Me and Miro, two people of the journey was a while then.
Is really convenient Milo. Although the Minotaur as the enemy was troublesome because it did not quite die in tough, really reassuring and become an ally. The demon that appeared in front of my eyes, Yuku in Nagitaoshi a large ax to have one after another.
Well, missed is if Yattekure far of me, but of course he I also fight.
Still, the thing that makes us the easier. Really think so.
"Guoooooo !!"
Miro is fight, I will only walk the labyrinth while haunts it.
Floor of around here, there are no very strong person. Really, would at best much Minotaur. Mine does not kill in a blow.
In fact, the flock of caterpillar coming hit from a little while ago, to Milo have me put away with one blow. Originally, the Minotaur is I'm an ability not amusing even lived in the more lower.
"Kikyi' !!"
"Guo O O O O O O Tsu !!"
And proceed to out go, it had appeared was a demon called a red hat (red cap).
In terms easy to understand, is a super-strong Goblin. Ordinary goblins and physique but does not change, its strength is quite different from the ordinary goblin. Faster than the wolf, it comes attacked formed a flock in ten or more animals The more from what than a few animals. Was impatient to when I also saw for the first time.
Not in the ordinary goblins, gnomes wearing a red hat surrounds the Milo, come attacked.
Of which one animal, have toward me as well.
"Kikyi' !!"
The blow of the red cap, Hyoi', and dodge to the side.
Although there is a considerable speed, well in the hierarchy of around here, but the extent that. And more go to the lower layer, it enters the Goman Nante faster than red cap demon.
For now, the red cap that has been approached had been off a kick. However, some did derail the aim, clean hit did not.
Together with my attack, red cap blow off.
"Formate, Guy ......"
"Guo O O O O O O Tsu !!"
In the meantime, those of Milo is steadily defeat the red cap.
But it is a sluggish of Milo of movement, the toughness is a origami with. When the red cap has been attacked much, never Miro falls down.
Then, the rise of the red cap that I was kicked. Would still was not firmly kick is entered.
In another blow - so, and stare a red cap.
"Kikyi' !!!"
Red cap is screaming so.
At the same time, began to hit the other of the red cap is their ally.
Falling out - I thought so for a moment, different.
After all, in the neck of the red cap - because the silver collar is wound.
"Wow, how serious."
Involuntarily, become quick guide to the top hotels, so Mayune.
Though did not trigger only to Miro until now, I did not think that suddenly another one animal companion is increased. Still from the hierarchy that was to fellow Miro, to say that is not up to the top.
Integrated, and why a wonder. Something funny it is also I wonder if there was.
"Guo O O O O O O Tsu !!"
"Kikyi' !!"
New two-body that do not know what good is called the good of or two animals is referred to as two people who became my companions, Yuku face down the sword the remaining red cap.
The only one animal Milo who could not be dealt with quite quickly, I newly red cap, which became a fellow is face down the sword from the side. Then, only the red cap is such a friend is not trying to overthrow even Milo.
The mystery of cooperation is there.
"..." analysis (analyze) ""
And, I will launch a "analysis (analyze)" for such a red cap.
Already to collars are tightened, it should have come with the chain of the same skills slavery and Miro.
Name: Giranka Dolan, Erubeto-Gurifissamu
Occupation: Goblin level 43
Sword level 31
Steal level 28
Body art level 22
Chains of slavery
"Name Tsu long!"
What Giranka Dolan, Erubeto-Te Gurifissamu. Kinda cool. Would not you say about the name to Goblin.
I mean, what was just a high ultra-level goblin but was called red cap. What. Toka color of the hat changes when the level goes up, I wonder if there is also a kind of system.
Then, my demon Tsukai was also up to level 3.
Demon capture, demon Torture also Both are level-up. This is likely to go up automatically. Well, I do not know at all what will change because the rose.
I wonder if I should have read carefully the career of writing. Occupation of explaining something.
"Hmm ......"
But, there is that it was found.
Milo and red cap - two dogs of Giranka became my companion. Common denominator here is only one.
It's that "I was not brought down with one blow."
It is the lowest layer of the demon, but my attacks that kill in most blow. This is because, for a formidable enemy encountered in going, it had in mind for that weakness. If where to attack what is effective, where to the kill if Atere blow.
And, always continued tension care in the lowest layer, was moving so as not to let your guard down. Whether the reaction came, in the middle of around here there is little awareness that is loose mind. That's why the kick shot towards the earlier Giranka, the wrong a little aim.
That is the condition of the demon capture is that "that I give the attack dying the last minute".
While it is a self-analysis like that, Milo and Giranka seems to have finished processing of other red cap.
And also those of Miro, already or because Giranka is fitted with a "slavery of the chain" of me, did not trying to cause exactly the attack.
Both of them while looking at me, seems to be waiting for instructions.
"Gururu ......"
"As friends with Giranka"
Milo and Giranka is, both began to shake hands with the hand that does not have a weapon.
It is terribly surreal.
Toka are shaking hands adults and children about the size of the different Minotaur and goblins, or would not have not you no other I who seen such a sight.
Well, I try it 's this remains back to the outside.
As can be verified in the future, it might be to defeat me is what animals to not leave everything to Milo and Giranka. As far as possible holding back to.
"Now, results could be 's go ...?"
Then, corpse us such a red cap has vanished like a mist, and beyond.
Apparently, people figure seems adventurers looked. In light armor of the warrior, the woman magician robe appearance, women priests style.
Something there ..., I feel seen extremely little while ago is.
I mean, if you just see only, but I Apart from good.
All three people - on the ground, had lying around.
Slowly, approaches.
Adventure who perish in the maze like this is not uncommon. Probably, probably it was attacked by a swarm of red cap that appeared earlier.
Much trouble helped to - such a feeling is, no, not float.
I though, this also a labyrinth of providence. Strong person to live, the weak die. Daredevil dive in deeply impatient Gong is always dropping their lives in the Labyrinth.
"-! Tsu still alive!"
Warriors - identified himself with the kite he had already extinct breath. Same woman magician as well, it is.
But another person - only priests of the women, was still slightly breath. On its belly stuck the sword of the red cap, it would not be anymore long.
But I, If you are still alive, able to save.
"" Recovery (heel) "!"
I recovery spell also remember, not a very big deal. Compared to the priests positions, I would say that it insignificant.
But still, is this to heal the wound to promote physical recovery, I can reach out if the remaining life even slightly.
By my recovery spell, sword of the red cap that was stuck in the belly - is it, come out to the outside little by little.
Do not be forced to pull out. Lose only a lot of blood in it, it may result in death.
The body of the recovery, not only wait for the coming exit slowly.
While feeding the magic, hear the sound of sword was missing Curran, and.
This wound would be all right now. After that as long as the look, it does not appear to have a big injury so.
"I noticed was how?"
Oh, it was good.
Of the three men, I should think that it was good able to save just one person. The eyes of the priests of the woman opens slowly, catch me.
There is me and eyes, from it.
My back - in there that Miro and Giranka is standing aligned, toward the eye.
"If Ke ah ah Aa' !! ??"
Again, I fainted.