For now, Miro and Hull brother were reconciled. Incidentally, describes the various circumstances in my mother, I had to convince somehow.
After that Drake, thing that notice so as not attacked again human beings in all of the monsters. Well, the first place rather than going to attack Datte Miro, but only hit the back with "you should Tsuyoe because the father of my husband" like a mystery of theory.
Now, Mai is also poorly quarrels occur.
"Huh ......"
Then, father and mother, allocate the court of the room to each lay brother in Hull brother, I also came back to his room. Although there is no aristocratic system in my country, but my family is a tentatively king, respectively. If not given real power, its own way of treatment would be necessary. I think so, it was once held against a room in the court.
However, can not be expected to provide up to valet, there is only ask them to somehow on their own.
"Huh tired ......"
It was engaged in a Gorudoba and exciting game will yesterday on the date.
Indeed even at an early Puppy, because it takes about from the nearby Imperial City to Grundy Zire half a day, we were waiting servants when a gust eyes is headed. Meanwhile, Drake also is I because it was absent in the vigil, to confirm the safety of those who remain in the horse-drawn carriage.
Well, are from me changed lay-brother from the middle, I also is decent sleep. But it still fights fatigue the body of the Gorudoba has not yet fully recovered.
Tonight, I wonder a little Once asleep slowly different.
Concon, and the door of my room is beaten.
I opened the door, it was Jessica was not there. To say that the fall even another day, something for a wonder.
"Oh, you rude. A little, if there are that I want to put in your ear."
"Somehow it was?"
"Yes. Mother ...... Oruvansu queen, came a statement from Feriana. We are still in that he had said previously, the public part of the Oruvansu, and want to emigrate to Grandy Zire"
"Oh, I had to say."
"I was with it, has been proposed that troublesome little bit."
On the table in the middle of the room, the statement probably sent from Feriana and Jessica to expand the map,.
It is of the rests on the map, Oruvansu kingdom and Doraukosu empire, and it Grandi Zire that exists between them. Not mean that the world map, or place, such as the suburbs of the map.
That looks into the map.
"What do you mean?"
"Grandy Zire is now, has become a country with a focus on the city of this Rafasu. For now, the part that was cut out of the territory of the empire for the territory, but we have decided in the treaty and share in five minutes, Grundy Zire on the grounds that there are no persons can be a territory management, it is a state, such as Oruvansu Kingdom side is borrowed. "
Primarily it is around here from this area, and Jessica is move your finger on the map.
Looking at the map, not good enough pin To this. West from Seki is because the empire side is withdrawal of Hydra, I wonder if part of the per that.
"And this time, Oruvansu kingdom is a part of the territory, has been offered to return to Grundy Zire"
It is two in the city of the city and the Orlan here ...... Ymir adjacent to the city of "Rafasu. Although Empire people are apparently beyond the relationship of Hydra almost ran away, some of the original empire people have remained. There in, it is a form that is added the immigrants from Oruvansu kingdom. original empire the people, who is seeking the attribution to give the territory country. "
"So that's it"
Even though I ran away Well, I thought the does not mean I everyone.
During, because be dominated by another country's birthplace of their own, to have think that some people, such like.
"However, as is this when Grundy Zire, the presence should be what happens with? The first lord movement, it seems that it is human resources should depend on Grandi Zire. Is gone badly authorized to Oruvansu side of human beings, If when the relationship between the Oruvansu kingdom has become worse, because there is a possibility to ally in there. "
"I'm Oh ...... likely. In other words, you mean form, such as issuing a lord from Grundy Zire?"
"Well. Is also good as a Noah-like under the direct control of land, I think that those of human beings should be the mayor took the breath even in this case is good."
Be said of Jessica, it is found correct. Certainly say that the Oruvansu Kingdom has signed an alliance, is it have enough possibility that the relationship is bad. In that case, if Oruvansu kingdom of human long been in a position such as lord, also it is seen that there is a risk that betray me.
