The start of science and technology

Chapter 105 Space Battleship Simulation (Subscribe!)

"Start the 310th nuclear fusion propeller simulation!" In the technology simulator, Du Xingyu is tireless to simulate.

Nuclear polyverter is not a simple to change the nuclear fission reactor in the original nuclear power propeller to replace the nuclear fusion reactor.

The energy output of nuclear fusion is more, which requires a power unit that can withstand more energy and a higher power.

This is a huge test for the structural design of the device, and new materials.

"The design concept should be like a mixed power promotion group of Mars spacecraft. Nuclear heat power plus nuclear power plasma propeller to ensure the flight status of the planet atmosphere and space in space."

"A combination power set output power is too low ... designed as an active force group and four departure force groups, with nuclear fusion reactors to energy, and five power sets output, producing space warships that will reach tens of thousands of tons. Lifting the driving force ... "

Du Xingyu constantly modified and simulated, this is his most powerful propeller.

The previous spaceship, the maximum load is only more than 1,000 tons, which increased by dozens of times this time!

Technology Simulator: "1 + 4 combination nuclear fusion propeller simulation ..."

Among the mind of Du Xingyu, a spherical Corcar Mark device is carrying a stable polygraph, and the output energy is first converted to thermal energy, heats the worksheet and oxidant, producing huge promotion.

The model space warship began to rise, rushing out of the atmosphere, and the power group replaces the nuclear power plasma propeller, and the nuclear polyvertex energy begins to generate strong magnetic and strong electric fields, control high temperature plasma injection, and form a quiet blue tail flame behind the battleship. Let the battleship continue to accelerate flights in space.


The design and manufacture of space warships is definitely a super engineering that exceeds the space elevator. After all, the artificial island construction, tower, space station, etc. of space elevators are available, and there are some project experiences available.

But the space warship, this can be the head of human history!

Experts in the world together, it will face various problems. In order to build this first space battleship to the Starry, Huaxia has built a huge "super dock" in the North Coast, Longgang.

The source of funds from the construction of space warships is from the energy benefits from the use of controllable nuclear fusion technology to use in social production!

Yes, when the "Jinwu" device is successful, Hua Guo immediately started the commercialization promotion of controllable nuclear fusion, and building a controlled nuclear fusion energy station in China and around the world.

The application of new energy has brought the foundation of the development of the whole human society. In the past few years, because of the breakthroughs of various science and technology, civilian technology has also entered the high-speed development period.

Economic growth and cooperation in the world, allowing the economic foundation of the construction of space warships to be satisfied.

All the roots that are achieved are in Du Xingyu. If he is not the use of the technology simulator to make these technical problems to be overcome, I am afraid that human beings have now spent how to flee the earth.


Three years later, Longgang Dock.

The huge space battleship ship is working in the stitching, hundreds of meters long caids are in the super dock, the appearance is silver, and the edge is like a blade, as if cut time and space.

The top is a sharp "arrow", which has its own special meaning, a new weapon system, will be released here.

This is also the main work after the nuclear fusion propeller, and the design of space weapons.

In space, conventional weapon measures have lost their role, long-distance space nuclear explosion technology, and energy weapons are the most effective way of strike.

Space hydrogen bomb people have a solution, Du Xingyu mainly designs "laser weapon", using the huge energy generated by nuclear polymerization, in the warship, a super high temperature laser array, forming a laser shot from the radius, it can almost Any metal is melted to produce ablation, excitement, and radiation.

Such a destructive force, even more than the space nuclear explosion on a single destruction force!

In addition to the main ships and internal agencies, the space warship is also equipped with other weapons and affiliates. For example, in the atmosphere, the projection capabilities cover the super missile of the entire planet, a small space fighter, and some of the newly developed military robots.

"The splicing and subsequent overall test of the ship need two months, which is already the fastest time." Gu Hu Chun reported to Du Xingyuhui.

Three years, for the first space warship of human beings, it is already very rushed. The world's top military enterprises and high-tech companies have almost participate in this manufacturing.

"Two months, progress is to be rushed, but the quality of construction should be guaranteed." Although there are many times, Du Xingyu can't help but call.

"I have a life guarantee!" Hu Chun is strict, he is an engineer of the military personnel, and the implementation task is never vague.


