The Spearmaster and the Black Cat

Three hundred and seventy-six, Tabernacle Vine, Part D

Gold Titan string stretches.

Gold thread sprouting in the universe. That's her husband, the unique item that Innocent Arms, an adventurer party led by Shuya Kagari, got from a chest in a labyrinth city.

Gold thread that is unique, but can also be glove proof if magical.

Silver-haired girlfriend, when hunting in this swirling forest of demonic fog, had increased her chances of using it as one of her means of defense and attack rather than as a hair decoration or glove.

Sometimes, I admire you for playing strings that my sister taught me.

The reasons for the increased chances of using gold thread would also have the effect that he was struggling in the battle against a silver-haired demon cloth user with misaligned eyes in Count Surgivaldo's mansion.

The name of a man with mismatched eyes is Pearson the bounty hunter.

He's an amazing dealer of Llaguno's demon cloth.

Pearson is no ordinary bounty hunter again, as he did with his long-eared girlfriend, who was gaining strength as

Even if Shuya was in the fight with Pearson, it would appear he could not have caught that Pearson.

So it's a natural consequence...

She cared that I let her get away with it.

Still remembering that, he stopped moving to have the golden thread close the crotch of the two legs of the tree ghost monster to reference the movement of the demon cloth that Pearson handled.

Her silver-haired girlfriend dashes suddenly when she stares sharply at that tree ghost.

Turn the red scale sheath to the belly of the tree ghost that is going to fall before stopping the movement with gold thread -.

The true core of the red scale sheath depicting an orbit as if waving a bat captured the thick torso of a tree ghost.

Broken and bent by the tree ghost's torso.

Tree ghosts holding their bellies as they clasped down blew away as they emitted a cracking sound from their bellies.

Silver-haired, she quickly pulls the sheath of red scales swinging through the torso of a tree ghost.

Meanwhile, due to the sheath of Gadrices, the tree ghost, who was concave and blowing his torso, was crashing from his back into the thick trunk of the tree behind him and blasting a blunt heavy bass, involving numerous branches and other monsters.

At that moment, the bird-shaped monsters and birds that inhabit the demonic fog rush away into the sky.

The tree ghost that was crashing into the Tai trunk had a broken spine.

In addition, his belly was pierced and desperate by a pile-shaped long branch that was stretching from the trunk.

With her overwhelming silver hair, she hasn't seen the end of that deadly tree ghost monster.

Because she was surrounded by a demon-guided golem shape in rock.

To counter it, it was moving with assassinations and swordsmanship walking methods passed down to the Azmiris.

Swing the red scale sheath from left to right to pay for your own silver hair, poking the flank of the Magic Guide Golem looming from the right and leaning back.

Then he went forward with a golem hanging that leaned back to lift his own knee, with the red scaled sheath poked back on hand -.

Shake down the ancient Evil Dragon Sword Gadolisses, which is held in his right hand as it is, with the head hanging of the Magic Guide Golem at a rate that wraps around the wind.

The brilliance of the shaken white blade resembles a swordsmanship (sword skill) called Kard's handling.

Two straight to the base of his neck when Gadrices captures the top of the head of the exorcism golem he was lying on.

Blood containing purple magic bursts from a cross-sectional view of the head splitting from left to right.

The return blood of Golem's purple blood waves relentlessly dyed the blue and white skin that made her proud silver hair and beautiful expression as a glossy dark elf.

Naturally, the silver mask she loves is also wet in purple.

At that moment, her silver-haired girlfriend becomes aware of one scale as a vampire.

Golem's purple blood instantly disappeared to stain inside silver hair and blue and white skin.

Meanwhile, the demon guide Golem, who lost his head, falls to the ground in pieces so that the puzzle undergoes aerial decomposition.

Not yet, not enough!

More, put blood and magic into this body... and dwell.

Dark elves with hard determination with vegan emotions while sharpening their eyes.

Her name is Vine d 'Azmile.

She replenished her love in an intense conversation with Shuya Kagari, the Sovereign of the Light Devil Lucival.

I remember the others and Kard trying to create the Dark Alliance from scratch, and once again strongly hoped that he would grow stronger himself.

And combining training to acquire new blood magic skills with the collection of materials sought by Misty, one stone and two birds, no, the exploration of the Vortex Forest of Devil Mist still vigorously carries out the activities of the three birds.

