The start of science and technology

Chapter 95 Tia ladder stitching!

This tower, called Pengreta, has been certified as the highest tower of Guinness.

The central part of Pengletta is a circular hollow, which will be the "traffic pipe" of the cable and the car.

"How do you plan to lay it?" Du Xingyu asked Chai Bo.

"Currently, it is intended to divide the cable into multi-cut, using the rocket to transport to the synchronous track. The cable is hanging from the weight, connected to the Tiangong Space Station, where the cable is fixed, install damper and related supporting equipment, then continue The next section is hanging down, and it is connected. "Chai Bo said.

"There are currently more difficult places, one is the 40,000 kilometers of carbon nanotube cable can not be tested by tension; second is whether our space installation step is successfully completed."

"Well." Du Xingyu is not a nodded, which is the most reasonable installation method.

Anyone is not suitable late, after the last inspection of the main body, the installation of the first space elevator of all mankind is finally started!

Changhai Satellite Launch Center, the new Star II Nuclear Heat Rockets, the latest Star II, the latest Nuclear Heat Racin, 360,000 km, Tiangong Space Station and a higher near-site space port base station.

When the rocket reaches the corresponding height, the transport module carrying the cable is separated, slowly flying to the space station and the space port.

Subsequently, the space station's astronauts are operated and installed. In this process, the space station and the aircraft should be observed at the position of the cable, when the cable is too long, the angular velocity of the first tail is different and the axis is deviated, and the overall structure is destroyed.

There have been some accidents during the period, but it is good to be surprised and there is no danger.

"Reporting, near Taiwan Harbor to Tiangong Space Station has completely complete." Astronauts responsible for the first paragraph carbon nanotube cable.

"Tiangong Space Station is completed in the area of ​​the A1 band." The space station also came from the news.

"A2 passage cable has been successful ..."

The cable extends from a segment of space until the ground.

"Laser positioning is completed, the last paragraph of the ground is connected." On the tower of Penglai Tower, the long tower crane will limit and correct the cable according to the position of the laser correction.

The end of the carbon nanotube cable is connected together with the holder of the tower, and the rope machine is slowly rotating, allowing the cable to be collapsed.

At this moment, the cable of the cable is maintained by the self-rotation force of the earth, the ground tower is fixed, and the space station should always monitor the state of the cable to ensure the stability of its structure.

"Cable connection is completed!" The operation of the cable is conducted for a few days, and several project teams have been changed.

In these few days, Du Xingyu and others can only sleep for three or four hours a day, and then tense command and regulation.

If the connection is completed, the engineers are loose.

"Well! Continue to keep the status monitoring, start installing the car, waiting for me to wake up!" Du Xingyu said in the dark circle, actually kneeling directly on the table.

"Du Chuan is too tired, these days have a few times, there are some problems, they are solved." Chai Bo said, "Let him take a rest, the car installation We solve it with German experts."

Du Xingyu has been sleeping a day, in order not to keep him hungry, there is medical care to give him glucose supplement energy and moisture when he is sleeping.

When Du Xingyu woke up, the engineers told him that the car was already installed, and the initial test was carried out, and it is now good.

"The general command, the current ground station, cable, car, space station and the five major subjects we have also been connected." Chai Bo said, although the look is exhausted, the tone is very excited, "There is no problem in the first test! I suggest it Announce the news! "

If it is in the past, such a super engineering does not simulate a test for thousands of tens of thousands, it is impossible to open official operation.

But there is no such thing as the right, and now people can slowly test, since the simulation operation and preliminary test have passed, the ladder is immediately used.

Nearly located a large construction!

The whole world is very concerned about the ladder, so the day of the first official transport of the first official transportation, the media around the world flocked, waiting for real-time report!

As usual, Du Xingyu opened the live broadcast, and the billions of viewers watched their more than a year.

On the short video of the shake, Du Xingyu sent a short video, which is the perspective of the drone aerial photograph.

In the video, a carbon nanotube cable falls from the sky, through the clouds, connects to the huge tower of high ten kilometers, and is a beautiful artificial island.

This scene, it looks like a scene in sci-fi movie!

The ancient and modern China and foreign countries, how many myths, some people can board the sky and go directly to the sky. Nowadays, technology has turned this fantasy into reality, which makes the audience that brushed to the video ago.

"6666! God's elevator!"

"It's too shocking, this is human wisdom!"

"Is the space elevator caused? When did you run?"

"This is only built more than a year? Is it a concept video?"

In the creator's avatar, the display is live broadcast, and the audience will take it in.

When I entered the live broadcast, everyone saw a magnificent super tower, Penglai Tower!

The super tower of the ground height of the ground is undoubtedly very shocking in the visual effect. The construction workers and engineers are standing on the tower, just like a small black point. If you don't pull the lens, you will not see it. clear.

"Lying !!!" Some audience still see the picture of Penglai Tower for the first time, amazing.

"Why didn't I have a culture, a lying in the world!"

"I have fearfulness, if I let me go, I don't dare to go in one step!"

"I think this tower will not need space elevators again, it is too space!"

The drone flying near, Du Xingyu and a group of engineers are discussing the operation of the car.

For the live shot, he introduced: "The audience, as you can see, we will start the ladder."

"This time, we are ready to send one hundred tons of materials and three space assembly robots to Tiangong Space Station."

"In the past, such quality coded to be a heavy running rocket, with tens of millions of costs to be sent to space. But today, we will use elevator transportation, and use less than 10,000 yuan in the cost of 10,000 yuan. Space! "

In the video, the car of space elevator has appeared!

Its shape and the elevator in people are completely different, it is more like a flying saucer! It's only hollow, the outside is a circular ring, and there is a rocket propeller at the bottom! This propeller generally does not start, only starting when an unexpected occurrence occurs.

Normally, the car is lifted by rolling, and this climb is almost no energy consuming after being gravized.