The Space Fortress That Came to the Sengoku Era

Episode 356: The Situation of the Hojo Family

Side: Hokujo Phantom Hall

"Wow. Is Suruga and Kofi so terrible"

"Ha, it's like the disease is spreading"

I got news from the wind demon who let go of Surugawa and Kofi, but they're terrible over there. Ground shaking confusion and disease seem to be spreading.

"You're right, Lord Hozuki. That's a pharmacist's apprentice."

"Thank you. I'm relieved to hear that you've been helpful."

My Hojo realm is also in trouble, but I am fortunate that the disease is not spreading. I don't know if it was a coincidence or if Lord Hozuki's instructions would have been good. I don't know the truth. But let's just say it's more of an achievement than it is.

I didn't do anything that difficult. Enough to bury the carcass and cleanse yourself and distribute warm food. Someone said it was like a monk in a temple.

But in a world where wild exposure is not uncommon, it is certain that burial as soon as possible led to stability in the hearts and minds. Maybe the secret to Oda gathering hope is around here.

There are a number of problems. The Chinese people naturally drove out their inhabitants to try to fix castles and temples.

Imagawa is worried about Oda and can't move, and Rimi and Kanto generals can't move because of the wounds of last year's battle between Kamakura and Kawagoe. Because there is no problem with some backlash from the Chinese people now. I dealt strictly with it.

According to the story of Lord Hozuki, even Ozhang worried about the people and temples of the country, which are all unsolicited.

Because Lord Kuyuan is sweet. Naturally, those who go into it. Though thou wilt understand it thyself, shall thou also give me advice? My words in a remote position would be a problem. [M]

Kindness and mercy are necessary. Man obeys the ruthless with fear, but wholeheartedly to the merciful. Domination in fear is not strange whenever betrayal and rebellion occur. There will be a light descent around those who thereby give mighty fear.

But there are many in the world who cannot be done with kindness or mercy.

The same goes for Rimi. And when the people of the land of the land of the land of the land of the land of the land of the land of the land of the land of the land of the land of the land of the land of the land of the land of the land of the land of the land of the land of the land of the land of the land of the land of the land of the land of the land of the land of the land of the land of the land of the land of the land of the land of the land of the land of the land of the land of the land of the land of the land of the land

They are urging Imagawa and Kanto generals to take a decision, but no one will deal with them under the current circumstances, which has not been able to rebuild the naval forces.

Speaking of Rimi, most of the prisoners captured in Kamakura earlier descended on the Hojo family. Some people tried to show their intentions for a while, but Rimi didn't even come on board to negotiate the return.

Now there are even those who go to vengeance to the lodging and bring their families and relatives.

Did you call it a paper play? That also struck the landscape. Kuyuan gave me a copy here, so I started making copies everywhere, but I was surprised by the unexpected popularity.

The stories of Oda's now-bar and Tamagawa crowd Sun Kyuro, who appear in a paper play depicting Kamakura's naval battle, are very popular in Kanto.

When it comes to acting like a Sakato martial artist, I feel strange for the Pa right now, but eight flights like Kakakuro Yoshisuke and Keijiro Takigawa, who protects the Pa right now. The Jade Rope people fighting with it were known at once among the common people.

Rimi, on the other hand, was treated like a Heijia who was defeated by the Kyuro menstruation. We also do it in the territory of those who descend on Hojo, but thanks to the beauty of Rimi, we now have a reputation in Kanto with the fool who mistakes Ba for a ghost.

It's not a long time to look back. The impact of what the people are rumoring is greater than anything else.

Had Oda come to Kanto, Hojo might have been in the biggest crisis due to the land shake. This debt is going to be huge.

Side: a long time ago

"Don't go too far ~"

"Whatever you want, we'll be free to paint the view by the time we get home,"

I'm bringing the kids to a sports park in Qingzhou today. I gathered a lot of kids from our ministers, orphanages and ranch residents, kids going to school, and there were hundreds of them.

"Robo, Bulanka"

Naturally, there are Shinsu's children.

Lily in charge of the ranch and Asha in charge of the school seem to be some kind of pull teacher. Lily is a kindergarten teacher and Asha feels like a school teacher.

The season is about to enter the rainy season. It's like an excursion because the weather is nice on this day.

Apparently Asha gave a raw picture of the assignment, and all the children were handed out drawing boards on paper and pencils. Paint has no tubes in this day and age, and no crayons. The pencil is also a luxury item that we only have enough to bring in. But the kids smile and change, right?

But the city started chasing after Robo and Blanca, and we still have plenty of time to get home, so let's let them play.

I'm ready for lunch with Elle and Lily. By the way, there are quite a few adults to take care of with escorts. About a hundred people? I feel a little too much, but there are so many dangers in this day and age that the kids are scared of not knowing what to serve.

I told you not to leave the park mainly because of the outdoor sports field that opened the martial arts tournament last year.

"This kind of excursion is fun."

"It's true. It's our first time, too."

Android came to the rate as well as everyone else currently staying at Oozhong, but it also feels like everyone in Android is enjoying it. Everyone in Android has naturally never been to school.

Suzu and cherry went first.

I have a big pot for lunch and a pork pot. It will be a good memory for everyone to surround one pan and eat in the blue sky.

"Kajima, yes. I'll give you!"

Soothing and lunch support with everyone, the city brought a crown of Shirotsumexa. They're coming for me. Looks like Suzu and Cherry taught you how to make it.

It's not in Japan in this era when it comes to Shirotsumeksa, it's something we brought in and tested and planted in the corner of the athletic field here. To plant in wheeled farming.

It feeds livestock, and I tried planting it in an empty park space.

"Thank you. Princess."

"Then you can do it. Come on!

This is the first time you've ever had a flower crown from Shirotsu Mexa.

Don't we all look at Lily and Asha while they're nibbling? It doesn't mean anything. I'm a child. Besides, you're telling Elle you'll make it next time.

Not at all.

"You look great."

Gunn. I can't believe Elle made fun of me. I got it because of it and when I tried on my shirotumexa floral crown, Elle told me to see something smiling.

Honestly, the crown would look better on a woman.

"My lord doesn't look like a man, so he looks really good ~"

"Lily, that's not a compliment, is it?

"Oh, I'm complimenting you, aren't I?

Since most of the Android and the Samurais are around me, should I say it's like a sorority atmosphere?

I've never been to a sorority. It's just a public image from a man.

I hear that a real sorority isn't what a man imagines, but I don't know the truth.

Or I want you to stop playing with me for a story.

And you're here to escort this minister. Don't you look envious? Because the samurai are just samurai.

Hi, I've been following the Els lately. The samurai is also my sidekick. There's been a misconception on her own. I wonder why.

By the way, the Celebrating Elles seem pretty popular with the Ozhang men.

There are differences in appearance preferences and so on, but you think that everyone's faint feeling is why they are so popular?

In fact, it feels like all the Els or even the samurai have been flawed lately.

You think she asked me about makeup or something the other day in front of Toda? Does the woman from the Oda family get through too?

A lot is going to change.

Sort of. We're all hiking today. I can't buy snacks, so it's a gift for everyone from us.

I'll do my best to help everyone here live a peaceful time. [M]