Shortly after he serially slaughtered a monster of Adventurer Rank B called the Magic Guide Golem.

And recover the three overlapping jade rigids that are in the jaw of that golem.

"Good, broken jaw, but the material is safe"

After collecting important materials, Vine activates the Smell of Secretion Hand (Pheromones Touch) instead of the landmark.

At the same time, Mystie's smell of the Smells of Secretion (Pheromones Touch) was confirmed, while she went behind the valley, where the fog was thicker, slashing away the branches that grew under her feet.

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You have to be careful if you fall outside the scope of the pheromones touch.

For once, it is impossible to get lost because my smell will continue to linger...

So, grass tangles up my legs again.

It's hard to handle leaves like Torbourne leaves and Memento grass that get tangled up in this leg and try to inhibit behavior -.

And the next monster to raid.

The monster here strikes me like I measured the timing of whether I look prey with grass tangled in my legs.

A beautiful fox with silver hair that I just defeated is one of them.

This silver fox is a struggle.

To stretch silver hair from all over the body, and to entangle the silver hair in a branch called a branch, the silver hair is used for a new scaffold, and the movement is repeated to fly through the universe.

With such manoeuvre, the monster flies countless fangs from the interior of his torn mouth up, down, left and right to launch a series of attacks.

It was an attack I hadn't really tasted.

It would be different if you had a Wizard like your husband.

I was able to defeat a horde of silver foxes carrying out such diverse attacks, alone, making wounds all over my body.

Absorbs all the bright red blood of a silver fox.

Skin was peeled to avoid damaging the silver hair on the surface as much as possible, and bones were finally recovered by bag in the gut and meat before proceeding through the forest.

This place is ideal for training in sharpening judgment because of the occasional fog that dulls magic sensing.

Even now, loud beast voices overlapped from beyond the depressing fog.

I can't be alarmed.

These trainings are going well......

I forgot what was important.

Yes, hunting alone means you have to deal with it alone even when you hold it! I thought earlier but can't be alarmed...... Whirlpool Forest.

But... I want to pee...

Yeah, it was. I have this!

Your husband said, "Urban legend, the dark spirits you called the little old men"

Activate Rachena's bracelet.

Numerous dwarves, small arms, emerged as they marched out of their bracelets.

The spirits of darkness (handmads) whose appearance is unusual.

"You scatter around me," he remembers, aware of his bracelet.

Then they move around, posing as small salutes or jumping.

In the meantime, he drew the leaf bushes of Torbourne.

Loosen the leather connections and belts, crouch...... Phew......

The shameful sound turns off the woodland blurring.


Then the nearby leaves swell. Something has appeared.

There's something black! I fell by surprise......

The leaves fall on my bare ass and the branches stick together. Cold.

I'm not alarmed, but hurry up.

Hmm, if you look closely, that was the dwarves......

Everyone has a bearded dwarf in their mouths.

Each one is happy to get a small mushroom when he leaps, bows to me, salutes, and throws nuts at each other.

Good. I look at the little dark spirits, smiling at my stupidity.

It's small, so even if you have a mustache, it could be cute.

But they all took things like pinches in their hands.

What do you want......

That's the suss over there - it feels a little good, but I don't care, I'm interested to see what they do.

Chocolate chocolate? I'm cutting leaves around me.

Turn that jar over to me...

Mmm, you want to shave my gluteal hair!

"... no. This place is reserved for your husband! Go over there and watch your surroundings."

Dark spirits (handmads) with disgusting expressions.

I saluted him as he was, then skipped away when I returned my heel.

Totally...... embarrassing.

Like your husband was talking about...... really, is he a little old man?

In a hurry and in a position, I de-alerted Rachena's bracelet before beginning my exploration of the woods.

As I proceeded along the wood among the trees that made the symbol, I felt the wind fluctuate.

Its wind fluctuations are bird-shaped monsters unlike harpies.

My mouth is the size of a griffon.

He had torn his guts when he could poke the torso of a mite monster with his huge mouth and make a choice.

I'm swallowing that ripped gut into my giant mouth to shake my throat.

Medium-sized dragon, drake-shaped, but with an elongated neck.

