The Speedmaster of Marvel World

The Speedsters of Manga World Chapter 137.

"Buzz!" A silent fluctuation sounded from below, followed by a blinding white light flying everywhere.

Chapter 190 - Searching for the Disappearing Ultron

The floating island that Ultron had made didn't explode under Zhang Wen's attack, so it didn't emit any sound, this was intentionally made by Zhang Wen, after all, if it exploded it would produce a large attack wave, and there were some broken parts flying around.

Zhang Wen used the concentrated energy to vaporize these substances like this, so there wouldn't be any harm. All of the substances were obliterated into a stream of energy floating in the air, without causing any damage.

For Zhang Wen, this was just a very simple matter. It was just that the amount of divine Speed Force consumed was a bit much, making Zhang Wen a bit distressed, although it seemed small compared to the total amount, but Zhang Wen did not have countless speedsters to help him obtain divine Speed Force, all of the divine Speed Force that Zhang Wen used was run out of him bit by bit, could he not be distressed?

"Okay, Mia put me down!" After it was over, Zhang Wen said to Mia behind him.

"Well!" Mia nodded and then cancelled her invisible stance, and suddenly Zhang Wen and Mia's bodies plummeted downwards, but then the white lightning formed by the God Speed Force covered the two of them and ran directly on top of the Sky Mothership by stepping on the air.

At this time, the small sphere that Zhang Wen had made was still releasing intense light everywhere. This light was literally forming another sun in the high altitude, no! Even brighter than that sun in the sky.

"Mr. Zhang Wen, thank you for your help!" As soon as Zhang Wen came up, he saw a guy in a suit run up to him and thanked him very politely.

"Are you representing the military? Or the U.S. government?" Zhang Wen looked at him and frowned slightly. Zhang Wen had never liked dealing with these people very much, he always found them distracting with too many thoughts.

"I'm a senator! This time it's for "

"I don't care what you're for, I don't really like dealing with your kind, go to Nick Fury if you need anything, I've got work to do!" Saying playfully, Zhang Wen left the place straight away.

The man in the suit who seemed to be some high ranking American political executive kept changing his face black and white for a while, but then he returned to normal and even had a smile on his face as he walked towards the place where the injured people were, as if he was concerned about the group of people who were suffering.

"What's going on? You actually have a government man on board?" Chang came to Nick Fury's side to inquire, his face a little uncomfortable.

"You shouldn't have treated him like that, she's not very capable, but she's someone who holds a grudge!" Nick Fury sighed, then said.

"Do you think I'd be afraid? I'll leave it to you to solve this matter, if it can't be solved then I'm going to do it!" Zhang Wen felt slightly impatient, for him to actually be annoyed with this kind of thing, but it was not good to kill someone over a little thing, that was not jealousy, that was called killing someone.

"Do you think I'm still in the same position now? It's been a waste of time getting me this one ship. The government guys are not easy to deal with." Nick Fury complained to Chang Wen.

"It's none of my business, I already told you about Hydra, you just didn't take the chance!" Zhang Wen left his mouth unconcerned and said.

"First you tell me, then you tell Hydra! Are you sure this is helping me?" Nick Fury's face was dark, and although he was the one who told him the news, it definitely didn't make much of a difference.

"I'm not your horse!"

"Well, I'm done talking about how things are going with Ultron!" Nick Fury reluctantly stopped the conversation and asked what he had been wanting to ask.

"It's not a good situation, Ultron seems to be the planner of something, but I'm not sure where I'm supposed to have a body left now!" Chang simply told Nick Fury what was going on, and while there weren't many of his men now, he still had to be more reliable than the others.

By the time Chang Man saw Steve and the others, they were so tired that they talked about being on the ground, which meant that the image of Saul and Tony was a bit better, and even Saul was carrying a sledgehammer for another battle, but now it wasn't so much against the Ultron army to give him a good fight.

Saul's fighting style is very wild, which is also related to the battles he has been fighting, although there have been many dangerous battles, but Saul did not meet any overly powerful opponents, at most the Frost Giants which level of opponents.

This encounter with Ultron had caused Saul to encounter happiness that had been missing for a long time, after all, now that Asgard was in a peaceful phase, going out to fight was rare.

"Zhang Wen, have you found Ultron's whereabouts!" Tony saw Chang Man coming over and asked evenly.

"Not really! Mia also can't search the internet for Ultron at all, it's like he's dead!" Zhang Wen returned, while with a hint of puzzlement on his face, after all, Ultron's mysterious disappearance was a little too puzzling.

"Could it be that Ultron lied, he deliberately said that there was another body well to worry us, but in reality we had already killed him!" Pietro was already a little tired after running for a long time, but he heard the voices of Zhang Wen and the others still had some difficulty suppressing the excitement in his heart and opened his mouth to guess.

After Zhang Wen's transformation over this period of time, Pietro was not so hateful towards Stark anymore, and even worshipped the so-called superheroes a bit, just like this time, although his body was tired, Pietro was still a bit excited.

