The start of science and technology

Chapter 139 The sun is attacked!

Humans have increased the observation of the solar system, as well as the solar system, and the super-visual communication instrument is also sealed.

In addition, after resolving the threat of the marine fleet, human civilization has won the technology of a large number of marine civilizations. The whole civilized society is developing rapidly, especially in space technology, and a big step.

Humans have been able to make other solar planet resources in the solar system, and extend the range of activities to Kieb belts to perform asteroid mining.

Tiangong Space Station, Space Telescope Observatory.

"Look, what is it?" A observer called, in the observation picture, a glare flashed outside the solar system.

That light is so dazzling, so that the sun's light can't completely cover it!

When the observer observed it, it had "play" in the sun.

This situation immediately caused attention to the attention of the Human Alliance, Du Xingyu analysis said: "Even if a light in the solar system is coming to the core of the solar system, it takes a year. This is suddenly appeared, that is, with 'jump' comes to the sun outside the sun. of."

"This shows that it is actually sailing in subcomperses! This may be a weapon of senior civilization!"

When he heard him, everyone became a similar description, because they were associated with the marine civilization, and there were similar descriptions.

"The worst situation is now because the news sent in the ultra-distance message instrument before death, let senior civilization lock the solar system, and launched a weapon to attack the sun." Don't know why, when you really face this Du Xingyu is not afraid when it is.

He is most worried about that if the enemy uses a kind of he is completely unaffected, the unknown means directly wipes the human or earth, that is the most unexpected.

If it is similar to the way of marine civilization, it can also find a way to respond.

"Now we can do it, it is to continue to observe the sun." Humanity launches a lot of sun observation satellite to observe data.

Soon, human beings have observed new strange.

"According to the recent observation image of the sun, a large number of highlights appeared on the sun image. In the case of this, the sun activity began to intensify, and there will be a violent sun storm to scrape the earth!" In the Space Bureau, He Jingcheng said to everyone. .

The sun flare is the most dramatic outbreak in the local area of ​​the sun. It releases a lot of energy in a short period of time, causing instantaneous heating in the local area, emits various electromagnetic radiation outward, and has a sudden increase in particle radiation.

The material and throwing particles, it is the so-called sun storm like a storm. It will cause the Earth's magnetic layer, ionosphere, medium and high-rise atmosphere, etc., which affects human activities.

"The sun activity has exacerbated, is the tragedy to repeat?" The scientist of the marine captive scientists.

In the human alliance, it is also full of uneasiness.

The next observation, more and more confirmed this point of view, and the sun's activities are getting more frequent. It began to produce a stronger radiation, and the new sun flares can be observed every day, and it is getting more and more bright.

"The sun is aging in a sharp dramatic!" This is the conclusion that human scientists have drawn.

For a star, it also has its own "life cycle", and its Zhuang period is the main sequence star, the original sun is this stage.

If it is developed normally, at least 1.2 billion years later, the sun will be aging, become a red superstar.

At that time, the surface temperature of the sun would be lowered, but the volume increased, can expand to the entire earth! At the last moment of life, the sun will explode once, instantly release 10,000 times of radiation, destroy everything in the solar system!

"One hundred years later, the environment of the earth will not be suitable for human survival. After a thousand years, the earth will grilled the sun, it is baked into a coke soil! After another, the earth will be swallowed by the sun, everything is no longer Existing! "The Human Union Headquarters, everyone who heard the news is difficult to accept.

"We can't easily defeat the marine civilization, why will it face this ending?"

"Why is senior civilization to destroy us? Still use this way!"

"What is the fate of human beings?" These experiences have been confused in the high level of the gods crisis and the crisis crisis.

Have the same, their ideas are all against foreign crisis and protect their homes. But now, their homes will no longer be suitable for human survival, what should I do?

"Human, can only be like us, manufacturing space warships, wandering other galaxies!" Vair Scientist said.

"No!" Du Xingyu directly negates, "Now we can make a more powerful fleet than the original marine civilization, but we will face the same problem as they!"

"The journey of light years, the consumption of resources is very huge, once we have completed the resource in vacuum, human beings will have a mess ..."

"Star ship civilization will eventually become a deformed civilization. Technology will be stagnant, will retreat, very probability, we will die in the journey!"

"What do you want to do?" Ni also asked, "Senior civilization has intended to destroy the solar system and make action."

"We ..." Du Xingyu, said a plan that lets everyone, including the nacelakes stunned, "We have to take the earth, leave the solar system together!"

