"What is needed to make the country is three. The first is land. Then people. Finally, the law who live in the country."
"No, First of all, I'd like you to come with to various correction about me whether I of a devil."
If "My mother. Noah-like is not a devil-like, Who is a devil. That way, but also will the Noah-like virtue place where your humility, humility past is taken to sarcasm. At least, it troubled if Ne Itadakanai behave as a devil in front of the subordinate "
"Does a system that does not through talking about me you!"
Though I thought that it is a little more common sense people.
I, I wonder what will not think I devil if. Village of every one of the elves, you know the me I thought I properly demon Tsukai that of me.
Most reliable and must be, I loyal subordinate who has got me completely mistaken.
"Oh, boy"
"What I'm Puppy, I hit"
"We are what you must be beaten with only call out to differents"
Noisy Do not, I'm in a bad mood.
"Is not it may be separately referred to as the devil."
"Alright Okay, I hit"
"Listen to the story of me before beating First of all. We still also described what Oranzo"
Indeed, it is the word of the extremely legitimate Puppy.
Anyway not say Rokna it, and not Kimetsuke, would work as a husband also to listen to the words of subordinate properly.
Well, I hit anyway if you do not say Rokna it. It's a good one, It looks like not to die. To heal in a "recovery (heel)".
"As differents make the country in this land, it is."
"In this case, because the people living in the country is in what. Country, would that hold true precisely because the people living there."
"Do not Do Well ...... the mainly become demon. It will be me my subordinate"
"Existence. After that, it will place such as every one of the few elves"
I think that.
It had the time being Kakurezato of elves exposed, Mai made if Ne I followed. Elves also asked to become part of my country, it would be nice if you observe in the form of giving asylum there.
That's why, it's elf and demon of the people of the country to make the I. Well, it elves not only about fifty. To demon'm also fifteen thousand animals.
"In other words, differents's not become the king of the country of the demon."
"Is it the person is not to call it Satan?"
Bad if you try, do not come up with a good many of the objections.
Certainly Speaking of the king of the country of demons, but Satan. I only be only profession is demon Tsukai, will become completely turned to Satan as a position. If from other countries, it's a fact no doubt.
How be considered, Puppy words are correct. In the habit of Puppy.
"If a nickname that can not escape anyway, Oke accustomed to one of the now. Differents is in how the place where he has insisted that is not the devil, position of differents is unexpected allowed it."
"...... Oh, and the other"
It has become somehow Mendokusaku.
Just because it was separately devil treats, to the future nor what changes. Because why we must in a variety negotiate with Doraukosu Empire and Oruvansu Kingdom of the future, as the bluff might be better identified himself with the devil.
Also be called the devil, or that I do unless we are familiar from now on.
If you become such a thing, the book of me to change jobs by giving me the devil of the profession from the beginning.
"Bugofuu Tsu!"
For now, it had been hit per eight.
We know that it is unreasonable. But it's a kind of role I Puppy.
"I, me, why ...!"
"Hey Puppy, whether you also angered husband."
"Even though I just said that I unexpected not do anything we! Of course!"
"Sometimes,'ll be better wearing also. Mind the fact that the truth is hurtful, Puppy dono"
For now, Puppy blew seems safe. Recovery looks good even without applying.
Well, let's organize a re-thinking.
In other words, I that is Satan, brave you are somewhere would be coming to kill me.
In this world, I do not know whether there are many people of the brave. I is not never met until now, it will be present with the split.
So, it was worrisome suddenly.
"I wonder, Drake"
"Yes, Noah-like"
"I gonna be Satan is, how to do is gonna be the hero appears to beat me Do?"
At that time, "Yes, that. Satan appeared in this world, the hero is born also in this world. As a hero, you will want to journey with a mission to defeat the devil. Any opposing the Noah-like and also you may "
"No I ...... brave, are you How many people?"
"My mother. This is your joke. Hero has been determined to be one in the world."
No, I I'm I was the hero.
What was only one person in the world. seriously. I'm became so with any luck.
"You mean ...... it is gonna be one person Satan per person brave?"
"But Do not those of the much heard I also tradition. The Tour of the stars, Satan and the hero is always only one by one person Toka he does not exist in this world. Hero died that time, the new is the next hero we have heard a born "
No, Toka devil and the hero is not always have only one by one person, does not mean I think I funny about the kind of theory. When's it, I do not go unless you funny this world that has been decided profession from the moment you were born.
It's different.
I was a hero definitely. Drake says, was the hero that not only one person in the world.
In other words, somewhere in the world, ought to the devil to become a servant and the pair are present.
But I, I long journey - Nante devil of rumors, never heard even once.
"I wonder, Drake"
"Yes, Noah-like"
"What you Is the ...... Satan, Where do or know are there?"
If, if somewhere in there is Satan.
He or she or do not know someone, would be outraged. Because someone is not a it is himself the devil.
If that happens, what happens - it, even develop into war.
Of Satan and Satan's strife.
And Gollum, swallow the saliva.
Satan know of Drake - it is.
"Not to be here."
No, I was the kind of answer is likely to come back feeling somehow.