But, I somehow doubt.
Why Jessica, here in the human resources of the original Oruvansu, would not think Toka Let s leave the territory. Now it's Jessica that me my strategist, but it should it belongs is Oruvansu kingdom.
"...... but it'm I a also favor"
"Jessica, So's fine?"
"what do you mean?"
Classic, and Jessica tilted his neck.
It is but extremely strategist ish you are saying, this kind of gesture is also the corresponding year.
"Jessica, do not you the daughter of Feriana. Case of emergency, you thought you had better Tachimawa' in favor to Oruvansu kingdom?"
"Oh, do you do that."
In such a my words, Jessica leak wry smile.
But like is I might seem so do not trust Jessica, I'm going I'm trusting enough Jessica. But, I think if you multiplied by the Grundy Zire and Oruvansu kingdom in balance, and the thing that tilts Oruvansu kingdom.
So even in this case, "by attributing the Oruvansu kingdom of a person in Grundy Zire, Let's leave the territory management of" I've been thinking to say Toka.
"I am now, is the Noah-like strategist. What is the parents' house there, I do not do detrimental things to Noah-like"
Somehow, try towards a suspicion Eye.
Jessica of the profession, but "swindler". Its essence is the only single-mindedly say that gold coins want. I'm feeling that can not be well understood for me.
Such Jessica, Toka totally my ally.
"No ...... just a little, you do not know the difference between be"
"What do you mean"
"Rather, I think I it is settle down of here than ...... home if from me. That's home, if always to must have steeled herself, Bale that it is occupation" swindler ", I executions There is also likely to be to "
Come to think of it, I was saying such a thing.
A person who was born in the royal family, if you were a person whose profession is not suitable, sometimes or been executed or been expelled, I.
"So, I'm want Zuttoi in Grundy Zire Toshimashite me. In particular, It was not Toka stay period of" ambassador "in the provisions in the treaty"
"It is ... Is the I thankfully as I"
Come to think of it, I thought suddenly wondered.
Originally, all of the people are subjected to the "vocation of the ceremony" in fifteen years of age. I was also so.
But, Jessica's now ten years old. And it became my companion, was around eight years old. At that point, it is already in the Jessica had a profession.
Usually, those who have not received the "vocation of the ceremony" is "analysis (analyze)" occupation also seen in "? ? ? I'm going to. "
"I wonder, Jessica"
"That ...... Jessica, another" I'm receiving the vocation of the ceremony "?"
"Oh, I was received by the time of Yes. Five years old."
Only I do not know, I wonder if it is possible to receive from five years old in the Oruvansu kingdom.
But, Is not it Oruvansu kingdom super advantageous. Since it is not possible to know the profession up to fifteen years of age, I've got children of the nobility have heard I receive a general education.
"Oh, who belongs to the royal family, I receive preferentially at five years old."
"Is that so?"
"Yes. In general, I do not receive the" vocation of the ceremony "if not 15 years of age, but Oruvansu royal family in order to learn the emperor science from an early age to a person of the occupation," the king ", of Okakae When the priest is five years old you perform a "vocation of the ceremony." I was also received by it. "
Indeed, whether you mean royal special.
Given well-well, I did not it was ever wondered.
"So, I am now, I am satisfied to be good not hidden that it is a" swindler ""
"I see. Well, I mon already know everyone."
"And, also my purpose is that he can collect the gold coins, then you know everyone."
"Oh yeah ......"
Sleep in a bed full of gold coins, take a bath, which was filled with gold coins, fill the floor with gold coins, fill the walls with gold coins, want to live surrounded by the love of gold coins, was it.
There is a memory that I was surprised that it was stupid reason than I expected.
"Opponent that I wind up the gold coins, only turned into Oruvansu kingdom."
Fufu', and floated a smile but Jessica was Karen.
However, the Monoi is, it was terribly Kuroka'.