"Well, first and." Demon is Hen eat a meal "...... this fact, Otakura think you want it Ya and the hidden"
"...... Well, yes. It is the fact that I want to secret if possible."
You were ", my house is I upcoming provided the evidence. Once the inner of the Chamber of Commerce me with the sign of the" now generation devil Warrant ", imported into the market route, import records from the founding until now, was prepared all that. demon is Hen mean and not eaten a meal, Chamber of Commerce of my house can do that I had assumed it in one hand and, I "
Sudden but subtle, moving the eyebrows of Jessica.
Certainly, I do not think yet and that information empire is convinced.
As of Silmeria, I think that human beings are less confident thought of as a "demon is not a meal." There if, if making the import route impersonation to make the Silmeria, this information should not lead to conviction from the Empire side.
"I see ...... certainly, I might means necessary in order not to leak information."
"Such a thing Ya. However, price is get tight."
Just leave the "But ...... record, unnaturally Do not you think? At least, if that wholesale food in the city ten thousand or more animals of monsters live, the movement of the logistics would also be necessary. than leaving only the recording is unnatural to think. "
Jessica is sharp, so pointed out.
It though, only in that it is within the expected, such as such reaction, Silmeria's gloating.
"Of course Ya. Of course, my house is stocking grocery by that amount. But the minute until now keep to that you have worked out from my house of the reservoir, I Yaro becomes necessary also purchase in the future."
"But, food is not needed in this country. Nara, how are you going to that much of the food?"
"Well, so Ya Do not. Deserted even in rural areas, Yaro yeah if Tare provides cheap. This does not need Nante" food on the continent "Nante say country, I because my house is not known to the other here."
"In other words ......"
"Oh, things like that Ya"
Enclosed, and Silmeria is squint.
"My house is in Anta et al., Do and say" pay the money to eat Hen meal "Ya"
"Of course, the original need no gold or if. Uchi also gonna be large transactions, take the form, such as unload in Shiirene the last minute in. Son, in fact empty transaction ...... Doya?"
"So that's it……"
And Gollum, you hear a sound that Jessica swallow the saliva.
Certainly, it can not to leak information.
The fact is, but do not know how we worked plus the future, the hand should strike will should be struck.
Proposal of Silmeria might be ride certainly is in such a point.
Although it.
"You are, how much greed or ...... well, I will know."
"I do he also Where are the streets and. Gold in crazy Hen merchant"
"I brought the gold as the price of food products from Japan, actually get the money be provided to rural deserted food products that do not carry ...... do that, I am."
"Well, things like that Ya ne If say an easy-to-understand"
Bitterly, Jessica muttered.
This proposal, too one-sided - Silmeria to just, story with a benefit.
Indeed, as is here that you want to conceal the information, it might be proposed to ride. I though, so the that the resulting just Silmeria is, would I do a little how things.
Is this, I wonder, such because my heart is narrow.
"I will not be talking about."
But, Drake was so immediate response.
Silmeria is but wonder've been saying to the confident, apparently was not summoned Apparently care of the Drake.
Yup. Because I do not is so much call for mind also, I agree with Drake.
"You are, do you have awareness that has threatened this country?"
"I Hen know what the elaborate"
"What is your side of the story, and say an easy-to-understand quite To roundabout but words were a ..., would be this way." Pay the money if Hoshikere observe the secret. ' "
Even for Drake's words, it floated a fearless smile Silmeria.
So that's it. I also have finally discomfort grasp. The reason that somehow was not repugnant to the, but it.
Silmeria is - this guy is, the servants of the country, I'm threatened.
"Also, how does it become such a thing."
"Noah-like, it this merchant does not have to be asked to become the other your way?"
Suddenly, it applied the so voice from Drake.
Apparently Jessica also ish same opinion, had nodded bitterly.
"" The fact that there is no need meal to demon ", there is certainly want to protect secret. It is, but it does not even necessarily have to be concealed over the money until there would be., Jessica princess"
"Yes. At best, the empire would be the extent to raise the threat level for Grundy Zire just a little."
Drake, Jessica say so to continue.
But I Silmeria is unchanged Quick while smiling, and raised glasses.