With two wings and four limbs, he flattens a giant blemish while knocking down the trees around him... that bird mould is divine the hairs growing from his torso.

Somewhere, I remember what a black cat (Lolo) looked like.

... Let's not profit the fisherman... loneliness fills my heart.

So far, your husband and Black Cat (Lolo) are committed to the development of the village of Saidail and hunting in the woods of the tree sea….

and I head into the depths of the woods as I drop my shoulders.

While anticipating the behavior of your husband and Black Cat (Lolo), I recall a ghost story I recently heard from your husband.

And I remembered a monster that Tsuan, who had a thick trust, was talking about.

The presence of a ghost monster called "Shapsy."

Just in case, let's bleed out. This is also training.

consciously bleeding out of both legs...

Tibia swelled from the thigh to the knee, and the red and black leather long gladiator sandals he was wearing were dyed bloodstained, while allowing the blood to unfold in an image that would create a lake on the surface of the ground.

Lucival's blood should make the blood of light a special effect on the phantom.

Misty also used blood in this way.

The metal lotus floating in that blood lake is a beautiful poor move......

The look of blood gathering in Misty's stylish shoes was rolling.

She has a lot of personal work to do.

And I guess I succeeded in developing great proprietary skills because of my research enthusiasm.

I could remember if it was a plain knife extraction technique, but that blend of blood and metal technology was delicate and bold.

I will not lay hands on that one, nor on this one, nor will I stretch the skill of the Jade Snake Bow (Bajra) received from Gadolith the Devil's Sword and the Goddess from this Master, and deal with the blood.

"If I had interacted with my master in blood letters, I would have mumbled! Shit, shit, shit 'and a lot of stupidity Misty......

I have great respect for her high level of intelligence.

With that in mind, he walked blood from underfoot to the ground.

thick of my blood, which spread around this perimeter.

Take this lake of Lucival's blood... instead of the enemy, no, is it not suitable for the enemy?

It could be used as a means of attracting monsters with the smell of iron.

When you're supposed to get another feeling, you're trial-and-error with blood...

I remember your husband was doing a movement called "Radio Gymnastics".

I was just watching the Spirit and Black Cat (Lolo) imitate...

I'm alone now. I'm not ashamed.

Let's try radio gymnastics on the ground where this blood spreads.

It reminds me of the phrase, "Beauty is something that exercises like this every day," and mimics the movement of your husband's arms.

But that's where the monster's magic vegetables came in.

Quickly, you got caught smelling blood.

I had no choice, so I stopped the blood release and radio gymnastics movement along the way.

A galvanic tiger emerges with limbs from among the trees.

It's a beast hunt...

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It sucks blood out of a scattered group of monster corpses.

I feel the feeling of sucking blood has changed slightly.

But gymnastics had to be interrupted, but this is still a great place to train.

It absorbs blood, it absorbs magic vegetables, and it increases concentration and sharpens the five senses.

It is better inside the labyrinth to experience increased abilities.

The downside is that the Demon Stone cannot be picked at all.

Reminds me that I have survived the rigorous training of [Dark Street] with my sisters.

After finishing collecting the material from the tiger skin and finishing the garband, he continued to wander for a while, checking the quality of the skin.

... less monster raids?

There's still blood, training, not enough...

I also feel like the monster has looked less after stepping into the valley.

Oh, maybe the undisclosed land your husband was talking about?

The ground also has a hard stone feel.

In the meantime, it resembles the dry spot I found......

Brick-colored stones line the ground unlike those from Holkerbum.

The scenery also changed...... closer to artificial stone cuttings than forests?

The leaking day from the ceiling also becomes an imbalance between shadow and light that shakes with the wind and does not make you feel the harsh winter season. He was in a strange mood because he illuminated me to shoot under my feet in an extraordinary shade.

At the end, there is a distorted stone tower lined up like a swirling forest of demonic fog.

Across the street from the stone tower, longitudinal shapes have also increased to look like alcoves.

What does that have to do with some old stone-based golem-like monster that was emerging around here?

It was created by the ancient Dwarves from the shape of an alcove?

And, I was interested, so I approached the alcove to confirm.

From the signs that the center of the circle is tucked away, there used to be a small statue here.

The part where the butter was collapsing to dissolve due to high heat was also at the top.

There are many hand-shaped patterns in the collapsed wall pattern......

