The start of science and technology

Chapter 207 Quick Engine

The anti-substance bullet and it collided together, the outer casing of the anti-substance bullet was automatically lysed, and the zero-point one gram anti-substance was in contact with the strong force material.

The protrusion of the inverse substance is annihilated, the structure of the strong force material is destroyed, just like a bricks together, suddenly pumping a piece from the middle, the entire "brick" begins to collapse.

The energy of the orthogonal irritation instantly has accelerated this process. From an external perspective, it is the crushing of the anttrospactic bullet to make the droplet aircraft!

"Crush!" In the depths of the whistle, Huang Qi shouted.

This dripping aircraft, but the whole destroyed weapons of human exploration fleets and millions of tens of thousands of detected satellites, this is broken by a baculic bullet!

As the first water droplet is crushed, the second, the third, hundreds of water droplets were traced by anti-substance bullet network, all crushed!

The first trial of the enemy tested to fail!

"Collect materials, arrange the detection satellite of installing the anti-bacterial bullets." Du Xingyu will definitely.

"Yes!" The frontline commander immediately adjusted the arrangement, from the unmanned battleship, released a number of probes satellites with millions of grades, and these detection satells carry several anti-substance bullets, and they encountered a water droplet, they also have the ability to destroy them. !

"Perfect!" Yang Shaolin shouted, "I can't take care of our intelligence!"

"Don't worry." Du Xingyu is still observing, seeing the enemy has no subsequent attacks.

After waiting for several hours, after the aircraft from the water droplet, the enemy did not release any detection and attack weapons. It is probably that they find that human beings have had anti-material weapons and adjusted tactics.

"This attack should be able to bring us some wheezing time." Du Xingyu said, "But the next attack, it should be the enemy's fleet!"

"So this time, we must create a stars mariuna!"

"Well." Chen Hong's head, "in the outer space than the neighboring star, we built a warship factory, which can be used to make a stellar annihilation ship."


The wreckage of the water droplet is sent to the Institute in the fastest speed, and human beings have begun to analyze them.

"Water droplets are actually ordinary materials, the key is the inside!" Du Xingyu has to be amazed in the construction of water droplets, its internal power field, the strong force of the overflow will kill the atomic lock, manufactured to this almost "invincible "Super material!

And inside, there is an ultra-small curvature engine that allows it to accelerate, steering and other functions.

"Du Dean, we analyzed the internal structure of the water droplets. Preliminary judgment, it is not a kinetic weapon, but a detector!" Academician of the Academy of Sciences said.

"Sure enough, the enemy wants to detect our information with a water drip detector." Du Xingyu is the beginning of this. "

"Further analysis of the force field generator and ultra-small curvature engine!" Du Xingyu told him.

This time I crushed the droplet aircraft, and it is significant for humans. First, you can get the enemy, the second is the device in the water droplet, which will bring a new scientific understanding to humans.

Although I didn't really see the enemy's appearance, I at this time Du Xingyu can be concluded that the enemy's civilization has stepped into three-level civilization.

According to the technology simulator, secondary civilization is a civilization that can be freedom in several stellar activities.

Human civilization is currently 2.5, then enhances, and it is necessary to study anti-material reactor, and curvature engine.

To break through the secondary civilization to three civilizations, the iconic technology is to master the "big unified theory" and technology.

The big uniform theory, it is also a reason to be everything!

There is only four interactions between microscopic particles, universal, electromagnetic, strong interaction, and weak interaction.

In theory, all the phenomena in the universe can be explained in these four role. By further studying the contact and unity between four roles, finding the theory or model of the four interactions to explain the four interactions.

If a civilization has mastered a big unified theory, it can transform these four basic forces. For example, converting electromagnetic force into gravitational force, transforming into strong interaction.

The material such as a water droplet is manufactured in this way.

In addition, it can have more roles.

Humans currently only master the unified theory of strong interaction, weak interaction, and electromagnetic force, and human beings are not known for how to transform gravity.

"There is too much to do." Du Xingyu found that he must do multiple research projects simultaneously.

Fortunately, today's human scientists are too much to make, they also have a bio computer or a telegraph chip to assist.

While Du Xingyu analyzes the water droplet structure, the particle scientists of the Academy have also found new discovery.

"In the collision test in the particle, we found a new particle." Badler, the particle physicist said, "After many tests confirmed, he is a Higgs Baozi, who has been predicted."

Higns Bolt, this is a spinbred bicycle, without charge, color, extremely unstable, particles that will be decay immediately after generation.

In the Higs mechanism, Higs farm has caused spontaneous symmetry and sends quality to the proposal and Fermi. Higs Particles are the field quantizes of the Higs farm, which is quality by self-interaction.