"Du command, I didn't listen to it?" Wang Yizhen said, "Let's leave with the earth? How do we have this thing!"

"This is too exaggerated!" Zhu Zhan felt that he was a bit not enough. The marine whale of the marine civilization was exaggerated. I can't think that Du Xingyu actually proposed to bring the earth to the solar system. It sounds like the heavens!

"This is what God can do." Francis and Garcia said.

"I didn't joke." Du Xingyu continued, "the situation under the moment, human beings must leave the solar system. If you don't want to die in the journey like a marine civilization, we must have enough materials and energy."

"What kind of battleship is available, can energy exceed the earth?"

"But how can we take the earth to take the earth? We are not God!" Wang Yu doubted.

"We are really not God, but can do the same thing as God!" Du Xingyu continued to explain, "Remember the thrust of the gods? That is a device that uses medium nuclear fusion promotion, simply, ' Burning 'stone gains flexible energy. "

"The energy utilization rate of this nuclear fusion is not high, but there are many raw materials! The earth is everywhere, using these raw materials, we can build the planetary propeller."

"If you can build a sufficient number of planet propellars, throw the substance to the outer space, you can generate the force to drive the earth!"

Listening to Du Xingyu, Wang Wei, Zhu Zhenxing, Francis, Garcia, Ainca ... including the marine scientist Ni is all stunned.

This is the plan, this is simply a shocking!

"It's too crazy, it's too crazy!" Ni also said loudly. "How do you think of a planet taken away? This is the planet! Our Valentine's civilization has never thought of this!"

"Planetary propeller?" Zhu Zhenxing exclaimed, "How much is how much engine? How much energy is consumed?"

"The earth can really get rid of the sun gravity?" Wang Yu is difficult to believe.

"I don't know what to say ..." Other people have nothing to say.

Du Xingyu continued: "This program is indeed, as long as we carefully plan. Now human beings are completely capable of building such planetary engines, but you want to let the earth get rid of the sun to gravity is still a bit trouble, I need to think about a new program."

"Where should we go?" Zhu Zhenxing asked.

"The nearest star of the earth is of course the third star of the semi-rival α, which is more than the neighboring star. It is divided into the sun." Du Xingyu said, "I haven't thought about it yet, but it seems that this is the most suitable choice. After all, we have a globe, can't run. "

Everyone: "..."

Du Xingyu's idea not only makes them amazed, but also subverts the worldview of the entire human alliance.

They are discussing in the study. No one can think of a better way, various data analysis shows that humans must leave the solar system.

The way to study the build battleship of the marine civilization will have a lot of human beings who are unable to stay in the earth, and the hope of the fleet survival is also embarrassing.

Du Xingyu, the plan of the propulus, seems to be the best choice!


Human Alliance Headquarters, Press Release Hall.

The alliance has already said in advance, and today there will be important news releases, so the world-renowned media will send reporters to the headquarters.

"This weather is getting hotter!" Obviously the local autumn and winter season, but outside the building, the temperature is still up to 40 degrees.

The pedestrians on the street are in the sun umbrella, and there is no air conditioning.

"The global temperature is high in the world, and the two-level ice cover is accelerated. The sun radiation is getting stronger and stronger. What happened?" Reporter of the Environmental Organization took doubts and walked into the Alliance Press Release Office.

"Since defeating the Valerian Fleet, the alliance does not seem to have such a big battle?" The reporters communicated with each other.

"I don't know why, I have a bad hunch, recently, the climate is too abnormal. Why should we attack the meteorological weapon of the alien?"


On the seat of the release hall, the highest human reputation is also the leaders of the leaders of the leaders of the commander of the vastly civilization, Du Xingyu sitting in the middle.

He announced to the world: "This is a very misfortune, but we have to announce the news. According to our observation and research, the sun enters the rapid and aging period, and the activity is intensive. In the past 100 years, the earth's surface temperature will Rapid one hundred degrees. "

"In the past, the sun will start to expand, and the earth is completely roasting! The rivers and lakes have evaporated. All animals and plants will die! Until the expanded sun is completely engaged!"

"This doesn't mean human immigrant Mars, or the Saxi Sixth Planet can avoid it."

"In the sun, it will continue to expand, swallow these planets, in the end of life, it will explode once, destroy everything in the solar system!"

Until Du Xingyu finished, all reporters showed a pair of expressions that could not be accepted.

Although there is a speech, it really heard Du Xingyu to determine this news, everyone's heart is shouting, expect you to listen to it!