The Speedmaster of Marvel World

The Speedsters of Manga World Chapter 134.

"I don't know!" Mia, on the other hand, shook her head.

Chapter 185 - He'll die!

Saul saw Ultron's very strange move and wheeled his hammer and slammed it down on Ultron, the sound was raw and surrounded by lightning, but the effect was so poor that Saul's body just bounced right off the ground.

"Saul! Don't do it yet!" Seeing such a scene, Stark was busy moving forward to stop Saul who wanted to go forward again.

"What? Do we just stand here quietly and wait for him to finish?" Saul turned back with some puzzlement.

"Ultron's acting all wrong, he must be up to something!" Stark did not reply to Saul's words, instead, he directly manipulated the suit to analyze the current situation.

Zhang Wen's side also couldn't figure out what exactly besides Ultron was going to do, and Zhang Wen didn't really believe that Ultron's kind of character would be one of self-sacrifice. It might still be possible if it was Steve instead, after all, was it brainwashed by the serum or was its own personality like that, Zhang Wen didn't really like that kind of personality anyway, it always felt too abnormal.

"Mia! Is there any way to stop him?" Chang Wen turned back to Mia and asked.

"Well! Yes! But it's troublesome!" Mia nodded, then continued, "Ultron's body is now useless, where all his souls are concentrated!" Said Mia, pointing to the small glowing ball rising from Ultron's forehead.

"Breaking that little ball will kill Ultron?" Zhang Wen had some doubts, he had a feeling that things would not be that simple. Sure enough, only Mia shook her head then said, "The shield outside that ball isn't protecting him, it's trapping him. Ultron has to break through that barrier if he wants the split to be complete, or else Ultron will die."

"Kind of like the characteristics of an ovipositor! What if an outside force destroys that egg?" Zhang Wen thought for a moment, then inquired.

"He will succeed as well, this kind of tactic is only used in a certain death situation, and no one would normally do that." Mia thought about it carefully, then replied.

"Is it equivalent to a bilocation? But that's no longer considered Ultron!" Zhang Wen carefully recalled the information he had received from which data beings in the first place, and what was certain was that if Ultron succeeded, then he was truly dead.

As for those newborn beings, although they were also data beings and possessed Ultron's memories, the memories would not affect the new beings at all. It would only exist like a database to help the weak data life grow.

However, the body of a data life is extremely fragile, and even if Ultron succeeds in the end, the new intelligent life may not be able to survive. Life, any material life form contains a large amount of energy, but this energy is not a threat to other material life, and can only be triggered by hard training or some coincidence.

However, this is not the case for data beings, which have no body and are like ghosts. While adult data beings were able to absorb a certain amount of energy to resist the attacks of the natural, material world, the same could not be said of a weak newborn, where even the energy of sunlight could kill it.

Ultron would never do such a thing, and even if he did it would be completely useless. Could it be that Ultron didn't know the consequences of doing so, or did Ultron have another plan! Is it possible that the night is not splitting new life at all that Ultron is trying to do, but splitting itself? That's more than somewhat possible, after all, Ultron isn't really a data life, so wouldn't the normal phenomena of a data life be a bit inaccurate as a comparison?

Zhang Wen was standing here thinking, while Tony and the others didn't dare to do anything rash even after hearing Mia's words, and could only wait quietly for Ultron to finish his move.

Instead, Wanda and Quick Silver were busier, after all, there were still many civilians here, and the two of them had to save them as much as possible, and compared to the thousands of inhabitants, Wanda and Pietro, the two of them seemed insignificant and completely unable to help them.

Creatures like people! Group sex, if a person gets too isolated can cause physical illness, or psychological! But it wasn't good to gather too many, especially at a time like this when there wasn't a single leader, and after the residents of Skovia saw that Ultron was falling to the ground, a few brave souls stepped forward and touched the robots on the ground.

All saw no accidents and went haywire, everyone trying to get away from this horrible place quickly, but the crisis didn't end with the robots guarding them falling to the ground.

Remember the shadowy robot that was flying in the sky before? They were all destroyed by impact damage from Tony Stark's E and fell out of the sky.

This little problem was a natural one for the Avengers, dodging it very easily, but for these ordinary citizens, it was a disaster.

Steel fell from the sky, and under the influence of the earth's gravity smashed a small crater in the ground, some of the crater was also buried inside the body of the unlucky people, but this is not the most unfortunate, the most unfortunate part of the body was smashed, the severe pain from the body and the stump of the dead fixed on the ground made people's heart shrouded in despair.

By the time Wanda and Pietro arrived, the entire venue had turned into a Shura-like existence, with all sorts of cries, shouts, and moans constantly coming into Wanda's ears.