It's disgusting, but it makes you feel like some kind of carelessness.

Desolate temple ruins?

Is this a dispute between the Boo clan of God and the Demon clan?

Or is it the result of a war in which I and your masters prayed, or the old gods of the desolate gods, are said to have fought in the past?

Underfoot, it's falling somewhat.

At the end of this extensive stone aisle is… the shape of the cove.

This could have been a rally hall, a meeting room, or something like that.

Some of the floors and walls are carved with letters I have never seen.

Stone tablets are a group of characters that go through the maze... they cannot be deciphered...

Ancient ruins like Rochemere?

What if it's the remnants of the Dawn civilization in Dwarf's literature?

Or is there a connection with the underground passage leading to the Perhekaline Great Corridor, which I hear the ancient Dwarves made...

Will the entrance to the underground world, which I know well, also exist behind this...

Mystie's brother Zol, a former first-degree magician, read "Rashu, the departer of the Empar family," a discussion piece on the seeds of dark elves he kept indoors......

There seems to be quite a few dark elves entering the ground from underground.

But what is the rebellion from the [Dark Hundred Crossbows] of the [Third Demon Guided Noble Empire Family]......

The literature was thin, so I quickly finished reading it, but I was obsessed with reading it.

It would have nothing to do with ancient literary civilization, but would there be a rebel of that dark elf in the basement of the ruins here?

I am interested in such ancient ruins.

There may be other inscribed stone tablets, like letters left behind by different civilizations.

There's a wind across the street blowing up from a lower hole like the underworld...... cold and cold.

It doesn't change the feeling that the magic vegetables are thinning or thickening, but the coolness that comes to this skin doesn't change when it comes to Lucival.

Again, the harsh winter season and increased awareness.

Is the exact date around the date of the sentence I haven't recorded in a while?

And the monster raid stopped altogether.

The sound of the beast stops. I don't think it's a swirling forest of demon fog......

It would have been safer to pee here.

But of the underground city...... close to the tranquility of my hometown of Dow Mezzaran.

Does this mean that the blue-white light junction at the bottom of the house where Misty and Mr. Hankai live is near here?

I am also concerned about where this stone overlaps and creates strange shapes.

But before we check around here first...

Let me ask you about myself.

He said the feeling of getting blood had changed.

I can assume it's the result of continuing to suck blood and magic...

Let's start with Veronica, who is familiar with blood magic.

Drop your hips where stones like a stone cabinet line up so you can even do a picnic.

If your husband were next door...... and I would be delusional.

Shake your head to fix it in a hurry.

Don't be sweet. You have to be strong.

Hurry up, make a message of blood and exchange views.

"You've changed your sense of absorption."

"Yes, sir."

"Is this a situation where you keep absorbing blood and magic for a moment?


'I see, Lucival is the only way to train. That feeling, but I think it's probably because I dramatically inhaled magic and blood. The absorption wasn't catching up with the body, but I did. Vine is proof of high potential. That's Lucival's oldest son. He's just been chosen.

I'm honestly happy with these words.

I just left your husband.

'... is that true! Thanks Veronica! Okay, I'll keep going. Because I want to be strong, too.'

"Oh, just a little vegan emotion!

"Sorry, I spoke in vegetables"

'Yeah, I'm glad to hear how you feel. As I've told you before, blood magic has long been fundamental to the teaching of vampire relatives, so it's time to take care of Gate 1, Gate 2, Gate 3, and the skilling of your own, right? But everyone, including Vine, said, "I want to work as hard as I can on my own," so I only give advice. "

"… each wants to grasp and feel his own growth as the head squire. The time spent with your husband, who loves to train himself and encourage him to grow, led us in the right direction. I feel I could learn something independent (...) that is not dependent '

"Heh heh, something about that? It says something like," Shirabara. "

'Mmm, such a thing...'

"Something? Not really, but honestly speaking of pride (...) and mindset (...) as the" Head of Staff "

'... that's your husband's senior vampire. I can say I'm half right. But I'm not going to be an empress, building a family like Veronica. I want to aspire to my chosen family (...)'

Yes, I am going to be strong and fit for your husband.

"... I see you're going to be the chosen family member. I knew Shuya's blood was a dark reflection... This is advice from seniors. You don't have to rush your growth. You were definitely the first to be chosen by the Sovereign Shuya.

