The start of science and technology

Chapter 164 swept around the world!

"Evolutionary blood is originally a shock scam, Professor Du is unveiled!"

"Huazhi scientist is shocked by the language, the bioasiganization is coming to the world!"

"The biochemical crisis becomes a reality? Z viral hulls worldwide!"

"Evolutionary blood is originally a virus transformation? Professor Scoch is eliminated!"

"The fishermen captured a large number of variable creatures in the Atlantic!"

"The North American fleet is in the Pacific, and it is suspected to be a marine monster!"


These news from Hua Guo's network has been circulated on the network in the world, and the people are panicked.

They began to internet query strategies and start hoarding materials.

Du Xingyu has experienced things experienced in the world, and experienced it here.

But and the last time is that the asteroid hits the Earth and gives them for more than ten years. And global codes have been coming!

Coastal cities are first impacted!

The Pacific coast, the fishermen encountered a variant creature when fishing in the sea, within a week, more than two hundred fishermen killed the sea!

Several countries immediately issued an emergency ban and stopped the sea fishing.

Small and medium-sized fishing boats are killed, and large freighters have not escaped!

On the Pacific, a large-scale freight wheel card number hanging on Western Europe is full of containers to North America.

In the long room, Hechris captain is chatting with the big deputy plus.

"Recently, the world is really unaprising!" Garry said, "I heard what kind of biological disaster change, what evolutionary blood is actually a genetic virus, there is a large sea monster in the Pacific, even the warships can turn over!"

"Hahaha!" Fifty-five-year-old captain Hechris laughed and said: "Gary, do you believe this? This is the lie to the Huasai!"

"I ran in half a year. I heard the old man in the same time, I heard the story of the sea monsters, the sea demon. In fact, there is no, the warship can overtight? Haha, they can be trick!"

"As our drainage is 100,000 tons of freighters, even if it is a whale, it can also hit it into a smash!"

Just finished Hercness, the sudden car was stunned.

"What happened?" Hecris supported the handle, "What happened? Here is the center of the Pacific Ocean, can it hit something?"

"On the boat, it is ... is ... is a sea monster!" The crew of the surveillance room trembled, the horror said.

On the radar system of the freighter, there is a huge biological signal.

The crew on the deck also saw a giant appeared from the ocean.

It is like a huge sea snake, wrong, it should be said to be the "Dragon"! It is a few hundred meters long, no eyes, growing a huge head, and the body carses a giant freighter.

"God, what monster is this?" Garry was scared!

"Really a sea mouse? How can it be so big?" Hechris, "" Quick request support, request escort! "

Hailong has made it possible, and the hull of steel casting is like tofu, which is easily chewed by it, and those crew are swallowed in one by one.

In just a few minutes, a hundred thousand tons of ocean freighters are sinking in the Pacific Ocean!

"The Lanca sinks!" This news was shocked again, which can be 100,000 tons of freighter, although not 100,000 tons of aircraft carrier, but it is also one of human science and technology, it is easy to overwhelmed. Biology in front of the biology.

They began to realize that this incident, Du Xingyu did not exaggerate!

Those plant spores in the world of the atmosphere also fell into the continents, started to land root, and some variants have appeared.

Z gene mutagenesis viruses have also begun to spread from the ocean to land, and various regions have begun to report a variant.

They grow rapidly, crazy killing quarry. There is no modern hot weapon in hand, just in front of them like a pig sheep to be killed, there is no power!

Countries have begun to take action, and put pressure on North America and ask them to say truth!

Just start, North America also refused to express our opinions.

Until the North American coast has begun to have a variant creature, and some people have infected Z viruses, and there is an incident of mad attacks, they publicize their discovery.

At the press conference, General Bach said seriously: "This incident is never the disaster caused by the biochemical research of rumors."

"This is a seventy-decade of information. Today we are here public here."

"For 70 years ago, from the outer space of the earth, an object was invested in the Pacific. We went to explore it, found that this is an unknown creature, may come from outer space ..."

"All the probes have sacrificed, except for Yabo School. The animals on the island have a lot of variations, and we will hunt to hunt most of the variation of creatures. We call it as evil nest ! "

"But the devil is finally incubated. After seventy years, we found that the biological signal is getting stronger and stronger. We know that it will not be banned, so he dispatched the team of Soke Professor."

