The start of science and technology

Chapter 178 Parasitic ("Biometric" added more)

"Attack!" Under the ground, there was an early wearing mountain pendulong and latentant waiting for it.

In the base cave, they don't want to hit the king of thousands of worms, and they carry the biological strong acid bomb that only the battlefield sprayers can make!

"Zi Zi ..." Thousands of worms were not prepared, and it was injured, and its large crust was corroded by a biological acid, and it was also biting by more than a dozen five variants.

This forces it to drill out the ground and want to escape from the ground.

However, on the ground, a group of branches have already prepared it.

The five-level variant of Du Xingyu, the iron plate tyrant 2.0, a total of more than 20, surrounded the thousands of worm!

"Despicable human beings, can you deal with great insects?" Thousands of worm king, it knows, you must start attack.

It is a poison gas. This gas is also strong than the corrosive corrosivity of the biological acid, and can almost instantly die.

"Verend? I know you will come here!" Du Xingyu wishes, and they have long been able to have a variety of attack methods of thousands of insect kings.

So before it is surrounded by it. It is transformed by antivisions. Although these toxins have an impact on them, they are not enough to make them!

"Kill!" Twenty iron blood violence 2.0 rushed together, crazy attacking thousands of worm king.

Their brute force is amazing, tearing the foot of the thousand insect king.

"Zi Zi ..." Thousands of worm kings screamed, "Zi ..."

Du Xingyu's biological computer connection has a short blank, and thousands of worm king issued a sessile wave, and he wanted to shock these biochemical weapons.

"Zi Zi ..." On the sky, the sound wave winglon also issued a sessile wave, interfered with the attack of thousands of worm.

And those biochemical weapons, no voicon attack violent, and they have also been strengthened in this regard.

"I will rely on you!" The two attacks of thousands of worms were blocked. It was anger, biting a iron blood tyrant 2.0 into half.

But other biochemical weapons are still not afraid of death, Du Xingyu resumes links to their biochemical brain.

His purpose is simple, as long as you can hunt thousands of worms, it is not tighter even if the Biochemical Legion is over.

Anyway, they already have their genetic maps and embryos, and will be cloned in the future!

The thousandsps king caught in the battle, and more five-level variants surrounded. The battlefield spray of sprayed acid bombs, five-level mad, long-shaped cutters and other cutters, etc.

Soon, thousands of worm kings were scarred, and one-third of the body was biting.

"Human!" Thousands of worm king completely worked, as a real insect, it also has the biochemical weapon of its own pressure box!

"I will not only destroy your biochemical leaders, but also to kill human cities and eat you!"

The thousands of worm king spurted black substances from the mouth, which is a small organism wrapped in the biofilm.

Look carefully, it is a narrowed version of the "Thousands of Worm Kings", which is Xiaozi.

These little encountered air, immediately break the biofilm, disperse around.

They are small, fast, and Du Xingyu has no way to quickly destroy it.

One of them quickly climbed to the iron blood violence 2.0, and biting its skin, drilling into its body.

Du Xingyu felt wrong, wanting to force it. But after this small enters the biochemical weapon, it is difficult to attack it.

It directly climbed to the biochemical brain of the iron blood tyrant, bite, neurotoxin immediately cut Du Xingyu and this biochemical weapon.

Du Xingyu converted the vision to the biochemical brain of the biochemical weapon next to the biochemical weapon. He saw that the iron blood violence was 2.0 nonsense but did not fall.

"Ball!" Du Xingyu is shocked. He thought that the biochemical weapon of the thousand insect king was the acid or poison. I didn't expect its big tricks to be parasitic and control!

No wonder this guy has not been willing to leave the old nest. If there is not enough variant, its combat power itself is not strong.

And Du Xingyu's biochemical army just became the goal of it.

More and more biochemical weapons are parasitized, they are controlled by thousands of worms and began to attack their companions.

"Torked ..." Thousands of worm king began to speak in human language, "stupid guys, can you deal with me against traps?"

"Insectic biotechnology is you can't imagine, your biochemical weapons will become my warrior!"

"They can not only manipulate these biochemical weapons, but also absorb their energy, continue to grow, split into countless me! Torking, when you are extinct!"

"Can you proliferate?" Du Xingyu has a little understanding why the thousands of worm king clearly has no powerful attack means, but it can become the first evolution to six-level variants.

Relying on this parasitic control, its similarity even does not touch it, it will become nutrient!

Du Xingyu's Biochemical Legion has begun in trouble. He controls the biochemical weapon and the parasitic biochemical weapon to kill each other, and thousands of worm king, drilling into the ground, repair the body.

"There is still this hand, it is a bit tricky ... and you can't escape the king of thousandsps, it is even more difficult to deal with it." Du Xingyu's brain flew, calculated the method of dealing with parasite.

"The parasite is difficult to deal with in biochemical weapons. First, it is necessary to reduce the parasitic weapons, first pull away!" Du Xingyu adjusted the location of the Biochemical Legion, avoiding more biochemical weapons being parasitic.