Simply put, it represents the conversion of energy and quality is completely established.

"Very good, found this particle, the unified theory of the three basic forces prior to prove the human beings are correct." Du Xingyu Xinxi, according to this idea, human beings can continue to advance on the path of the original particle physics, Research a big unified theory.


The human peasive water drip detector has been in the past two months, and the Academy of Sciences copied strong interaction materials for the first time.

This material is far better than the alloy material used by the space warship, which will be applied to the latest battleship.

At the same time, Du Xingyu has also begun the entity test test of anti-substance reactors.

The energy of the anti-substance and the positive substance reaction is too horror. If it is not converted and controlled, the reactor will become a "anti-substance bomb"!

For safety, the test process will be carried out in space.

This is a huge control device, comparable to a small spacecraft!

Many of its parts and nuclear fusion reactors are some similar, and the reaction efficiency of the reactor is controlled by controlling the quality of the antimatter.

Magnetic field storage and constraint ant substrates, the kinetic energy system will continue to stabilize energy output.

"Add anti-substance!" Du Xingyu ordered, in the reactor, several grams of anti-substances were added, it immediately stated with the positive substance and released huge energy.

Transforming thermal energy into other energy, this technique has been mature, the energy response system of reactors, and the display energy value has soared.

"The reactor is stable."

"The cooling system is stable."

"The energy storage system is stable."

"Increase the investment of anti-substances." Du Xingyu has improved the quality of anti-substances. Next, the energy exceeding the hydrogen bomb explosion occurred in the reactor, and the magnetic field and plasma cover should be constrained all of these energy, and do not let it explode. .

Maintain stability is the hardest!

The energy level is gradually improved, and the reactor remains stable.

A few days later, the reactor still releasing energy in continuously. Du Xingyu can basically decide: "The anti-substance reactor is completed."

"Humanity can finally use the energy of anti-substances!" The scientists present were excited. This represents human beings can finally break through the level of 2.5 civilization and explore higher areas.

Du Xingyu did not have too excited, the completion of anti-substance reactors, does not represent the completion of the curvature engine and the track.

The anti-substance reaction stack can provide a far supercharged to the energy of the nuclear fusion reactor, how can I save?

He analyzes the ultra-small entry engine of the water droplet.

"In the droplet speed sailing, the water droplets will produce a track, which is slightly distorted time and space!"

"This twisted time and space is equivalent to a quick bubble, and the water droplets will be saved in subcompellent."

"The way the warship is not much like the water droplet, so I must first try to use the anti-substance reactor and make the venue."

Du Xingyu began to simulate on the schematic simulator, the generation of the track, is actually the time and space near the twist curvature engine.

In nature, large quality celestial, such as stars, or black holes such as the dark hole, the light is self-gravity.

The warship obviously couldn't do this, so Du Xingyu used the second way to use the energy field to squeeze the space around, causing spatial distortion to create a track.

"In the entry of the tank, the anti-material reactor reactor releases a large amount of energy, converting the working fluid into ultra-high temperature plasma."

"These ultra-high temperature plasma is configured by a curve coil, producing a curved vente, and gradually change the surrounding space shape to achieve the effect of the track."

Du Xingyu already has a thinking, the ultra-small entry engine of the water droplet aircraft gives him a lot of inspiration.

He simulates the entry engine and transforms the design model of the track.

Scroll speed wars must be completely different from the previous stellar warships because they have to withstand the squeezing of the track.

"Input 10 million energy points and start simulate the entry engine."

Du Xingyu combines the original anti-material reactor and the tank to form a complete system.

"Ignite the reactor." Du Xingyu added anti-substances into the reactor, and the annihilation effect began to be produced.

Energy is added to the working temperature, the workshest is heated to super high temperature plasma as the star core, and they travel along the magnetic conduit, generate energy field, extrusion space.

This is an extremely bad process, and hundreds of trials, Du Xingyu failed. Because he learned to the song, it will destroy the energy field structure, even directly destroy the engine itself.

After thousands of attempts, the collection of data once again, Du Xingyu established a mathematical model of a curved venue manufacturing in the brain, referred to as the curved field model.

Through this model, you can know how energy input, how much super high temperature plasma, magnetic strength in the magnetic conduit, how to control.

Science and technology simulator: "The Quick Field has been generated!"

In Du Xingyu brain, a man-made curve has been formed around the entry, even if it is here, it will be distorted!

"The next step is to expand the speed field, form a track speed bubble!" Only if the track speed is completely packaged, the warship can completely sail, or the wars will be a moment of disintegration!