When the earth is busy building a space warship, humans continue to launch a probe satellite to the solar system, and want to find the trail of unknown enemies. Unfortunately, it is not yet.

Human is most concerned, still is a star!

Now they can be determined, this is a kinetic weapon that is launched by alien civilization!

After sacrificing three predictors to detect satellites, they guess that this "kinetic weapon" is very simple.

It has almost no other devices in addition to a large asteroid propeller and laser defense system.

But that is, such a simple weapon, relying on the quality and speed of the gods, can bring powerful kinetic destruction, let the whole human struggle!

"The laser defense device on the gods, we have already touched, and the five probing satellites will never be destroyed. This time we can get more news!" The Human League's Shenxing Observation team is on the god Star conduct a new round of observations.

A detection satellite is again close to the god star. At this time, Du Xingyu predicted that the stars have passed for eight years, and the Shenshen flew a distance of 2 billion kilometers during this time, and there is half of the road.

In the photo of the satellite back, the propeller behind the stars is still cold, and the detection satellite is gradually approaching, trying to shoot a variety of angles, and this time, the laser weapon did not appear.

"The laser weapon also needs to consume a lot of energy!" A space military expert said excitedly, "We guess it is right, the energy inside the gods has been exhausted! Now the laser weapon can not be used!"

"Great, then we will launch small detectors to enter the inside of the propeller, see the situation!" Everyone is pleased, the survival time of the pre-knowledge is more than three times the front four generations of detection satellite!

Just when they are ready to send new task instructions, a new task instruction is sent to the prelimate, a new photo came.

On the photo, the god star is silent for eight years of propeller, which exudes a blue flame, has started!

This is not a flame, but a large number of substances being burned into a plasma that is throwing out.

, speed up again!

"It also has energy!" Everyone fell into the ice, the whole body trembled! At first, they all guess that there is no energy of the gods, and it cannot be accelerated.

But now, tell them that this is just a beautiful delusion, and the gods can speed up!

This means that it will hit the earth will be faster, the time is shorter! The kinetic energy taken will double again!

The preliminator is also suspended, and it has been passed by a laser, but it has passed enough information.

has accelerated again!

"Ok, this time is it true!" A observer face is full of face, and he knows that disasters will exacerbate. The enemy hidden is like playing them!

"Do we have the opportunity to resist?" The shadow named "Desperate" is shrouded in everyone's heart.

This news quickly reported, and the Human Guardian Alliance decided to hold an emergency meeting.

"When you speed up, our asteroid impactors can't stop the stars!" Someone is anxious.

Du Xingyu is also worried, but he forced himself to calm down. For so many years, he has developed a calm of Taishan to collapse.

"Don't worry, I still hold the previous point." Du Xingyu said, "There is not much power in the throne!"

"Start the god thrifter, you must consume energy and eject substance. If it's a power source, you should speed up, the earth is destroyed! According to the radiation detection of the foreigner, it is displayed inside the Shenxing. The radiation is not high. Even if there is a radiation protection device, there is not much energy storage. "

"So, I guess it is that the enemy behind wants to give us a next Mawei, let us be in trouble."

"The acceleration of the gods will not last for a long time, after a while, it will stop!"

"In addition to speeding up the plan, we can only wait." Members feel deeply.

Du Xingyu's guess did not have an error, according to the observation of space telescope, after the star of the stars stopped, stop acceleration, continued to fly in inertia.

Even so, it will also hit the earth two years, and the kinetic energy carrying is greatly increased.


Some of the United Kingdom, a house in a house, a white dress, the old man who is full of embarrassment is writing.

He is a famous astronomer, and is also one of the members of the Human Guardian Union, Hansen.

" has accelerated, leaving us more and less ... I don't know if human beings have an opportunity to respond. Various evidence shows that in addition to the gods, we must also deal with alien Civilization ... they are like the devil who is coming, I can't get up every night, I can't get it again ... My children, please forgive me, I can't continue to accompany you. I really want to with you. Say goodbye, but this news can't let the world know, otherwise they will be like me, you will get tortured and suffer every day ... "

Hanssen wrote the letter, ready to throw it into the burning fireplace, but when he just stood up, his eyes were black and fell directly on the ground.

Hansen, died! The letter he left, ink is unfined on the table.