'... sorry'

'Haha, sorry. Somewhat genuine! But you love Vine, who's gaining blood bonds. I want to suck Vine's blood again!

"Heh heh, though fellow countrymen, the blood of my fellow countrymen, my family, was delicious"

'Yeah. ♪ But the Director General was fierce then, and it wasn't the other way around, was it?

'... I remember. The Spirit was down with his butt glowing. "

It's a pleasant loving memory.

Heh heh, proper me, no, it's food for everyone.

"Ha ha, I remember ♪ The Spirit got a new move, he said. But the servants of the mansion are in a mood. No spirits! and I heard him overflowing with stupidity '

"Some of the servants prayed with their hands to the Spirit..."

'Sounds like it. There are many more decorations in the Spirit's space on the ground floor of the Mansion... I wonder if it would be a good time for the new escort of the Commander-in-Chief's Mansion that Ajul protects during this time. And when I went to show the latest horned puppet soldiers, a brand new statue of the Spirit had been built in the corner of the courtyard. Thousands of years the plants have grown a little and the singing is in a sacred atmosphere......'

'... that interests me. That new soldier. What is the latest horned puppet soldier?

'Oh, hehe, you care about Vine, too. The director was very concerned. "

'Of course. Because Veronica is a senior who can handle blood magic abundantly.

"Ugh, the way you put it, the way you write it, you look just like the Director General, don't you?

"Su, excuse me"

"I wonder if I can't tell the blood letters the sound of my voice or something, next time I'll ask the Director General"

Let's not react to vegetables.

"More than that, what is a new boned puppet soldier..."

'Oh, yeah. I made a puppet soldier, consulting with Misty about Zetta's new worm research and alchemy. Then it developed. It also solidified with red based equipment. "

"Sounds prominent with red gear."

'Yeah, because we've also come to be called the [Moon's Remains] by [Heavenly Rin's Moon], and the name of [Blood Moon Bubu Wu] is not Dada. Especially [Blood Moon Starfish Federation]. That's why I added a painting of a bright red jellyfish to my torso, and a painting of Lolo the Divine Beast in the form of a ride on it. It's a painting of the moon with a crimson cape on its back and a pattern that covers Tian Rin Tang! Our battle costumes were also made for the Blood Moon. "

"... what is a red costume moon to the god beast! I want to see that too! I can make a puppet soldier too, but I really... '

Yes, it is. I tried, but soon it collapses and falls.

I destroy it myself because I'm frustrated, just a training tool.

"I don't have the material," Misty scolded me...

I haven't made it since.

"Hehe. Even the brilliant Vine doesn't have the skills, so it can be difficult to create. Never mind. '

'That's right...'

'I can't help but make a personal difference. Vine will have a sword move of blood that only Vine can do. It's a move I don't have. I can use the blood sword but... Vine has it, that Gadolisses? He said it was a subspecies move. I think it's special to make use of legendary weapons.

"A subspecies technique that mixes Lucival's blood with the addition of Yui and Kard techniques to the sword extraction system technique of Azmir Stream Sword Method"

'Yes, that's it! Such a clever thing would be swordsmanship because it's Vine. You're a good bow, too!

Shit. I didn't mean to piss off the seniors.

'I didn't mean to brag. I'm sorry. By the way, I'm glad you explained such an amazing puppet soldier.'

'... yeah! It's not just armor and helmets! I have a new weapon wipstaff type and a heavy blade. I can't make many because the material is precious enough to be super, but it's cool like SS protecting kings and emperors, and pretty good as an escort ~'

"A red puppet soldier who can handle such weapons! Does it contain Lord Zetta's alchemy and Misty's magic puppet skills?

'It doesn't matter directly, but the alchemy material was helpful in a variety of ways. But Big Book has a lot of skills derived from my. The power of Lucival the Light Demon strengthens all fields. Plus, there's an old cemetery. I guess it's because of how well I did my deal with Holkerbum. Because the said ancient bones became easier to hold on to via the underground. There the cults and charismatic ones are in constant strife because it is a frightening nest... but the fishmonger pirates are also [Neptune Hornet] holding us back, and holding some of the golden routes of the Heim River is a great boon to us'

The trade in the Heim River Golden Route surely seems to make [Tianlin's Moon] stronger.