But Wanda was not so smooth, although not to seek revenge on Stark, she still had some dislike for this guy Stark. Zhang Wen was not in a position to say much about this.

"It wasn't Ultron who said it, it was Mia who detected it. There must be some kind of conspiracy that Ultron is hiding, we need to use our best efforts to find it as much as possible, this event is unusual, if we can't find it, it's likely that even I won't be able to stop it then, after all, Ultron already knows about my power" Zhang Wen said with a frown.

"Your power?" Steve looked at Zhang Wen with some misgivings, he really hadn't noticed Zhang Wen's abilities, he just knew that he was special and powerful. But it was unknown exactly how powerful it was.

"I'm out of ideas, because I can't think of anything that I don't have a way to stop!" After meditating for a while, Zhang Wen simply left the question to the others.

"Tony, if you were the one to deal with an enemy like me, what would you do!" Suddenly, Zhang Wen turned to Tony and inquired.

"I'm not sure now, but my ice armor isn't able to defeat you and that ability of yours to transcend time!"

"Wait, that's it, beyond time! Did "

Chapter 191 - The Tangled Natasha

"What? Did you think of anything?" Tony hurriedly inquired, after all this matter was important to everyone.

"Well, it's a bit of a problem if it's really what I think it is! But it shouldn't be too late, and besides, there is far more than one guardian force on Earth, the Avengers." Zhang Wen slightly appeared to be a bit mysterious and said.

Indeed, since the battle of New York, the world but a lot more magical power, but those people do not seem to want to show anything in front of the public, Tony although he got some information, but not much just know that there is but not very detailed.

Instead, there was a lot of information about those saboteurs, and Tony even went to solve a vampire incident. Right now hearing Chang Man talking about another Earth Guardian made Tony curious, but now wasn't a good time to learn about them, but Tony winced and made a plan to go find them.

"So! You're leaving again?" Tony inquired.

"Yes, you can't help me with this!" Zhang Wen replied that he couldn't possibly lead Tony and the others to Kamataji, after all, some of it wasn't quite right, and while it was true that there were universes where Tony became a Supreme Mage, Zhang Wen would never take the initiative to make it happen.

"Then, good luck! Is there anything else we need to do?" After a moment of silence, Tony suddenly felt a little too weak, his own people were still a little too weak.

"You guys are going to be in a lot of trouble! But probably not now!" Zhang Wen patted Tony's shoulder and turned around to leave the place.

Captain America III was just because of an accidental trigger, but the real situation was that no government would allow an organization like the Avengers to appear, even if it was just, even if he saved the planet, but that group of people in high positions would never allow anyone to break away from their system.

This is actually the main reason why S.H.I.E.L.D. was disbanded. There were many reasons why the original S.H.I.E.L.D. was going well, but the main reason was because of its secrecy, and even Hydra had a hand in resisting the government forces.

The powers that be have been like this since the beginning of time, always wanting to be in control of all the power, and when people or organizations that are out of their control appear, they try to get in on the action, but it makes things difficult.

It couldn't be denied that it would make society a lot more stable, after all, the power of the Avengers was indeed a bit out of the ordinary, which must be why most of the heroes in the world of the Flash didn't kill people.

Although it was very understandable, Zhang Wen was very tired of this kind of thing, and he wasn't the kind of person who would compromise, which meant that now that he had become very powerful, he would have a lot of difficulties in his life if he was still an ordinary person.

"Let's leave this kind of thing to them! There better not be any civil war stuff!" Zhang Wen said to himself, then slowly walked out of the place.

For some reason, lately, he was enjoying walking instead of using the God Speed Force to instantly run around in general.

"Looks like you got some news!" Just as Zhang Wen was about to walk out of the door, Natasha's voice came from behind him.

Zhang Wen turned his head and looked at her without saying a word.

"Banner Banner what will happen to him!" Natasha paused for a moment and then inquired towards Zhang Wen.

Zhang Wen could not see Natasha's expression, as a top spy, Natasha's acting skills were naturally excellent, but what hid from Zhang Wen's eyes was not Natasha's acting skills, but rather Natasha's confused confidence.

The Black Widow was actually a type of top agent cultivated by the Red House, this type of top agent was all female, and received very cruel training, and was even removed from the womb at the end.

Natasha had been working for the Red House for a very long time, so long that even she had become bored, and that's why she came to S.H.I.E.L.D. after Nick Fury's introduction.

Despite being located in the United States, S.H.I.E.L.D. was actually a neutral organization, just a deeper partnership with the United States, not a subordinate of the United States! But there wasn't much difference, after all, the American style was rarely something that the country would object to.

As for what relationship Natasha and Barton had, Zhang Wen wasn't sure, but Natasha, a person who was actually a bit like Nick Fury, was one of those people that Zhang Wen's eyes couldn't understand.