"In addition, the strength of parasites itself is not strong. Too much variant is inconvenient to deal with it, and the body-type variant deals it should be easier ..."

Du Xingyu immediately adjusted a group of secondary variants "Sonic Birds". This variant has no attack power and biochemical weapons. The only advantage is fast and can reach supersonic.

He first cloned this sound speed, which was used as a biological communication tool.

At this time, you can just send it, a large number of sound speed birds come quickly, and start the parasite on the ground.

Sure enough, the body of parasites is very fragile, and it is easy to be eliminated in the biological body.

It's just that the bottom is still moving out of parasites. This is a consumption, and the fire is still the biochemical army of Du Xingyu.

"Do you have not to go yet?" Du Xingyu thought that he could cope with these parasites, thousands of worm king should run away, and there is no need to display the thermal sensing device, which has been hidden in the foundation, and has not left.

"Why doesn't it escape?" Du Xingyu thoughtfully, with the character of "old silver coins" with thousands of worms, it should escape the first time.

At this time, there must be a reason.

"It can't control these parasites long distances? Is wrong, its second sound waves can be controlled by a few hundred kilometers away!"

"Still, is it worried that the parasite changes?"

Du Xingyu observed that the first iron blood violer 2.0 suddenly bleed from parasitic, can't afford it.

From its brain, drilled a cockroaches, and this was a lot more than the beginning, it was obviously to absorb the biological nutrients of the iron blood tyrant.

It quickly drilled into another variant, and this only varies, it became more flexible.

"The parasites have grown!" Du Xingyu suddenly realized what, the thousand insess king said that, the parasite will grow up.

If it grows, will it be controlled by the thousands of worm? Such parasites should be independent biological individuals according to the law of the biological industry.

If it continues to grow, it should be able to grow into the second thousand insect king. If the king of thousands of worms can control the same body as yours, then it is not a world! Why is it necessary to drive other variants?

"That is to say, thousands of worm kings are worried that these parasite grow too quickly, become new individuals, and competition it?"

In order to experiment their own ideas, Du Xingyu deliberately controls some low-level variants to "feeding" that has evolved once.

Sure enough, the parasites grow again in a short time and drilled into the head of the third biochemical weapon.

"What are he doing? This man ..." The thousands of worms realized that they were not right, it immediately started to control other parasitic, eliminating this growth of bugs.

"Haha, Sure enough, my guess is accurate." Du Xingyu took the talent of thousands of insects, the heart was full.

This illustrates that this parasite has the genetic information of thousands of worm king, as long as it captures it, you can get the genetic information of thousands of worm king.

In addition, it can be used to contain thousands of worm king.

Du Xingyu began to increase confusion, "helping" the thousands of insect king to create more advanced parasites, the low-level variants in the biochemical legion, are taken to send dishes.

In this way, the thousands of worm kings can no longer control the biochemical arms attack biochemical army it controls, but the bucket of the parasites started.

At the same time, the biochemical weapon of the ambush is also started, and the king of thousands of worms.

"Siny human!" Thousands of worm king's control of other parasites is more and more powerful, once these parasites have evolved, the independent awareness will become stronger and stronger, and there have been several beginning to try to get rid of its control.

"If they grow up, they will definitely come back to swallow me!" Thousands of worms have fallen into contradictions, "But now I don't go, will be besieged ..."

The foundation, the latentants have begun to bite and attack it with an acid bomb.

"The ground defense is weak ..." Thousands of worm king for helplessness, and drilled out the ground again. This time it did not attack the biochemical army on the ground, but rushed toward the parasitic body.

Some parasites climbed out, entering its mouth, there are several unwilling to come back, thousands of worm kings swallowed them, then they have to escape.

"Big , now I want to run, late!" Du Xingyu took this, and several tough and thick tongue bundled thousands of worms.

This is one of the five-level variants of the biochemical army. It has hundreds of meters long tongue, which can bundle the enemy to bind, then swallow.

The kingdom of thousands of worms and power is very large. In the case of serious injuries, the food is still trapped!

"Death!" A few iron blood violence 2.0 rushed up, crazy to tear and attacked its body, using a steel column with high voltage currents in the dirt.

"Torked ..." Thousands of worm kings struggled, but it has no good thing.

It is invincible, uses human language: "You will regret it, you will only be insect food! Ready to meet the revenge of the insect!"

Before dying, it sent a long penetrating secondary sound wave. The Soviet Union once made a nuclear test in Xinji Island revolves around the earth, and the number of times issued before the king of thousands of worms was not inferior to the nuclear test.

It will always be conducted until the entire earth is spread!

Where the first spread, there is a sound of the insects, and the same response!

"This is a global communication!" Du Xingyu has detected this through the instrument. "Sure enough, the insects can cross the continents and ocean."

"What information is sent before dying? Is it about China's intelligence or a revenge request?" All, Du Xingyu has not known, and the second sound wave is passed to the world, and it takes a certain time.

Now, thousands of worms have died, it is time to completely destroy the clouds in the cloud!