The start of science and technology

Chapter 176 encirclement

"No matter how difficult, this battle, we will win!" Du Xingyu once again came to the Yunzhou base, and he came with him, and there was a variety of biochemical weapons manufactured for half a year.

Compared to the last hasty, this kind of biochemical weapon has more, more quantity, and Du Xingyu also made genetically modified to some of these specific variants, making them stronger in some special capabilities!

"This battle, the regular troops we can gather 300,000 troops!" Li Tai said, "The number of variations that expect the core of the nest will exceed one million!"

"Biochemical special forces, currently only one thousand people."

The biochemical special forces is the special soldiers after genetically modified soldiers, but they not only have the ability to similar variants, but also retain the wisdom and characteristics of human beings.

"It's enough! The biochemical army, add up to 50,000!" Du Xingyu put its sight on the 3D map of the insect nest.

This is a poisonous area, no special equipment, human soldiers cannot enter.

According to the intelligence detection, this area has been built by the military base in thousands of worms. In other words, they must not only face the attack of variants, but also prevent possible biochemical military weapons!

"Still old." Du Xingyu said, "Let the Biochemical Legion first go to the road, clear the variants around the nest, form the circumstances."

"Well, this is also the most stable!" The army of Yunzhou Base has been mobilized, and they began to go deep into the Yunzhou insect nest.

The engineering troops have taken the first step, and the railways, roads such as the major disaster are repaired along the maritime route.

The four thousand people in the Yunzhou base, as well as billions of people who survived in China, and human survivors around the world are paying attention to this battle.

On the news media, the embassy battle of Yunzhou insect nest has become an absolute hottest, and each new news affects people's nerves.

"The latest news, Yunzhou base has been soldier, and it is expected to reach the core area of ​​the insect nest, pay the Yunzhou insect nest!" On the news, the end of the news.

"I wish you a peaceful victory, you must return to peace!" Netizen is praying for the soldiers.

"Finally, it is necessary to fight! These variants have violated us too long!"

"In the past, my family was Yunzhou, and now the city has been completely changed!"

"I heard that there is a super variant in the center of the insect nest, is it true? Have we played?"

"Professor Du Xingyu, why didn't you see his news? Is this Biochemical Legion have new arms?"


After the success of the beast defensive battle, the biochemicals manufactured by Du Xingyu caused a huge sensation.

Humans once again find confidence, it is not completely unable to control these terrible monsters!

Under the control of Du Xingyu, they can become the sharp weapon!

The various variants of the biochemical army, or the troops, have also become the topic of everyone.

On the network, there are people specializing in the website of the Biochemical Legion, analyzing various kinds of arms, data, combat capabilities, etc.

There are many genius creative and design, and Du Xingyu often collects the above data. Because this game is his investment design!

There are many of these soldiers in this biochemical army, and there are many improvements based on netizens.

The core of Yunzhou insect nest, the NATM King naturally explored the information of human attack.

"The food actually dares to resist ... Zi Toss, since they sent them to the door, they will all destroy them!" Thousands of worm king activities, a hard belly from its body, new insect shells Glossy, its body has increased than before!

In particular, its abdomen, there is a super high thermal energy reaction, comparable to nuclear furnace!

This is a biological engine constructed by the insectic biomolecule, which provides powerful energy supply!

It sends a sound wave, a new directive: "Incubate those eggs in advance, and make a war deploy according to my order!"

"This time, I will not only let the 300,000 people have come back, but also to attack the Yunzhou base, attack the human hinterland!"

"In my opponent, you have not on the shore, take up the land of the land!"

In the core of the insect nest, there is a region where all kinds of eggs are spread. There are some huge white bugs to provide nutrients and energy, and get the command of thousands of worm king.

These white bugs inject their blood and life substances into insect eggs with a syringe, after which they have died.

Those worms that are still in development are rapidly ripe, and one of the high-grade variability is broken, and the guards of the insect nest are added.


Outside the nest, a ruined city.

The variant plants that grow people have masked all kinds of buildings built by human civilization, and the variants are hidden in the dark corners waiting for the prey.

Here is Y city, which is less than one hundred kilometers from Yunzhou insect nest, once is a second-tier city, with more than 500,000 common people.

But now, here is a paradise of variants, and each uninvited passenger may become a manure of monster here!

"Note that we are very close to the core of the insect nest!" A biochemical special forces opened as the leading force.

"Level 4, five variants may appear!" Sun Haofeng, who was on a high floor, and observed around with a telescope.

"First fix the signal station!" Their primary task is to fix the endless signal station to ensure communication.

"Is there a found?" Sun Haofeng asked the team members responsible for monitoring.

"No, it's too strange!" The player Xiaoyun was confused, "in this city, there was no change in a variety of variants! No!"

