, can I think of it as such a troublesome case? "
"Noah, I am in charge of this negotiation."
"Very well, then let's ask him what he wants.You can raise your face. "
"Yes, thank you."
With Feliana's words, Jessica raised her face.
Jessica is only a messenger, and Feliana is the queen of her neighbor - her posture will not be broken.
On top of that, Jessica took a round letter out of her pocket.However, the writ does not open, but breathes a little before continuing.
"Currently, the outflow of people is a problem in Japan.I would like to begin by thanking the Kingdom of Orvance for its receptacle. "
"Honestly, we're tough.I can't accept more displaced people. "
"Our king is also afraid of that.Besides, I have enough information to convince the Kingdom of Orvance. "
Yeah, let me hear it.
In response to Feliana's prompting, Jessica first raised her finger.
"First, Grandisiah will transfer all the land west of Hydra's Seki to the Kingdom of Orvance."
The voice of surprise came from the ministers surrounding Feliana.
But the surprise was only for a moment.Because the expression of Feliana who presented it hasn't changed anything.
"I see. How much will it cost?"
"Currently, there are hundreds of gold coins planned for tax revenues from his place in the year.Planned tax revenue for the next decade... thousands of gold coins.How about this? "
Oh, that's pretty bad.
"Of course, this is just to get the Kingdom of Orvance to accept the displaced.I wonder if the upcoming exodus of people can be accepted with this much territory. "
While listening to Jessica, Feliana thinks.
Indeed, with such vast territory, we will be able to accommodate no matter how many displaced persons there are.And if there is a vast territory, the displaced become productive.Instead of the current tax revenues, you can earn twice as much simply by accepting the displaced and having them work there.
In addition, if you make a donation from Orvance's home country, your tax revenues will be ten times higher.The vast untouched land is worth it.
"However, even to the west of Hydra's Seki... only the Magic Forest near the ruins of Lilkara would like to continue as Grandisiac territory."
Magic Forest?
"Yes, but from Grand Dissaire, the territory will be an enclave.Therefore, I would like you to deal with the invasion of the "Magic Forest" by other citizens on the side of the Kingdom of Orvance. "
First of all, Feliana didn't understand.
Originally, the "Magic Forest" was the border between the Kingdom of Orvance and the Draucos Empire.And the existence of a vast and powerful monster called the "Magic Forest" between the two countries made it a deterrent.
However, the Magic Forest has no productivity and will require a lot of manpower to cultivate it.As long as we have enough staff there, we'd better open another place.
Therefore, I don't understand.
Why do you want to possess defective properties such as "Magic Forest"?
"Well... that's fine. Entry into the" Magic Forest "is prohibited.You just have to make it thorough in Japan. "
"Punish the transgressors with a terrible punishment.If we find a violator here, we will be relentlessly condemned to death. "
"... including those words, I'll make sure of it."
Phew, little Jessica exhales.
From Feliana's point of view, everything you get is a good deal.There's no need to say no.At best, if the "Magic Forest" became a territory, it would need to be explored little by little, or the streets should be improved.
The break-in is forbidden and the offender is guilty of death - a harsh condition, but some people prefer to approach the "Magic Forest" in the first place.
"And finally... we prohibit the entry of humans into Grandisiac territory.If you really need to enter the country, please apply in advance. "
"... blocking the border?"
"Yes, of course, it's not that I don't accept everything.If a traveler absolutely needs to cross or a merchant wants to use it as a route for trading, we will accept your application.However, adventurers are prohibited from entering the country at all times. "
I see.
Feliana finally figured out why the good story has rolled so far.
The Grandisiac is rough now.People who are opposed to making monsters their neighbors are spilling out to other countries one after the other.And the displaced people are also shaking the economy of the Kingdom of Orvance.
That's why we give up our territory at a cheap price and turn the dishes of the displaced into the Kingdom of Orvance.
On top of that, Grandisiah has established itself as a country of monsters, seeking to coexist with humans by blocking its borders.
Calculate the changes in the country over the next decade, just in your head.
If Feliana stood up well, she would be able to use her vast territory, her doubling people, and her vast national power - all of them - to dominate every country except Grandisiah.
At that time, if Orvance and Grandisiah had a friendly relationship, the path of coexistence would continue.
"Here is a document summarizing the conditions."
The messenger goes near Jessica and receives the brief.
It was brought to the ministers, and they saw as they began to read.If Jessica were trying to trick you, they would raise their voices.
And Feliana, in Jessica's words earlier, was able to grasp what Grandisiah wanted - what Noah wanted.
On top of that, how do you intend to use the Kingdom of Orvance?
"As queen of the kingdom of Orvans, let us accept the words of our former envoy, Grandisiah."
"Nhh! Your Majesty!?"
Originally, this is a country-to-country transaction.
And even though Feliana is the queen, she is not the tyrant who decides it all by herself.
"However, there are conditions."
"Is that a condition...?"
Jessica asks a question like that, fearful.
Feliana simply returned it.
The sound of Jessica's throat ringing.
Jessica is now in charge.Leaving everything to negotiation, I'm here on orders from Noah.
Then again, it's Jessica who makes the decision.
Now, what do we do? - Yes, Feliana looks at Jessica like she tried.
"I understand. I'll swallow that condition."
Yes - Jessica answered with a determined eye.