The start of science and technology

Chapter 119 Robot: "Please don't say it!"

"What do you find?" If Motley is human, his psychological changes must be very interesting, but it is a robot. Although he has a smart that can communicate with humans, all the actions are to help it "master" "Alternative to humans.

"Du command, what do you find?" The senior alliance is not informed, because these things have always been the highest secret of the alliance, only Du Xingyu has permission investigation and announcement.

Since Motley has actively jumped out, Du Xingyu has no need to find out the study of these months.

He said to Motley: "According to my research on the throne of the gods, I found that it is not what we can't understand, is still a nuclear fusion propeller."

"Although in laser technology, you are really excellent, you can make a high temperature laser that exceeds 500 billion degrees Celsius, which allows medium nuclei to fracture. But this is only improved in your energy utilization and does not improve your power unit."

"From the previous analysis of the god star, we can draw, launch the location of the gods, that is, your owner is located, within a light years. And we announce that the stars have been twelve years, that You must report a message to them, and the news will be sent back within one year. "

"And more than ten years, the fleet did not come to the earth, only one problem!"

Du Xingyu's eyes are extremely sharp, "Your fleet can't break through the speed of speed. And far below the speed of light, indicating that your space warship is just a planet, not a stellar!"

Only the stellar warship can only be free to fight between the stars, it is not necessarily saving, but at least 10% of the speed of light.

"The master's thoughts are not you can guess." Motley defended.

"Haha, I don't need to know his thoughts, I just know his purpose and behavior." Du Xingyu continues to analyze, "The nearest star of the sun is more than the neighborhood, and there is also 4.22 light year. I guess your battleship, the speed of the speed Caps are not available. Suppose it can reach three percent of the speed of light, from the neighboring star to the earth, one hundred and thirteen! Moreover, you don't necessarily come from neighboring stars, probably a more distant galaxy! "

"The distance between the galaxy, so slow speed and energy utilization efficiency, the radiant space sailing is very unwound and dangerous, it is simply the same behavior!"

"And after you have experienced such a difficult space sailing, you will express your hostility at the beginning!"

"Launching the god star, does not destroy the earth, can only destroy the trend human life environment, let human civilization returns to the original era. Plus your speech today, I doubt, your goal should be the planet of the earth."

"If your owner is really civilized, it is so high, there is no need to capture the earth. The earth is only suitable for human survival in the solar system, and in the Galaxy line, the planet like the earth does not know how much!"

"He doesn't have to take so many years, so much energy to do this!"

"Let you sprit the earth in advance, and you are not like a high-level civilization!"

"So, I guess. Your owner should be that a technology is not too much than human civilization. It may be a civilized exploration fleet, or because some reasons in the universe 'escape' wandering fleet!"

Du Xingyu's words all said, Motley said directly: "You have never seen other cosmic civilizations, these are just thought about it."

The high-rise of the league is all in thinking Du Xingyu.

"Du command is inferred."

"If they are really so powerful, why should I wait for so long? I can extort humanity!"

"Yeah, assume that alien civilization has the same power as God. The man is in their eyes, the God is dead, and does God step on the antity, still ask the antity?"

"I think this alien robot is a bluff, trying to give human manufacturing chaos, delay time!"

Motley is obviously what news will not be revealed. Some people have to Du Xingyu: "Du command, I think your analysis is very reasonable, please continue to say."

"Well." Du Xingyu nodded and continued: "Several conditions mentioned by Motley, whether it can be reached, will make humans fall into chaos."

"At the very least, our space technology will be greatly hindered because we will put a lot of effort into the stability of the human society."

"This way, you can limit our technological development. Soon this time, they don't need a long time, because their fleet is coming to the earth, it is estimated that it will arrive later."

"Is this true?" A high-level shocked.

"There are 80% of grasp." Du Xingyu said, "We hit the threat of the stars in five months ago, after five months, Motley came out."

"This shows that this time, their signals come from the Earth and Alien Fleet."

"Probably reducing the time of the other party, Motley accepts the time for factors such as information manufacturing incident. This route signal is used for two months, that is, they are from our distance, it should be one-fourth During the year. "

"Suppose that their battleship can reach 5 percent of the speed of 5th, six-thirds, it takes three years. Almost three years, the enemy's fleet can reach the earth! It is also earlier!"

"Three years? We only haven't been three years left?" The senior alliance is amazed, but the mood is much better than just good, and the enemy that can guess is more easily faced than unknown enemies.

