The Sole Monster Tamer in the World ~I was Mistaken as the Demon King When I Changed My Job~
Final Battle: Giranka & Bow
Giranka Doran Elbert Griffithham runs through and the monsters fly in unison.
Despite the large number, Giranka is full of creatures, such as a herd of monsters that are nothing more than a multitude of wolves without commanders. That's enough to sew through the gaps in the herd and move so that you can afford to cut your neck one by one.
But it can do so fast because of the ex-wilddog that is now Giranka's foot, now Fenrir Bow.
"As expected, Giranka-san!
"With Bau's feet, I'm just mowing the enemy's neck full of gaps."
"Huh ... I'm finally approaching the knight?"
Giranka brilliantly evades the attack of the attacking monsters, pierces his throat with a returning sword, and puts his strength on his feet. With that alone, Bau understands everything and runs as Giranca wants. The human knight has the word "human and human oneness", but Giranka's current situation may be called "human and wolf oneness". Gilanka is not a person.
Gilanka, heading the elite goblin squad with full ties to the Bow, is the knight at the forefront of the battlefield.
"It's been a long time so far, but I'll finally be a knight."
"Giranka! From behind!"
Flash the sword backwards. At the same time, the sign behind was gone.
Even if you don't have eyes behind you, there's a rotten sound of rubbing, footsteps, airflow, temperature-a way to detect the sign behind you. In addition to that, it is not easy to assault Gilanka from behind, thanks to its coordination with the highly-audible bow.
Suddenly looking into the corner of sight, you can see that Chappie was rampaging with a club, and Miro was following it and hunting for a leak. Probably, he is struggling to do nothing behind.
Giranka only moves as a shortstop.
"Hello! Giranka!"
"Thank you for making me a knight. I'm just a goblin. I'm not a goblin rider, but I couldn't originally ride."
For Gilanka, the knight was an admiration.
Among the clan, goblin riders were elite. Even at the time when he had little thought, Gilanka wanted to be a knight.
But the knight-the goblin rider, the race itself is a goblin rider. A goblin rider who has the skill "riding" from the beginning and is given a monster to ride on the day of his birth. It was a dream that would never reach Gilanka, who was just a goblin.
But Noah and Bau have fulfilled Giranka's dream.
Bau will give the exact instructions of the Giranka to be mounted and will be able to judge the situation for himself. Retreat where you should retreat and attack where you need to attack-this is a strength that goblin riders do not have.
Bau laughs at Giranka's words.
"I'm glad I got on Giranka! By fighting with Giranka, I feel stronger!"
"I'm the same."
Giranka's ability to fight with Bau in exactly the same way of thinking is due to Gilanka's potential skill-The King of the Group.
This is a skill that allows you to be at the top of your flock and be able to work perfectly with those who enter the flock. Giranka is bowing her flock.
However, in the form of higher skills, Giranka himself considers himself and Bow to be equal.
"But Bau would like to fully shake his nails."
"But Gilanka is faster than I bite and scratch!"
"Muh ..."
That's a good word for Gilanka, but is it really frustrating?
With that in mind, however, his feet properly instruct Bau, and his sword hunts the demon's neck precisely. Seeing the monsters disappearing as magical elements, Gilanka gave a slight retreat and paused.
Still, demons line up enough to fill the field of view.
"Ooooooo !!"
Giranka's sword flashes the monsters that have protruded.
By the way, against hard-shelled enemies such as the Golden Golem and the Mad Turtle, Giranka accurately attacks his feet and changes his direction, moving in the direction that Milo and Chappie will protect.
This is just the right place for the right people. Giranka's strength is speed, not brute force like them.
"Huh ..."
Giranka Doran Elbert Griffithham.
The name was given when Gilanka was born. Goblins are a herd, and the name is the name of the herd. It is one of the few demons that has social properties.
Gilanka's official name was the last family to bear the name of the family, the Dorans, and the clan Elbeth, and his father Griffithham. Specifically, it means "Gilanka, son of Griffithham, a member of the Elbert Clan of the Doran."
Giranka, however, was slightly skeptical.
Giranka is indeed a goblin of the Dorans and a member of the Elbert Clan.
However, although the goblins have some degree of sociality, they are still true to their demonic nature. The only thing that overflows with the idea of "killing humans" in that instinct is the existence of demons.
Giranka, who has the intelligence and fights the same demon, will no longer be recognized as a goblin clan.
"I see ... I see."
"Giranka-san! What happened!"
Yamato Katana Smiles while severing the demon's neck. I am no longer a member of the Doran. I am already following Noah Whitefield.
Then you don't need two clan members.
"I'll change my name"
"Oh, Bau call me Giranka. That's just complacency."
"That's right?"
Giranka warps her mouth to the crescent moon, laughs at the goblin that cuts her neck and scatters with the magical elements.
While holding the same goblin in his hand, he thinks nothing. All in all, Giranka sees them as enemies, not siblings.
Then you should change that name.
"The new name is Giranka Grandizia Whitefield Noah"
"Oh! That's the name of your master!"
"That's how the goblin is named. Oh, and I feel like I'm finally free from the burden."
The bow rushes out while putting effort into the feet.
Beyond is the crowd of enemies-the gap.
"Happiness !!"
Mountain swords Demons scattered in Giranka and scattered with magic. At the same time, Gilanka raises himself.
"I'm Giranka Grandizaire Whitefield Noah! If you're not afraid of this name, it's good!"
"Giranka is cool!"
Giranka goes to Noah Whitefield.
The strongest goblin that follows only one demon in the world.