"There must be a demon abnormally!" Sun Haofeng reminded, "double the warning!"

"Is it a variant to be adjusted to the core of the insect nest?" A team member guess the road.

"It's impossible!" Sun Haofeng doubtfully, "the IQ of those senior variants is not lower than us, and they say that they will never let us go to the core of the nest!"

"I always have a bad hunch!"

He looks around, in addition to the plant vines attached to the building, there is still no trace of variants.

The variant can pass the light, odor, sound or even sound waves, and thermal sensation to learn more than a dozen people, and they can't feel it!

"How long does the signal station have been repaired?" Sun Haofeng asked.

"For about ten minutes! Replace several parts." The maintenance team is still working.

"Warning, discovers the action!" At this time, the bio computer in the Sun Haofeng made a reminder.

Biocomputement discovers the plant position around them via the image comparison of the image memory.

This change is difficult to observe with the human eye, but the artificial brain can perform accurate data contrast, let them notice the crisis in advance.

"It turned out to be plants, brothers, pay attention!" Sun Haofeng has been prepared for fighting.

Other team members have also taken out weapons and be vigilant.

"Hey!" The first attack of variant plants did not come from the bottom, but from their feet!

They are in the high-rise buildings, while variant plants have sneaked into the floor below, they don't preparation, the caves wear the bottom plate, and directly wore a teammate!

"Wu Ping!" Sun Haofeng shouted, quickly a knife broke the plant vines.

"Captain, I am fine!" Wu Ping Qingli violently, biting the teeth, pulling the cave, and the vine is like a snake who is being broken, it is still twisting on the ground.

And Wu Ping's wound on the body, blood is quickly solidifying.

He gave birth to a lot of breath, "Follow it, I have made genetic transformation, the restoration force is strengthened, otherwise it will be realized!"

"Come!" Sun Haofeng violently, a punch took the floor - his genetic transformation is muscle and bone strength!

"Kill!" The players began to fight, and countless vines wrapped in the whole building from the madness of the ground. There are a high building in dozens of buildings, actually wrapped in a green cockroach!

"Killing this dog!" Xia Yian took a rocket, and it was a gun. However, the shell was only briefly blown out some vines, so that the holes were made up!

More vines rushed in, like countless giants, and constantly attacked everyone.

"Captain, I can't live! This guy is not afraid of bullets."

"Use the acid bomb! Take out!" Sun Haofeng commanded.

"All Preparation!" Xiaoyan reached a sour bomb, and the sour is aligned.

The burst of acid is corroded along with the vines, and the small team rushed out.

There are hundreds of meters outside the wall, they have prepatip, each launched grabbed the wall of the opposite building, ready to escape to adjacent buildings.

"Captain! You see!" A team member screamed, his voice is full of horror.

Everyone looked down, I saw a big hole in the ground, it was a big mouth! The pointed teeth of the dense label are full, while a few rough vines than the bucket are open to them, this is to swallow them all!

"Not good!" Sun Haofeng's expression is very embarrassed, and now they are all in half, there is almost no resort.

It is expected that after being eaten, it is inevitable to be ten dead!

At this time, a black figure jumped from high-rise, as a shell, shot into the mouth.

"What?" They haven't responded yet, the big mouth has been closed, and the shadow is eaten.

But trying to attack their vines all dramatically "convulsions", crazy retreat.

After a few seconds, the bottom of the shadow drill came out, covered with green juice, and still took a basketball size, and the beating variant heart.

"It's the iron blood violence!" A team member was excited, "" must be our biochemical army! "

It is definitely the biochemical weapon of biochemical leaders.

"This is too strong?" Xia Yian stunned, "This variant is definitely a five-level variant plant to strangitine. It directly depends on the stranded vine. Is the iron transfusion not a four-level variant?"

"This is my lonely?" A player said, "We can do gene transformation, the biochemical weapon can be," this is a special genetically modified iron tyrant, has already had the strength of the five-level variants. "

"It is T2-19!" Sun Haofeng suddenly shouted.

"What is the T series?" Everyone looked at each other and realized what.

Biochemical weapons are some intelligent program control, and some are biocomputer remote control. The T series is the exclusive weapon series of Du Xingyu.

"Professor Du is terrible!"

"Suddenly I feel that the style is a bit! Is Professor Du not a scientist?"

"Take him! Hurry to complete the task, don't let Du Professor to see a joke!" Sun Haofeng salted a ceremony and directed his teammate to continue the task.

And Du Xingyu controlled the iron tyrants, continued to go to the core of the nest.

After three days of cleaning in Y City, the Biochemical Special Forces also arrived.

From here, their missiles can directly hit the core! And the army can also rush in the core of the nest, the war, one touch!