"If you say so, Miss chan. Members of the story Mon Ya hear until the end."
"This more than anything ......"
"The story of the up to now, here of interest and in. Son, talk of national et al Ya interest of ...... nerd, et al."
Silmeria is, tell so in self-confidence.
Status quo, but we have the advantage of dealing with Silmeria's not likely. Such blow off our doubts, something only to want a deal, but still I wonder if there is in her.
Gollum, swallow the saliva not think that.
"...... in here, I do not think the story with interest."
"The interest, I upcoming story from now. And from Miss-chan ...... a little while ago of the bid, Yaro royal Oruvansu kingdom? Well, I Hen know what can I do dwell on here."
"It, I do not think you need to talk."
"Oh, scary. Once you so angry, the wrinkles between the eyebrows increases, Miss-chan"
"If you're joking, but we will here at the end the talk."
Kit, and Jessica gloat a Silmeria.
But, because only have glared is only eight-year-old little girl, not anything even scared.
Rather, when viewed from me, it seems to stretch the young children, seem even so pleasing. I'm angry it is likely when saying to himself.
"Well, is in the royal Eewa. Even Do ...... Oruvansu Kingdom, Miss Chan, reading is too sweet"
"……what do you mean?"
"Do not was say a little while ago." Empire would be the extent to raise the threat level for Grundy Zire just a little. "What"
"So what?"
"I do not do such mean. Threat level? Such mon, 爆上 shy and. The highest point until Bukkake flew 爆上 up and. I definitely"
Silmeria is, tell When you do so haircut.
At the same time, it moved even eyebrows of flutters To Jessica.
"Consider Yoo. I think there is a fort for what? I think there is about the order of what?"
"that is……"
Answer and. Simple story that can be seen in "Zubunoshirouto, in order to block the enemy's supply lines and. Even marched to ignore the fort, as Hen followed by a subsequent supply line, Ya do the Tchuu Fort Nikki being built . if there is no supply, because Ya to army Hen able to work what seat., army dropped the do or. fort to march slowly slowly, breaking the barrier, and occupied the town, Ya Yukkuri Ugokun'ya. likely If not, I'll Shanai because Hen out of reach for replenishment "
"Some such, supply is known I dwell need no fucking strong army any Mii. Fort be ignored Seki, military and can be straight come to the Imperial City. Such mon, Tamaranwa. If they fear After doing my house is I Ayatsureru the army of the empire, De multiplying Kachikomi from now with full force. that's what, I have used the military all of the empire. "
"Demon of the geek of the country is, the more carry us for the best of ...... empire but Hen know if abideth Donkurai, Orunka?"
Full force of the empire.
It is, do not know me, which is the original empire people. I though tens of thousands no doubt, would there are tens of thousands of soldiers if the poor.
Then, if and collect the soldiers without regard Narifuri, adventurer would also be convened. The same as the Drake, will be convened only Some S rank adventurer.
Receiving the best, surpassing the force.
It is really, to the demon who of my subordinates fifteen thousand animals a little less than, or there will be.
I wonder what about.
I think Admit, that there. It is not so much afraid.
"Well, this can provide to Anta et al. From our house, it burns that can be seen If you think the interest one or. Chii"
"After all," If Hoshikere have silently put out the money, "I do not hear only the"
"In fact, it does not is. Wrong Nikki say so."
"...... scattered"
Even for Drake's words, Silmeria to laugh so haughtiness irreverent.
Then again look at me, Silmeria shook hands fluttered.
"Well, this is of little while ago of the story, shape and was little development. This only Ya and, Wakattoru much weak thing as over there of interest."
"Because then Ya, properly as the interest of the Antara, De huge product was brought. If this, Nikki confident that I be satisfied"
"...... early, please talk about it."
Jessica, do a hand on the forehead just to the tired.
Like, it feels like that here in the narrative only have been forced. With nature, that would have heard the story of Silmeria.
Me can not be on both sides of the mouth.
Rather, the imposing attitude of Silmeria, had gotten even remember awe.
"Information Ya"
Form of Silmeria of good lips.
So, the identity of the alleged "big items", plainly told.