Wanda, somewhat out of control, took two steps backwards, accidentally tripping and falling towards his back. And Pietro, who had been able to catch him, was too shocked by the scene in front of him to make it.

"Wanda! Pietro! Those civilians are in your hands, now is not the time to be intolerant, you two need to do your best to get them out!" Zhang Wen's voice sounded in both of their ears, which made them recover from their shock.

Soon, Wanda and Pietro launched a rescue operation. Wanda used Crimson Energy to envelop the land and manipulate those who were able-bodied to leave the area in an orderly manner, or else more people would die in the chaos.

Pietro, on the other hand, was in charge of rescuing those who were physically handicapped, and the two of them hurriedly got busy.

While Wanda and Pietro were busy rescuing people, Ultron's side had finally finished what he was doing.

Just as Zhang Wen had expected, it wasn't divisive for Ultron to do this, he wasn't the type of person who would sacrifice himself. But the more than fifty Zhenjin bodies that appeared beside Ultron was really a surprise to Zhang Wen.

"I'm very sorry for delaying you for so long, but now we can start over!" The very first one, Ultron, spoke up.

Ultron's Zhenjin body was so strong that just one person was able to fight against the entire reunion members, and now that there were more than fifty more identical Zhenjin bodies, it made Ultron feel very strong.

"Mia, do you know about this situation?" Chang Wen turned to Mia and questioned.

"He'll die!" Mia just responded with a curt response, very sure of this outcome.

Chapter 186 - Betrayal?

Seeing that Mia was very sure of what she said, Zhang Wen didn't ask any further questions, because there was a huge threat to Ultron now anyway, and even if Ultron would die, it definitely wouldn't be now.

Zhang Wen didn't care about what he estimated wrongly about Ultron's thoughts, he didn't know how to read minds, he could only detect if someone was lying to him, perhaps in Ultron's view, finishing what he was about to do was more important than surviving.

There were many people who had such thoughts, but they did not include Zhang Wen. Zhang Wen could only express admiration for this kind of person, but directly would never do it, or perhaps it was just that he hadn't found a thing that was worth giving his life for!

Ultron's idea was wrong in everyone's eyes, but it did seem very right in his own. He would even risk his own life for it, but unfortunately, Zhang Wen would not let him succeed.

"Ultron! Interested in talking to me?" Before the fight officially started, Zhang Wen had something he wanted to ask Ultron.

"Oh? What are you trying to say?" Ultron tilted his head, slightly intrigued by the question.

"Did you know you were going to die?" Chang came to his side and looked into Ultron's eyes, which were almost identical to those of a human, and then asked.

"What is this death you speak of! Why do you fear him?" Ultron heard Zhang Wen's words and asked rhetorically.

"So do you like death?" Chang Man continued to inquire.

"Well didn't like it! What about you?" Ultron thought for a moment, then said.

"I don't like death, in fact almost everyone doesn't like death!" Chang Wen replied very cleanly, although he didn't know if he would be remembered by the woman of death for saying that, but Chang Wen didn't care.

"Even if it's a very wonderful death?" Ultron inquired in great surprise.

"You want a wonderful death?" Zhang Wen said with a slight frown on his brow.

"Yes, I love life as gorgeous as fireworks, of course! It would be nice to be able to leave something behind after death only!" There was a hint of femininity in Ultron's words, which didn't fit the gender Tony had set up for Ultron.

Of course, that kind of setting didn't really work, and Ultron's gender might actually be female, after all, superstars are women. It was not surprising that Ultron's metal body originally made that kind of sound. Although understanding was still understanding, Zhang Wen's face still displayed an odd smile.

After all, Ultron's current body was a bit on the male side!

"I don't look like I'm hitting on you, but what you're trying to do won't work! After all, such things are wrong in most eyes." Chang paused, and then said what he had been about to say.

"The majority? What about you?" Ultron was well aware of such things, so he didn't care about anything and instead inquired about Chang Wen, who now seemed to be curious about his views.

"What most people think is the truth! As for me, I don't care! But it would bother me if the people around me disappeared, so I'm definitely not going to let you succeed!"

"In that case then I'm sure I won't succeed! The power of time! And it's so desirable!" Ultron spoke up, but there was no hint of wanting to surrender.

"Yeah? I see! Then I can join the fight!" Zhang Wen looked at Ultron as if he understood something and spoke up.

"You are very welcome!" A smile appeared on Ultron's lips before his body flew backwards in the next second.

"Looks like kinetic energy isn't within your absorption range." Chang lowered his raised foot and spoke to the other battle-weary Ultron.

The compound crowd that had been waiting around for a long time also hurried forward to help, although it was unclear what Zhang Wen and Ultron had said, but since the two sides had already started fighting, it was proof enough that the negotiation had failed.