The start of science and technology

Chapter 20 Star Yao Technology and Space Exploration

Beijing, Xingyao Space Technology Co., Ltd. Headquarters.

This is a commercial space company established in 2016, mainly developing business launch rockets and providing a systematic launch solution.

Its founder Dongjiangbo was the director of the Aerospace Science and Technology, the director of the Rocket Arrow Channel Design Office and the Director of the Rocket R & D Center.

Among his team, there are also many talents from all over the space technology, and the Space Administration is closely related.

In fact, the only senior and researchers in China's only space technology companies have come from talents in the Space Agency and the famous research institutes.

After all, this is too high, and the average people don't understand. The ASA is also deliberately released these talents to promote the development of Huaxia Commercial Aerospace.

In the office, Du Xingyu passed Liu Yuan's income, and saw the president of Xingyao Space Technology Company, Dongjiangbo.

Dong Jiangbo is fifty-three years old this year, blessing, bald, looks more good, laughing, just like Maitreya.

"Dong, this is Mr. Du Xingyu." The assistant came in and said.

"Haha, the brother is coming? Fast, please sit!" Dong Jiangbo stood up and greeted.

"Teacher?" Du Xingyu gang, some don't understand this title.

Seeing that Dong Jiangbo is surprised: "The teacher didn't tell you? I used to be a student, Professor Liu, I also graduated from the Avenue, but it is more than dozens of times."

"It turned out to be a brother!" Du Xingyu said.

Dong Jiangbo gave up and down, Du Xingyu, I am saying: "I can't do it, I can't. I will create any rockets? You are so young, the time has changed!" The new tide is going to debut! "

"The brothers and brothers praise." Du Xingyu exchanged him for a while, Dong Jiangbo is very enthusiastic, and introduces him to the current situation in Star Yao Space Technology.

"To be honest, though our Xingyao is the top three commercial rocket companies in China, but the strength compares foreign companies, very limited." Dong Jiangbo said, "The whole company, the market value is now more than one billion, it is not as good as the zero head of others. "

"The rocket, currently only developed several small liquid rockets, this is only afraid to let you down."

Du Xingyu did something disappointed, Xing Yao is already a two commercial rocket company, but it can be used to send a few miniature satellite. Corporates such as space exploration technology companies, I don't know how much it is!

But this is the current situation of the current business aerospace industry. Du Xingyu saw a number of representatives of several companies these few days, and other companies' technologies were too high.

"The company is small, but the future is unlimited!" Dong Jiangbo continued. "You have a recycling of the Rocket of the Long March 5, so that the commercial space market is hot, there are many capital to find, want to invest us! "

"Teacher, as long as you are willing to be our Sing Yao's senior technical consultant. I assure you to enjoy the highest specifications of the company, it is high! In addition to annual salary, I personally transfer some company shares to you!"

"Our brothers teamed up with the future business aerospace market, there is absolutely a place!"

Dong Jiangbo's expression was eager to look at Du Xingyu, and he and the relationship between the ASA. From the ASA, he thought of let Du Xingyu's technical consultant from the commercial company.

If Xing Yao company can master the rocket recycling technology, they will soon develop into national, even the world's top commercial rocket companies!

Du Xingyu did not directly agree that from all aspects, Xingyao company is indeed more appropriate.

He said: "Teacher, I want me to join your company, not. In addition to these, I still have a request."

"What is the requirements? You although you will mention it! As long as you can satisfy, I will definitely meet you!" Dong Jiangbo said.

Du Xingyu slowed down speed and slowly said: "If I let me join Xingyao, develop business rockets, I want a billion fund reserve, and equipped with the corresponding team to help research and development. You can rest assured, I don't want this money, but Develop new space technology, you must invest in! "

"Ten billion?" Dong Jiangbo, bitter smile: "Teacher, you are hard to me! Even if you sell Xing Yao, you can only sell one billion, where do I take a million? Unless there is a capital is willing to invest in us! "

Du Xingyu smiled, confident, "If I join, the brother must have a way."

Scientific research is to smash money, space exploration technology is the frontier of science and technology, tens of millions of voted, a lotus can't beat.

No money, what to develop business spacecraft?

"You ... I really will give me a problem." Dong Jiangbo wanted to think, said: "At present, there is indeed the capital is willing to invest in us, the amount is only about 5 billion. I want them to have a million, it's too difficult! "

"If I go to negotiate, can the teacher, can you borrow your name?" Dong Jiangbo asked.

"Yes." Du Xingyu nodded.

"There is also a few points." Dong Jiangbo said, Du Xingyu represents the Rocket Recycling Technology, this technology value is worth 10 billion, maybe the investor can be said.

"This thing, I can't affirm it, I can only say good to do it." Dong Jiangbo said, "I am here in these days, I will entertain you!"

"No, brother." Du Xingyu said, "It's not my reason. It is really too much, waiting for me to have time, I must drink a few more cups with the brothers."

"Understand, understand, then I will not leave you, walk, I will send you!"

Du Xingyu and Dong Jiangbo's negotiations have fallen, and he is the same for several other enterprises. There are several people who have rejected, because they can't take so much money.

However, in addition to Huaxia's commercial space, other countries' business agencies have heard that this matter is also sent to Huaxia, and it is necessary to talk to Du Xingyu.

Beijing, a science and technology building, in the high-level office. Du Xingyu saw a few investors, as well as entrepreneurs from Miki.

"This is the new fund Zhang Mu, Zhang Chu; Mr. Edward of Yino Angel Fund; Shanto Capital Huang Kai, Huang Total ... and the founding of Tesla CEO, Sun City Company Board, Space Exploration Technology Company Mr. Elon Mask! "Introduce capitalists introduced.

Du Xingyu shakes hands in one by one, and several people naturally avoid a few words and passengers.

Du Xingyu is not very interested in several investors. When Elon Mask is shaking hands, the two eyes are opposed, from the opponent's eyes, I have seen an unknown curware.

Gossip a few words, everyone enters the topic.

Du Xingyu opened the door to see the mountain: "All, I know your intention. But I am working on the China National Aerospace Bureau, can't go out to start business or do. You have to invest, or invest those business agencies."

"Mr. Du misunderstood, we just want to make a friend." Zhang Mu smiled.

"Yes, make a friend." Several other investors nodded.

"In fact, today's most important thing should be made to Master Mask to talk to Mr. Du." Huang Kai said to Du Xingyu: "Mr. Mask is very appreciated by your talents, wants to invite you to become space exploration technology company. Science and technology consultant. "

When I heard this, Du Xingyu browned, and he knew that something would happen. Although foreign companies are good, he must never join!