Brother from visiting the blitz to Grundy Zire, seven days have passed.
And this for seven days, was not especially great movement to Oruvansu kingdom to empire. If by force say, the original Empire of the west than about Hydra - lose residents, and the land that became the abandoned village and Oruvansu kingdom of the estate, would much there was officially announced.
Today, it seems people our Oruvansu kingdom is moved to the original Empire. And the empire was lowered a defense line to Seki of Hydra, seems to concentrate on the defense of basically Seki, Toka it has not occurred even skirmishes with Oruvansu.
Well, it is peace.
Standoff two countries, respectively, the border is blocked, although the most likely to outbursts if there even in the wake of something situation, is peace.
"Her ...... Hey's a good cheerful"
"Oh, your husband. I wonder feels good."
And, I even today even today, is basking in the sun on the roof of the court (provisional).
But you need to do is I have a fine, but the real intention is that is throwing cumbersome. Toka holding back the work of the demon that does not have the intention, Toka or strengthen each military commander. But, probably because especially not doing anything, my demon Tsukai level remains still 49.
However, I.
I originally, I wanted to spend leisurely in this kind of wind. The first place to came the slow life on purpose, something strange or doing the king or is something Satan treatment.
By the way, I usually I'm like to basking in the sun in one person, which is together with spare time seems to Milo today.
"Hey, it is peace."
"I I I"
"Cheerful even to good, it has become sleepy."
And wooden chairs that have been installed on the roof, wooden table.
This is, I I had found their way to bother rooftop what was in the warehouse. The reason is that the basking in the sun. By the way, since Milo is likely to break and sit in a chair, it is a state of being asked to sit on the floor. It's not much in the line of sight still.
As it than the problem, still sleepy. But it should slept last night firmly, but it invites Omg drowsiness me cheerful.
"What your husband, or sleep want to do."
"Oh, yeah. I kinda"
For some reason, bang bang, and hit his thigh Milo. Of course, there is a hairy.
What's this.
"No, I'm not sleeping in here."
"I?« People change (metamorphic Human) »or is better to do?"
"Stop it even more."
But Milo of feeling happy, different.
That feeling that Miro is us trying to provide a good night's sleep in I'll keep received gratefully Well. But if that I sleep in the knee bolster, it because the floor of the whole stone except the head. Guy's the body sore and stiff.
that's not it.
Sleep in their own bedroom if sleep.
However, it is peace.
Under the eyes, the look is wide streets. Also appearance of monsters who swagger the city.
And, in the azimuthal this court (provisional) 's eastward. Nature and there at the entrance of the eyes districts East Gate, its far beyond the mountain range can be seen.
There on that mountain is, it seems about the Hydra.
Passes through the mountains, the road that connects the Oruvansu kingdom and empire, there is only one. Seki of Hydra, which is installed on the road has been installed in the narrowest place of the road, Toka it is surrounded by mountains that steep the left and right. Nature, there is only go to if Road proceed with the army, that it can not march as long as not to drop the relationship of Hydra.
Dare Well, thing that there is such a just a good location. Left and right is a natural fortress of mountains, me it's there is about the highway.
By the way, since it is necessary to presentation of ID card to pass through the relationship, my journey was supposed to exit the nature and mountains. Well, one of the rumors of the place where the book of job changes exist, because there was also of me, "the top of the continent's largest grape", I went to see incidentally.
Also a good memories of was only snow.
"I wonder, Miro"
"I've got a little ...... consultation"
"It's the matter, your husband."
Whew!, A large exhale.
And you look at things such as information about the accident, but the person is because it seems not aware of, it is true that is also trouble in the decision as me.
We ask them to cooperate with the Giranka, sometimes know. I whether to condemn it, I suffer much.
"It's a matter of Jessica"
"Oh ...... reminds me, Do Chibi had to say something. Something, or to have moved at the direction of her husband."
"Oh, yeah. I the matter."
I had to know, Jessica secret. The was asked to cooperate with Giranka for that matter, probably have also heard Miro.
Previously and the information of when she was "analysis (analyze)", that is different now of information.
I I do not even know well, not even with anticipated what has become why so.
Although it.
Jessica profession that I have seen previously in the "strategist".
Occupation of Jessica you've seen when the brother came in, it was a "swindler".
"It is if Jessica"
"When you say not a vocation," strategist ", what do you think?"
Milo is tilted her neck, then scratched his cheek.
"No, not a do apart from good?"
I I know for me, "human beings to take care of occupation. Come to the I, et al., I do not, but occupation of your husband would be what relationship. Even that Chikkoi princess's what, I hope, even if I in the "
"……I see"
"Generally, we have also a strange guy so that the demon from a human. Also will not issue strange guy is increased."
So that's it.
Milo of opinion also, certainly there is some truth. Vocation is, I Mon there is only one of the criterion for evaluating that person.
It was my Datte vocation "brave", to something was not smooth going to subdue the demon king, never was Nante hero seems to action.
A little at a time, let's talk about the firm Jessica. So to judge.
There calling what is, to Jessica does not change is to be a good head.
Well, that ended up doing is, I do not go to be have my properly take responsibility.
"Yeah ...? Hey, your husband!"
"Areyaa, What ... !?"
"For example, what is ......"
Miro is, looking at the east with open eyes.
Look in the direction is, but Mountains. After that, seen something like smoke.
If we look closely, the smoke seems to be blown out of the mountain. I wonder if what is happening in mountain fire.
Well, because this only are away, damage of forest fires will fall short is up to the country of out. Incidentally I hope After me burning the relationship of Hydra, I'm not the case well.
Although it.
In that way, it was reflected in my eyes that I thought that it is forest fires.
Slowly, it was a mountain Yuku broken in two.
I thought that it is the smoke It's a cloud of dust. It is perhaps, those that take place because the mountain of that size is cracked.
And Nante reason why the mountain is broken, nor should that occur to me. I thought for a moment whether there was also an earthquake, there is a very large earthquake, also a funny story there no what of vibration in here.
Once was, it comes to there is "something" that was divided by that mountain.
Even with my best, there is no going to break Nante mountain. Or rather, it would be impossible to talk in any Archmage.
If, why -.
"Noah dono!"
Along with it.
The came to open the door of the roof, was Alisa of elves.
Look to the facial expressions, impatience enough is felt those approaching somewhere crisis. I can not believe what saw, and just to have eyes wide open.
Perhaps, it is a little while ago, the same as what I saw -.
"Alisa, there is ......"
"From the East Gate, I hurry ...... I came up here, I was going to Watch empire side in the watchtowers of the East Gate, but ......"
"What's seemed ...?"
Including Alisa, the elves who have a vocation "Yunde" and ask them to the role of the Watch in the watchtower.
Vocation "Yunde" is superior to the eye to find their prey, it has good vision much more than normal occupation. So, although he had been asked concerning the role.
In the eyes of such Alisa, what seemed -.
"That from the mountains had appeared ...... huge, monster's ......!"
"In here, we are headed!"
The eyes of Alisa is outstanding nice.
If you are the eye is captured, it will no doubt.
Once it was, but one thing I do.
"Oh, Oh!"
"Jessica, told to come before the court."
"I was aware!"
But "giant monster" do not know what that says Alisa.
If you say come towards me, but until the intercept.
And I, with my colleagues of the force.