"Motley, how much do I guess?" Du Xingyu asked Motley.

"No matter what I said, you may analyze more information from my answer." Motley no longer answers positively, it said: "I said, I will not respond to your question. You I will know that the owner's means! "

"Hahaha!" Some people can't help but laugh.

Alliances are all human elites, just scared by unknown enemies, no response.

I have heard the information and analysis provided by Du Xingyu, plus the performance of the robot, their hearts can be determined, this robot is giving them smoke fog, confused them!

"There is no morality in the real war. In the history of human war, the surplus will only face a worse ending. Everyone must work together, can't expect the enemy's pity!" The important member of Hua Guo said.


"The robot actually flicked, this alien technology is a bit meant!"

"Du command, you know the most information, what decision do you have?"

Du Xingyu said: "Of course it is full of preparation! Manufacturing more, stronger space warships."

"The enemy's strength can not be underestimated, they don't seem to care about the ecological environment of the earth." Du Xingyu said, "We have to pull the front of the front, can't play near the earth. Space weapon is casilled to the earth, is a devastating disaster No matter how we defense, it is avoided. "

"The best defense is offense, so my decision is that we have to take the initiative to attack the alien ship!"

"Find them, take the initiative?" The alliance high-level are amazed by Du Xingyu. The normal person heard the news that the alien civilization came to aggression, the first reaction is how to avoid, defense.

And Du Xingyu, actually thinking is to take the initiative to fight the other party, and the enemy is outside the earth!

"It's really a Du command! We first support you in our Pearko!" Said the first part of the Union members of the Bearman.

"Our North America also supports, take the initiative to find and meet, give us more response time!"

"Europe full support!"

"Asia doesn't have to say, of course, support Du command!"

"I can represent Australia now!"

"Support in Africa!"


Fully upgraded equipment, take the initiative to fight, Du Xingyu identified the combat idea of ​​the next human alliance.

"You are angered by the master, will be subject to the most tragic retaliation." Motley said, "You can never imagine, our attack means. Even if you don't surrender, these three years, human beings can not be peaceful."

"What is your bottom? Is it satellite?" Du Xingyu smiled, "Ten years ago, follow you to attack the satellite of the earth, have been hidden in the space area near the earth."

"You know everything!" Motley's smart is not enough! This news, except for the owner and it, no one knows. It has never been revealed, but the other party actually knows!

At this moment, the outer space of the earth, from the moon base and several space warships, the space missile is accurately fired, and their direction is different, flying into the outer space, until a satellite, blow it.

Du Xingyu played the video to him, Motley asked: "All the satellites of Tianwang Company are normal, these satellites are not here, and it has been ambusted for a long time, how do you find it?"

"There is no problem with the satellite of Tianwang Company, I only know that your research has problems." Du Xingyu said, "Tianwang Company collected a lot of earth meteorological data, according to our survey, these meteorological data covers the world, it is more than Professional environmental institutions must also be professional. "

"Satellite company does know these, but think of alien spies also need, it is inevitable."

"These destroyed satellites are installed with high-frequency laser transmitters. I guess that it is not a direct attack weapon, but a meteorological weapon."

"Hey." Motley actually simulated a sigh, he said: "More than ten years of data collection, I have fully grasped the atmospheric data of the Earth. These satellites, this satellite, the high-frequency ray, change the earth atmospheric layer The ionization layer structure causes the air confusion. "

"Then, the earth will explode hurricane, tsunami, etc., you will be self-contained."

"I should find a chance to kill you, you are the obstacle on the road of the owner!" Motley said to Du Xingyu.

When he heard him, the people of the league were shocked. With this ability of this "Terminator" robot, you must sneak attack Du Xingyu, it is really easy.

"Why don't you do this?" Someone asked.

"I am coming too early." Motley said, "More than ten years ago, the lighthouse country is the World Technology Center, so I created the identity disguise into a lighthouse. Who can think that Hua Guo suddenly became World Technology center."

"When I want to go to Hua Guo, your technology has developed. And your test is too strict. Airplane, train, subway, these ordinary people must go to the place to check. Important, I am more difficult Enter, but also did not come into Du Xingyu. As a robot, I can't completely shield all detection devices, so this plan is not implemented. "

I heard his answer, all the alliances were speechless.

The reason why this alien endor assassination mission failed, it is "Victorious"!

In fact, Motley does not know, even if it sneaked into success, Du Xingyu's technology simulator can also detect hazardous signals in advance, and notify it.