"Oh, that, Noah-like ...... its, it is what ......! ? "
"No, I also I'm wondering is that it is a little careless, ... Is the heard me family was killed."
"What ...... No, sorry. No way, that the queen did not think so hasty to advance the story. No way ...... and we are preparing to signing ceremony "
"After all, bad? "
It's that of a country and the country, I wonder if I should overlap the more discussion.
But, I think there is a feeling not say I too late bring back a little. Feriana is saying do the signing ceremony, I It's not you agree with it. I of that time is was not a calm.
Maybe, probably I had danced because was not a calm to the mercy of Feriana.
"Did you may leave the confirmation of the provisions? "
"No, from now on. I do before the signing ceremony. "
"……So that's it. Noah-like, I would like to be rude, but I need your help so that it is not becoming to whether your anger. "
"Hmm? "
Drake be rude to me?
It rare it is to always reverently Deni come Drake.
"Noah-like, has been considered easy opponent Kumishi"
"……What do you mean? "
"Kano Queen, and would not be noticed and Serve the provisions of how inconvenient the Noah-like, I have been think so. If more simple terms, it is looked down upon. When a fool. "
Well, how not it was good also to me wrapped in a little oblate.
Certainly, but my head is not so much good. But, I also a little hurt when told abandon fool.
Only a little, in the place where was depressed like that.
Concon, the door of my room was hit.
"Etc., please!"
"Rude ...... Good morning, Noah-like. Last night, did you sleep well?"
The came in open the door, was Feriana dressed in pure white dress.
I had been talk that come this morning, how come suddenly like that. The other a little before, the Queen is coming from now, I wish also to me to say something like that.
Oh, but it suddenly also my visit yesterday. It was not out Toka harbingers, not a position that I say complain.
"You, Good morning, Feriana-like"
"Elsa, and lowering your Asage in. Noah-like, as I mentioned yesterday, we have a letter of when signing ceremony"
"Thank you. I will check."
And a sofa sitting with me, to the sofa that is present in the form of face-to-face across the table, sit Feriana.
Then, Elsa is on the table that was wiped down the dishes, spread the parchment.
"This will be the its provisions."
"Drake, because read aloud text from now, tell him if there is a strange place."
"I understand."
Take the parchment in hand, to see from the top.
Properly around the parchment, but stuff you have is decorated in gold leaf. Perhaps Toka Kokusho, will those of the level that is not used, if that is not such important thing.
Well. I that has led to such a wind and Drake, it's not Barre?
"For example, uh ...... Feriana like, but I want to confirm to me of him, or you might want"
"Yeah, I do not care. Elsa, to call you a traveling with-like"
", Yes. Please wait."
For now, I must be read carefully about this content until a Alisa.
Then, while reading aloud in my mind, I must have him properly pointed out the contents to Drake.
"Well ...... Oruvansu kingdom, Grundy Zire, the two countries of the alliance treaty. This is the title "
"I am. Continued thank you. "
"Oruvansu kingdom and Grundy Zire country of peace in the continent, as well as to cooperate when its maintenance. In addition to cooperating hit the enemy to try to inhibit the peace, as well as commitments here to get the opportunity of equivalency of the countries in commerce and industry. "
"Hmm ...... No, but I would like to be Tsukanu ......"
"Yup? "
"The name of our country, did you decided to name that Grandy Zire? "
Oh, I did not say.
Come to think of it, I was only identified himself to me is arbitrarily decided without permission. Because of the Puppy.
Properly, to be kept by the per penetration.
"I'm sorry, I was arbitrarily decided. Our country, but Grundy Zire "
"I understand. No, you will find a good name. Yokoshimaryu remain in Kano legend, I think that great and bears the name of Grundy Zire. Our country, let's will reign as the country feared as of Kano evil dragon. "
"...... Oh, yeah."
Something was praised. Just Puppy wanted Ya decided without permission.
Or Puppy, whether you were unexpectedly well-known that.
"So ...... Well, first Article, Oruvansu kingdom founding of Grundy Zire, as well as physical when new order construction, performs a physical support, also performing the respect as a position of apposition"
"Article, Grundy Zire takes a leading position when new order construction in the continent of Oruvansu kingdom, also perform the respect as a position of apposition"
"Article III, Oruvansu kingdom and Grundy Zire, the same city a stance against war with Doraukosu empire, carried out in cooperation with attack each other. In addition, when an attack is carried out the assistance to each other by any military way. "
"Article, in the case of performing territory invasion of Doraukosu empire, the conquest in the present Convention, Oruvansu kingdom and Grundy Zire in control of the territory is ceded to five minutes."
"Article, when to smoothly implement the present Convention, Oruvansu the Kingdom of the embassy located in Grundy Zire country, the determination of in the embassy in case of emergencies."
"Article VI, this Convention is implemented along with the signature, as an active ten years. In the expiration of this treaty, and it is carried out before it expires again talks between the countries. "
"...... more, but it is. Drake, how? "
A series of difficult words, I do not know well.
For now, to cooperate with each other when fighting Doraukosu empire, it is like a content. And, for the territory that was taken from Doraukosu empire, share by half, is that.
So and so the embassy in Grundy Zire, is not known at all of that, let's say that around here get decision to Drake.
"...... more, do? "
"Yup. I do not have nothing else ...... "
"...... It is strange."
"what? "
Drake, emit so voice as if suffering something.
Come to to me, Jan separately good at this, I'm feeling that. Separately, it does not also feeling likely to be detrimental to my country.
"Peer-to-peer even when ceded of ...... territory there is no such statement as a vassal state, a position also apposition ......"
"Is the what's up, Drake"
"...... what I have overlooked something? But, ... such a treaty that Queen? "
"because I do not want to……"
Drake, is seen that for some reason hurry.
It would happened to. As long as they hear the words of Drake, but I think is a good likely contents of the convenience to my country.
"I do not know ...... you do not know, Noah-like"
"……What's wrong? "
"I have, in the or understand No ...... This is plotting that the queen is what, this is, ...... only as of the Convention between the like ...... equal footing the two countries! "
"...... it, what's wrong? "
Drake, I wonder what you are impatient.
If Apart from comparable bilateral treaty, Jan good at it.