The current situation, try to briefly explain.
Super, easy.
"Uruaaaaaa' !!"
The herd of monsters that have been attacked, Milo is wielding a large ax. It populations was in the beginning with only torn in half, was as blurred vision in Mamoto to atomization.
"I am madly in love Tsu !!"
"I'll go, Mr. Giranka!"
And to each individual defeat the demon Giranka was riding in the bow came goes around, losing to Drake and Amanda only to The unexpected is had, Angus also Yuku to defeat the demon standing ahead. Chappie is a state in which the walk had the luggage to the right shoulder.
And King in the gluteal is, us to capture the appearance of monsters by making full use of the long neck of the nine. Me become a wall for above all is a large body, there is little that is Osoikakara from behind.
I, I just walk back and have a good time in the middle of such a population.
Let's say it again.
Super, easy.
"Heh. I do not at all challenging."
"Big for, differents attacks Kokoroeyo close attention as not come into contact with too. Ally roundhouse"
"Wakatteraa. Does not mean wielding without anything considered Datte me."
"Hmph. Does, but I think so."
"I'm what you want to say Chibi!"
"Apart from. Only thing is realized meaningless to say anything to a person, not enough of the head."
Milo and Giranka is, are the usual dispute doing good. Well, out of unpleasant I hate Home like in the case of these guys, it is like a feeling.
In fact, we were perfect cooperation also in the earlier battle. However, the bow, which is sandwiched between the I seemed to be somewhat confused.
"Yes Hi, there fights and not of Yoo. Yoo it is coming flock of oak from the previous"
"Okay, So I also, do you want to show you my Takeshi Noah-like"
"Eagle also after a long time, if not I'll rampage. Drake, go together."
"Yeah, let's Angus. Go."
Drake and Angus, in cooperation of what is in another weapon fist and a large sword, Yuku jump to the oak of the herd.
It is still in the Rirukara ruins the whole, I just called the bottom of the middle layer. If this area, I remember that was made Muso in Milo just became a fellow. Now if the level 99 corps, it is difficulty to the extent that can easily break through.
Well, I though I am in a state of sitting in the back of the Puppy, I'm not doing anything.
"I wonder boy"
"What we are I think, but not in ...... excess forces?"
"Yeah. I also think so."
While watching them to bisect frankly the demon attacked, small sigh.
Honestly, there is no my turn at all. King tells us the appearance of the enemy, my colleagues to assault towards there, you come back to quickly annihilate. The other, who is even feel like competing or go ahead.
Once Naa me, but this area is also around the time of just entered the Rirukara ruins I've been struggling. Was hard because the number just profusely often.
"Chappie, not heavy?"
"Contact, de Contact, a large, tough. To have, protect"
"I say at any time Tara heavy"
"Cormorant, cormorants, yeah."
Chappie, which have had a large luggage to the right shoulder, seems devoted to luggage retention in Apparently this journey. Casually, to have had a Chappie all luggage that should have been divided in Angus.
"Husband Summers, After a little more done, Yoo it there is a staircase leading to the bottom"
"OK. Everyone, as it is willing to"
In simple words of King seems much can be done grasp of the terrain, I specify the destination of the whole of heading. Of course, the demon who flock coming attacked incessantly also the meantime, without any problem Miro and Giranka we had been defeated.
If it is correct my memory, from per descended the stairs of this earlier, should enter in the lower layer. Level of demon also rise at once, the place in the middle where only monsters of much before and after level 40 appears, the average level in the moment you enter in the lower layer is about 70.
But instead, the lower layer of the monster is a feature that does not come hit in most herds. Although it comes in the population there, it is an individual of the can near the accident, does not come at all it is cooperation.
However, I have just enough struggling storage referred to as the high-level individuals.
"However, early I wonder... Or to another arrives in the lower layer."
"Do so fast for?"
"By the time that was headed in the only I, I took the ten days to arrive to the lower. Still to Datte two days entered the ruins."
"It will be of course. Pis I to will be a hard time for the fight only one person."
"Hey I'm so ......"
Somehow, that I was headed even over a period of ten days come think like an idiot. Though was super hard.
Well, the situation 's that time and now is different. First of all, to me it was that I was level 70 units Toka. In the lower layer of the Rirukara ruins, there is remember that mess level is raised. Originally, but it should not rise easily exceeds the level 70.
"Your husband's stairs."
"Yeah. As it is down."
Miro is leading, it Giranka and bow followed. And the rest is a form, such as those organized in the middle and me.
For the time being stairs is also large in its own way, so that the King of the gluteal also properly pass by the stairs. However, I King is through to Semakurushi likely be narrowed neck.
"From here, the lower Is. Noah-like"
Suddenly, Drake spoke to me so.
Than earlier, it seemed Milo was apparently encountered the enemy, battle sound is heard. Incidentally per hear the voice of disputes of Milo and Giranka, it seems there is no problem even in the enemy of this area.
Well, those guys level 99 however, would not do indeed early struggle.
"No, it is a deep feeling."
"What's up, Drake"
"I also long time ago, ... those days are in Rirukara ruins I Have a challenge, middle even could not be exceeded. But still there was a time not in the S rank, it is the bitter memories"
"Oh, Yeah?"
Drake is keenly muttered.
But certainly I Drake, Naa to the days of just became a fellow was the Toka level 56. I think that's truly level 50 cars, and tough also other party of level 40 group of middle.
"Yes. At the time, honest and went solo believe that afford even one person ..., I hand also did not come out even foot in the middle."
"Eagle also, from the go or challenged thing I but Do ...... eagle to where the old days, but something that has been thought that monster at the time that could go up to the middle in the solo"
"What was so even in Angus."
"Eagle is a Rokotsu who was just making the upper layer of the map. After that, How much was the support newcomer adventurers who challenge"
"Hmm ......"
I wonder I was so much difficulty high Labyrinth, Rirukara ruins.
I, something that could go to the bottom layer may be a first look. It might be that there was also the difference of the original level.
But you know me, I the first time challenged it in Rirukara ruins, it was feel like was more level lower. Level 50 cars Toka, I feel it was such a mon is. Rampage in the lower layer of the Rirukara ruins, it was raised to eventually level 99.
"It Because it is difficult to increase the pretty, more than level 50. I also, to go up from level 58 to 59, do not know have to defeat what animals Wyvern"
"The eagle, gonna had to change jobs to higher-level occupations was from beyond the sixty-year-old. There was no energy to fight with the other front."
"my mother……"
Such, while listening to the conversation of Drake and Angus, I think.
Why, I wonder rose to An'nani easy to level 99.