"We have the latest weapons and equipment deep into the devil's nest, which can be died, and we die more heavy than 70 years ago."

"From the electronic device, we have received some information, which is also the basis for studying the blood of evolution."

"The creatures in the evil nest began to climb out of the nest, spread viruses and spores. We tried to use fires, use missiles and other ways."

"So we launched a nuclear bomb to the devil's nest, I want to destroy it! But the truth is that these horrible creatures are not dead, and they spread ... This is a war with the alien civilization. In order to protect human beings, our North America has paid a painful price! We guarded the peace of the seventy years! "

"If you are seventy-decalog, these demon is released, think about it, now the human world is already overwhelmed!"

"In response to the crisis, we are willing to provide some of our research materials and discover ..."

General Bach's speech makes the world vibrate.

It turns out that all this has been bought in seventy years ago! And the enemy is not a virus, a biochemical monster, but a unknown enemy from the outer space!

I don't know what purpose, they put the so-called "demon nest" to the earth! Release these horrible organisms!

This world is really panic! This is the most powerful military force in the world that has not controlled the terrorist organism, and the attacks of nuclear bombs have lived, and they can grow rapidly!

The weapon of human beings is currently a nuclear bomb, and even nuclear bombs are useless. How do they deal with it?

"Sure enough, I will know that it is impossible to change this virus without any reason!" At the meeting of the Military Academy of Sciences, Du Xingyu and a group of academician are looking at Bach's statement.

"Is there a nuclear bomb to kill them?" These military experts feel real fear.

Du Xingyu nodded and said: "I have a new understanding of Z gene mutagenesis in Z gene. The nuclear bomb can of course kill these variation of creatures, but can't completely kill the virus!"

"In the radiation environment, the Z virus will even accelerate the variation. So not there is no need to use nuclear weapons!"

"Professor Du, now the situation, how to control?" Someone asked.

Du Xingyu said: "The disaster is too fast, and human beings have not prepared it. Everyone should do the worst plan, now we have to give up the ocean, guard the land."

"Abandon the ocean? Now the economic globalization, the ocean gives up to bear how much consequences?" A high-level shocked.

"Mr." Du Xingyuqi emphasized. "I said that I will give up the ocean just say a little. It is difficult to listen to the variation of the ocean! I dare to assert, no more than half a year, the aircraft carrier fleet is just send vegetables in the ocean. ! "

"So horrible?" Everyone was suspected.

"Of course!" Du Xingyu said, "Our enemies should be a biotechnology super-developed alien civilization! Although I don't understand what their purpose is."

"But according to the evolution of Z viruses can be concluded, within half a year or within one year, there will be a biochemical weapon with planetary force, or it is also a super sea monster!"

"Playbird, what?" The world did not develop space technology, so I didn't understand the weapons of senior civilization.

Du Xingyuku said: "This is my division of advanced civilization weapons."

"Simply, the current human civilization belongs to the first-level female civilization, only activities near the earth. Planbar weapons are the highest level of combat power weapons in the first-level civilization. Use space warships can be classified, and the linear biochemical Weapons, equivalent to a planetary space cruise ship, with all the weapons in the world, including the power of sinking the air carrier! "

"Because I have a lot of understanding of biochemical weapons, so these biochemical monsters can evolve, will not break through the planet, I don't know."

"In short, I think we should take defense in three years. After three years, my biological computer research success, and further understanding of variants, we have anti-attack power."

"As for the economy, cultural exchanges, don't need to be considered." Du Xingyu said very cruel, "most of the human world will fall! What we can do is to protect your own nationals! Give some other parts of the world. help."

"Z viral inhibitors have been developed, speeding up production, protects us. The attack of variability is still to rely on military power."

For such things, Du Xingyu is also very helpless. Advanced civilization is really not a hanging, it can be copened. Didn't see the human civilization of the technology simulator, is it not destroyed by high-dimensional civilization?

The atmosphere of the meeting became incapacitated, and although everyone has been mentally prepared. This disaster will not be small, but I didn't expect to be so serious!