"The name of [Tianlin's Moon] is not Dada, is it? Even though it's out of your husband's hands, the Dark Alliance seems to be developing well."

'Yeah. Mel remains deputy chief, but he works hard as acting chief. Even so, Mel is my lead squire.'

"... Lord Merle is also going to be busier with more negotiators than your husband was in Pernette, not only about his father, but also about his enemy's dark guild"

Labyrinth city of Pernette.

Adventurer clans challenging the labyrinth, parties, grand aristocrats making requests, big chambers of commerce soul success, murders involving dark guilds, ten-ishas your husband was told to be vigilant, ten-seishas......

Something's happening every day.

And it's going to be tough, even though your husband is named Hachiohui because he left.

'Yeah. I'm also busy protecting Amelie, and I have dark guild measures. The Director General told me about the Hoffman of the Valmask family. I can't believe I could steal my abilities... though I don't think Lunce has those abilities'

Hoffman fought the Dead Butterfly Man from your husband.

I guess there were reports of the Schmihazer battle that was locking up Xara.

Veronica, who became an empress, would be able to resist Hoffman.

I won't tell you about it,

"It's just good to know that Hoffman's power was more than I expected,"

'Yeah. I know Lunce is strong, too, but he's the one who can keep getting rid of the chaser and keep running away for good. But I'm honestly scared to hear about Hoffman.'

'Sure, I'm currently the one who needs to be most vigilant. But the decision that made Schmihazer clash with your husband, wanting to see his power. How to fight like dedicating that Schmihazer to your husband. And as I had anticipated some battle beforehand...... I feel a move I'm exploring to avoid hostility. When I hear the battle of Schmihazer, I really don't feel that way......'

'Right...... from what I hear, you seem smart too, don't you? But... I hate Val Mask! Use and slay! And with Maggie, I'm gonna take Lunce down! Well, I have an executive meeting with Polsen with no floating face, so I'll see you around.'


Veronica's blood lettering, which made her in a bad mood, disappears.

Veronica also has a past.

... Let's get back on our minds. I have my way.

At that time, your husband's words pass the back of his brain.

"As your own good luck, stay meaningful. And let me tell you that buying you was the best purchase of my life. '

Words gently breathing in my ears when I slept with them......

Besides, while attacking weaknesses at the same time.

It was an awesome technique and I immediately ascended... but I was very happy...

I'm no longer a slave, but let your husband say what he expects!

So good luck here.

In an attempt to resume the hunt, he rises and descends where the old stones are stacked and stacked.

Is this a ruin?

Your husband cautioned me, 'Don't go too deep'...

Run down a cave that leads down a dim diagonal, harnessing your physical abilities.

- Unlike the swirling forest of demon fog above, the wind is raw and warm......

It's a different kind of air than home.

The feeling coming from the long ear is also subtly different......

Is this because you've been on the ground too long?

But what passes with this depth, the underground world of darkness, is certain -.

There may be such a thing as a spell god Cocod Isuzuin.

The walls of the rock walls flew in triangles, poking their knees, and landed once.

Not yet, I don't think it's the bottom, but it dropped a lot... should.

I have a lid on the diagonal front...... I miss it.

On the wall, a spear pierces the mark of a shredded moon.

A bone called bone was also stuck in the wall.

The ceiling is spread rounded with curves downwards and to the left and right.

There, from here and there, as a groaning voice with the darkness of the abyss as giant magic vegetables react and react......

Blood as Lucival makes a scene.

"Who?" "Who?" "Who is" "Phoenix Dragon Abilisen??" "Who is it?" "Psychic chilli?

"Who," "Who," "Who!" '"Who!!" "Who!!!

What, there's a voice that makes you feel like you don't know what you want to get...

Multiple sounds drive the senses crazy?

I have a bad feeling...... activate Rachena's bracelet.

The spirits of darkness unfold around, but not an absolute defensive move.

I don't use the jade snake bow (Bajra), which becomes a green landmark.

Gold Titans and two swords to deal with.

If something approaches you, you will find Gadrices bleeding with the sword.

Let me poison you with a snake knife.

And my Lucival blood is the same as holy water.

If the target is dark, it's not just poison.

If you touch this bloody sword body, it should evaporate.