"If the text is, How are you? Noah-like"
"For example ...... Oh, yes."
For the time being in a state in which Drake is confused in vain, no way for me to determine. Or, if no adverse conditions, such as there is no content Come to to me, apart from Jan good at it, but it seems and that.
But I, as if Drake is why a hurry, are Un'un growled.
"...... shed, the time being, the answer to him will come."
"I'll it is also so. Only towards the Watakushi, I have passed in haste. It is, but I want you to is immediate confirmation. From today at noon, so we have scheduled a signing ceremony."
"For example, yeah ......"
Toka noon, do not you no longer so much time.
In I also I, look at many times the text is worked desperately the head missing. From top to bottom, but many times.
But I, is also no way to know for me that do not know to Drake.
"Sorry, Noah-like ...... this Drake, I can not understand. That Queen, but just I think that there is no reason to present the provisions such that both benefit ...... "
"Is that so? "
Feriana queen of "Oruvansu kingdom, as the person who spread Land, a two percent or more in the three years to the throne, is the presence that is feared to neighboring countries. We have not cut what territory of the empire, its ability is that 併吞 around the small country, is intended as has been referred to as a woman fox Oruvansu "
Woman fox Oruvansu. Indeed, it is likely suits such a common name.
While smiling, not read the real intention facial expressions. While laughing, eyes that do not laugh at all.
I'm sure, it will not be like that at all notice also rolled on top of the palm. Enough that, I feel an eerie atmosphere.
"Sorry, Noah-like ......"
"No, is good. Indeed, the other is bad. "
"First of all, Drake It's a former adventurer. In such Drake, bad even I had been left all the brain work. "
Come to think of it, Drake is a former S rank adventurer.
Toka was separately emperor entourage, does not mean that the person who was in such country of the central. Rather, it was a presence of free adventurers.
In such Drake, also it's left all things country, it is simply because there are no persons know to the other. I do not know at all around that, other every one is that the only demon, there is a sad reality that not anyone left to the non-Drake.
"I Feriana do not know what are you thinking, I've got to do is that I have no problems with this text itself? "
"...... Yes, we do not have any problems."
"It 's, to accept at this."
"But, it is ...... a rash! "
"More than you do not know be considered any more, useless only worry. This is Madashimo If Datte overwhelmingly favorable provisions in Oruvansu side, I do not 's why at the moment. If even as we thought there was a be advantageous to Oruvansu side in a place which is not inferior, but with the kind of no you are not aware. "
"...... Sure, it is that's right."
But extreme case might be, you are not aware that it is a loss it is not a loss. Even if Feriana where do not know we was not gloating, it's along with that there is no unless we have known.
Than worry about do not know it in, it than would be pleased that Musube treaty of Oruvansu and equal footing.
I, how optimistic too.
"Well, wonder if that our challenge is to find a strategist. It's not Drake was the only adventurer, will not bright until to such Toka negotiations between the country? "
"It's regrettable, but ...... That's right. Since there was a experience that has received the request as a messenger of the country, still but I was allowed Monomosa ..., this body is not so bright in the brain work. "
"I me enough help. If there are no Drake, I to the I could not do anything of the judgment. "
Drake is a country of just monsters, we know that the only human society, just me.
Status quo that is to rely on cut in such Drake, probably rather funny. I wonder if not rolling strategist somewhere. It's not.
"I, I'm sorry Noah dono! Was waiting for!"
"Oh, Alisa"
So, it was came to open the door was Alisa.
Oh, it was good. What to relative and Feriana, I'm tense and divided. If Kurere by There are at least number of people, I also because little Harel the appearance.
Alisa intact sofa - sat down to my neighbor. While stretched taut spine, are allowed to swim slightly eyes as if no situation grasp.
"...... that, I'm sorry, Noah dono. Hell is this is, what situations will you."
"Yeah. For now Alisa, me look at this?"
"Ah, ah ......"
Passing the parchment was written the text, Alisa begins to read it.
I though, slightly at the time of reading, Alisa was tilted her neck.
"...... I'm sorry, Noah dono"
"...... that, to me, I at all do not know what you're writing it."
Come to think of it, It's not living in the back of the forest I elf, I'm not sure the human character.
What documents were found together with Alisa until now, to it much blueprint of my house lute-san wrote. Some, character was only drawings, which do not write at all.
The words of such Alisa, Hoho, a small Feriana has smiled a smile.
"It may be rude, but if you read aloud from Watakushi?"
"Its, whether it's ..., Noah dono, it does not matter?"
"It's not that me offer from Feriana like, why not?"
"Its, and so do. So ...... please."
Whether this is the hit to the rude, I do not know. But, because I'm me much trouble saying, it's good graces separately.
While the Feriana is read aloud in the voice, such as ringing a bell, I'm Drake and strategy meeting.
"So, as the time being performing the signing ceremony in this, it is to determine something more? "
"Yes Do ...... for now, is whether the ambassador is who is a problem. Perhaps, let's is estimated to be close to the politics of the central person "
"Well, it's no problem to come Who separately? "
"It is so. Let's told to build the embassy in the country. Ambassador from Oruvansu is, whether it is sufficient to be where I am stationed in there. "
"Leave is around that."
While you are talking to Drake that way, Feriana finishes reading the text.
Of course, Alisa is not even supposed to be pointed out the strange point of its provisions, however was only vaguely nodded. Okay, you want me to be at ease because I do not know exactly the Toka funny point.
"It's more but ...... something, Do you have any objection?"
"For example, uh ...... Noah hall, this is ......"
"...... Yeah, no problem. I will accept in there of provisions."
"Thank you. So, to fix here in a formal document, you Toriokonai the signing ceremony."
If the rest is be wary, the actual document and is different now with the provisions of, like, such that wonder.
But, I do not think Feriana is that such that easy to understand. Properly it because it is only in the story do I check when I of the signing ceremony.
"Then it is a matter of Noah-like. Ambassador"
"Oh, I was supposed to it care. From there, but it is do us to dispatch the ambassador to my country?"
"Yes. But there is also the text, Ambassador Let's become the thing to further strengthen the ties of Oruvansu kingdom and Grandy Zire"
"Because the ambassador is ......"
"excuse me!"
I wondered, tried to Kyomo the so mouth, in that moment.
Door of the room is opened, another one of the intrusion's emerged along with it.
"Noah White field like! Watakushi, has been appointed to Grundy Zire ambassador by ...... Feriana-Nosurea-Oruvansu Her Majesty This time creeping, My name is Jessica Nosurea-Oruvansu! Thank you!"
The it was there is.
Chong, and while picking dress skirt, brilliant to the bow.
Was a little girl.